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sick plant, unsure of what is causing this


Active member
the other day i noticed some curing leaves on a few plants in my veg tent. cup and the inside of the leave is wrinkleing and getting lighter in color. Today i checked them and it seems to be getting worse. The new growth is coming out very light in color and very mutated, almost burnt looking. I am feeding them extremely lightly so it cant be any type of nutrient burn. I had very poor air circulation in there because one of my fans in that tent took a crap, and it became very humid inside, to the point that there was water droplets accumilating on the roof of the tent on the inside. I am thinking this has somthing to do with that, because the leaves almost feel wet on the affected plants. So i currently have new fans in there, and a dehumidifier running in there to counteract the last few days. There are about 10 healthy mothers in there that are not affected at all, it is just a few younger clones showing the symptoms. Heres a few pics.

Let me know what you think


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Well-known member
get a scope or loupe and rule out broadmites! if you confirm them check out broadmite thread. good luck!

MF Grimm

Looks like classic broad mite/cyclamen mite symptoms there.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and get the pesticides Avid and then Forbid/Judo (same chemical, diff name), and you should get a successful harvest with no issues from them.

Check the broad mite thread with way more detailed info, but your plants are doing exactly what mine did, and I treated them with the above combo and they recovered and brought me a good harvest.

The key is to get them early. Since your plants are so small, they will be much easier to treat.


Active member
Thanks guys, i am on it! Avid is ordered!!! after reading the broad mite thread it seems that Avid is the stuff to use, and if that doesnt kill them then use forbid. And since forbid is alot of $$ im gonna try Avid first.


Well-known member
please keep in mind avid is not an ovicide or it does not kill eggs. so u might have to do afew applications. looking back, if I could have scraped my grow and cleaned the hell out of everything and shutdown for a month that would have been the way to go. Ive used avid,forbid,triple action neem, sulfur spray,swirski mite satchets and they seem to always return within 4 weeks. its because their in my environment now just waiting. to each his own tho. good luck!


OGBIOWAR foliar pack, and they are gone in 3-4 days. Organic as well. Don't mess with all of the other crap.


Active member
Well i found they were on the bushes in flower(they attacked fast). Seems the humidity in the veg tent was keeping them at bay and they went ape shit in the flower tent(low humidity temps 77-88). Had no luck after multiple treatments with avid. Saw them after a double dunk in the stuff 8 hours later walking around like they did not give a shit.

Now i am just wondering can i wait them out (my whole op is shut down) and will they die without any plant matter or plants in the room?

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