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Side by side comparison


90g, 90g, 90s?

You realize the difference between 90g and 99g could mean $100 to some folks. Maybe the next side by side could be more detailed.

that was a typo.. 90g, 90g, 93g...i missed the other g...

lol, what kinda details are you looking for exactly? I gotta find the other pics...
hi would like to see the results of this side by side as I am a modest defoliator and having just finished reading a 10000 post thread on the subject (no kidding), I'm still curious.


New member
Defoliated plant: 233 grams freshly cut, 117g semi dry, 90gs 1week later, completely dry.

Trimmed plant: 293g freshly cut, 134 semi dry, 90gs 1 week later, completely dry.

Untouched plant: 315g freshly cut, 159 semi dry, 90s 1 weeks later completely dry.

Also, when I say freshly cut, I mean cut off the plant, and all leaves trimmed already, nothing being weighed but buds, maybe an occasional stem, or branch.

ok so the untouched plant won. Just by looking at the freshly cut grams, anyone would definitely say that the untouched plant was the winner.

now, I think you may have lied or not told the complete truth about the completely dry weights because 90,90,90 sounds a bit unrealistic. I mean, if I had a plant that was 100g freshly cut and another that was 182g freshly cut, then I would never assume or even think that I would get 80 grams or even 80 grams on one and 88 grams on the other on both plants... Maybe to other people it sounds realistic but to me, it doesn't.

I mean seriously.. how in the hell does a plant that produced 315g freshly cut ends up being 93g while the plant that produced 233g ends up being 90g?


Active member
i meant did he weigh the plants untouched after he cut them down, then trimmed, hung, dried, and weighed again? idk


With run with the side by side experiment yielded the same overall yield, both plants bringing in 78 grams... not too bad... when i have time and space to do this again, I will, and will wait til after the stretch :)

Did I miss something? Where did the other 12 grams come from?


The plants were weighed after cut and I believe trimmed as well,...

Different plants with different growth structures WILL dry and weigh differently... if you can't see that... then I'm sorry for you; but to call me a liar in your first post? LOL, that's pretty bold... you must be one of Japanfreakier's multiple alias's or one of the other pestering folks with nothing better to do than bitch and moan and try to pick out faults.... but oh well, fuck ya, it is what it is...

I clearly stated that the 78grams was from another project in a previous post...:)


New member
Wow a bit cocky arnt ya incog? Dont get too pissed when ur growin plants as big as waterbottles. Lets do a side by side, If i have twins and cut the legs and arms off one, lets see witch one weighs less. Great thread


New member
The plants were weighed after cut and I believe trimmed as well,...

Different plants with different growth structures WILL dry and weigh differently... if you can't see that... then I'm sorry for you; but to call me a liar in your first post? LOL, that's pretty bold... you must be one of Japanfreakier's multiple alias's or one of the other pestering folks with nothing better to do than bitch and moan and try to pick out faults.... but oh well, fuck ya, it is what it is...

I clearly stated that the 78grams was from another project in a previous post...:)

oh.... so they all weren't one plant? Well then this test was a waste of time then..

not only that but you weighted the leaves of the untouched plant too? seriously?

So repeat again, which one weighted the most at the end of the test cuz from what I read from your conclusion is that the untouched plant weighted more after dried.


yeah i use the shades of green technique bro, ive been doing it for over 5 years now ive found some plants love it they make nice bowl shaped plants with bottom growth coming to the top with a nice even canopy.

then on some plants the bottom shoots never really take off they stay small. also where the new branch comes from above the shade leaf, it can stunt on some strains, i find sativas and sativa indica mixs love it where af afghany andother strong indicas, not all, but some dont really take that well to it.

also when you pull you leaves off matter immensly, i found just b4 you put her into flower is the best time about a week b4. then you get lots of extra nodes. its best to wait for the leaves the shade is supporting to show nicely b4 you pull otherwise they take forever, if there is enough new tip to take on light then its good to pull the shade leaf under it.

i like to work my way from the top then pulling off each set as the branch gets nearer the top. that coupled with bending produces some impressive specimens

this is what ive examined in my experience anyway, thats all i can comment on.


heres a few different strains ive done it on jsut the first at hand.

these all had the shade leaves removed b4 going into flower only the tips remained.:tiphat:


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New member
so whats the increase in yield with your method? Just asking because this guys method actually decreased yield.