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Sick Plant!!!!



Ok, my plant is 16 weeks old from seed and is still in 18/6 light. Its in a DWC system. 430w HPS. I know the dirt is a big issue and im not sure if thats it or not. Either way I am replaceing the dirt with rocks tonight. Its been wilted for about 72hrs now and has not shown/or little improvement. The roots had abit of brown crap on them. But like I said im flushing it and replaceing it all night tonight so lets get this working people, Sorry I had some funny brownies:).


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more pics.


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Perpetual Nooch

Active member
Assuming your PH is ok, a couple of things I noticed off the top of my head.

Your roots should be in the dark. As dark as you can make it. Secondly, it doesn't look like your DWC is recirculating so I'd bet your nutrient solution is too warm.


what exactly do you mean your nutrients are too warm? Ph is good.

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
what exactly do you mean your nutrients are too warm? Ph is good.

Roots grow best in solution that is around 68 degrees F. With your clear container, plus the fact that you have no recirculation, means it's probably getting too warm. Just like a stagnant pond of warm water, you will have algae/slime.

I can't tell the sex by the pics you have up there. It looks like you need to flower them for a week or two before sex shows. I don't see any indications yet.

Kush Farmer

Nooch is right on. The list reads like this:

1)Water temps too high
2)Light penetration in root zone
3)Lack of oxygen to the roots
4)No circulation in reservoir
5)pH fluctuation (even though "it's good," looks like a lot of adjusting has taken place probably due to dead roots in res.)
6) Possible brown algae

There can be a lot more or completely different problems as well.

What is you pH at?
What is your ppm/EC reading?
What are you feeding?
What are your room temps?

No matter what your, first steps need to be dumping the soil, adding air stones/aerator/diffuser (anything to oxygenate and circulate the water), Light proofing the entire DWC container, flushing with an extremely light nutrient solution (same as you normally feed only super diluted), and reducing your water temps. I would highly recommend getting some Hygrozyme into your res. ASAP. It's a live enzyme that will turn and dead root matter into soluble food for your plant. Hope this helps you. Get closer shots of the nodes and we might can sex it for you. Good luck!!


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
How often do you change the nutrient solution? The one pic look like the leaf has nutrient burn. As for the sex, hard to say, it mite be a female. It seems Perpetual and Kush Farmer have pretty much have gone down line with everything. Make sure your solution is fresh and kept cool. Paint your nutrient tank black or cover it with black duct tape, the silver tape will still let light through. Is your pump strong enough to put out a good amount bubbles? And is your air stone big enough to sufficiently put the bubbles to all parts of the roots? And I would definitely loose the soil and get some pearl lite, your rocks if they are about the size of aquarium gravel, you can use that to. There are other better things to use instead of soil or rocks, in a pinch gravel will work. My mother used to grow her hydro veggies in cups of fine gravel and did very well. Pearl lite is inexpensive and so is aquarium gravel, just wash it well. Just make a few changes as we've suggested and the plants should start to come back in a couple of weeks. Good my friend, you can do it. :)