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Sick plants


These were looking fine in veg but after I put them in the flower tent they started loosing color in the leaves. The greens look patchy or blotchy.

What might be causing this?


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Bat Macumba
What are you feeding? What medium? Any cold or aberrant temps lately? How long did they veg?
Like bsgospel said we need a bit more info what kind of watering schedule do you got it on? Also what kind of lighting do you have and how far away is it?

Need more info and pics could be the start of a potassium deficiency and my recent broadmite investation started out looking like a P def. Dont want to scare you im just paranoid of the lil demons atm. If flowers pop up and pistils shrivel right away then you know you most likely got em.


New member
Got ya

Got ya

Ok so not exact on veg around a month. I use black gold soil super fresh no additives yet on watering. When small started at 65 humidity 82 on temp. 300 watt mars hydro placed very close to the top which sits at 4 feet. I have been 24 hours light. Water by feel of soil doing my best to not over water. Tap water with ph 7.0. They sit at constant 80 degrees 40 percent humidity. I had light about 2 1/2 feet away when this began went as high as I could after. No changes but the fiming of the big one. They looked great untill I feel like I fucked up fiming but I don't know. I'm a newbie.
I thought maybe light burn at first but that might be a iron deficiency blunttrama. No idea why you cant make a new thread maybe you gotta wait 24hrs but be careful people might get mad if you highjack their thread. Some forums got rules against it not sure if this one does. Try feeding them some epsom salts mixed into the water next time they look healthy overall. Pm me with questions i'll try to get back to you quickly but im not online all the time


Active member
Ok for DoDad since we have no info I'm going to go with Heat stress.

Blunttrama 1st I think new members can only make threads in New grower area.
As for plant looks to be Iron def tho it could be others as well IDK. I can tell you that it's most likely cause from ph being to high causing lockout. Lower PH to 6.5 and spray them with something like liquid karma or a fish emulsion.
Not trying to bust your chops but this is the new grower area i just think he doesnt know how to start a thread yet. Blunttrama look at the upper left on the main page of this sub forum and you will see a button that says new thread click on it and it'll take you to where you can start a thread.


Active member
Maybe I should have worded that differently ...I meant Introduction section, IDK it's been a long time since I joined and lots of changes.
Maybe I should have worded that differently ...I meant Introduction section, IDK it's been a long time since I joined and lots of changes.

Np man i can't even remember how it was when i first joined. I seem to recall having to wait 24hrs or something after i created my account but not sure.

Either way i think blunttrama was just confused about what to click on to make a new thread. Thats my guess at least


Active member
Np man i can't even remember how it was when i first joined. I seem to recall having to wait 24hrs or something after i created my account but not sure.

Either way i think blunttrama was just confused about what to click on to make a new thread. Thats my guess at least

you mean Stoned people get confused :biggrin:


New member


Having a huge problem ph is right in soil now but it's still very yellow I'll put pics on my profile since I have no clue how to use this forum yet. Let me know what u think now I think it's gonna die if i don't fix this fast. I try to private message but I think I can only do this while ppl are online. Thx guys


New member
ok, first thing to do is post figures, ppm, ph, medium, ec, wht nutes u use etc?
also, strain, how far into flower now, fresh pics? you have interveinal chlorosis symptom of a deficiency, could be cal mag but u need to give facts and figures to get proper help.