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Sick or what!


Seems they are needing something not sure what to do. Got them in Botanicare coco, I am watering with ph'd tap water at 6.5. Let them dry out before watering. I watered the coco with gh nutes at 1/4 strength heads formula straight to the coco before I planted and a few smaller ones died off so I went and flushed the rest with plain h2o at 6.5 ph. I thought maybe it was that they needed nutes so I added a weak solution to them last night about 550ec. No major changes were noticed today though. Seems only the bigger ones are doing it so I'd like to have a clue whats going on. Any Ideas? first 2 are bag seed, last is Chuck D.



ICMag Donor
I think they need bigger shoes. In other words....transplant them into a larger container. They are most likely rootbound, especially since you say it is happening to the larger ones.

Good luck.


ICMag Donor
Oh crap, you are in coco. Scratch what I said. I don't know the first thing about coco. Sorry.......:(


They are under two weeks old, can't imagine them being root bound already. I thought they would have to be a lil bigger for that to happen.


ICMag Donor
If you were in soil I would disagree. But you aren't so I just can't say. I'm a total coco noob. sorry.


What lighting are you using on the little ones? Temps and RH would be nice also..They seem to be burning up a bit from nutes.When you say tap water is this city or country water....if city make sure there is NO chlorine in there.

this looks like classic cholorisis. this happens when the pH gets out of whack, and being a coco blend, even more so. coco cannot hold a pH like a soil media.

are you supplying iron?

test the run off pH, against what the pH of it going in. this tells you what your media is doing. if it comes out high, then your media has calcium, if it is low, then it is acidic.

the leaf edges, to me, appear to be a different issue. do these spots start out as small lines or spots?

lady g


I am getting a runoff of 6.0ph and using 2, 26w 6500k cfl's for lighting running 24/7. I have a fan running on low blowing above the box so I'm sure they are not getting over heated as it feels cool in the box, I will check temps though to be sure. This would be suburbia water, and has a ph of 7.5 to start with and about 200ppm. My water is treated with chlorine, no cloromines and I let it sit out uncovered for atleast 3 days before using it. I add GH micro, then bloom and get a ph of about 7.0, then I add some ph down to get it at 6.5. I have a ph pen and have it calibrated pretty good so I believe the numbers to be accurate.

It seems to start off with the leafs getting lighter in color then they start curling and looking like the leaf is dying. Let me know if I need to give more info. I am wondering if maybe I should give them a higher does of nutes or if i should give them a good flushing of plain water. Thanks for the help


I'm no expert but I think maybe its some sort of lock out. I may have messed up mixing the nutes when I did it last time and it might have been messing with them. I think I added the micro and the bloom at the same time without mixing in between. I mixed up some new nutes doing it micro first stirring then added bloom at a 1/4 strength for both and flushed them good with it. Hopefully it works out for me. So far its just the 3 that have shown any effect so maybe I caught it in time. Thanks again for the help.


Active member
Quit feeding them...just plain water...and not too much...the greener one looks over watered (?)

As long as they have their cotyledons, no need for nutes... Be patient...


Alright I'm getting a lil irritated. I flushed them with plain 6.0ph tap water and not much changed so I did a 1/4 strength nute solution which from what i read should be safe for even seedlings, on a few of them and those don't look good either. Any idea on what is the problem. I was watering at 6.5ph but then I read up a bit and started going down to 5.8-6.0 thinking that was my problem but not one has improved. Runoff seems to be around 5.9ph. Here is some pics from today to give you an idea what i'm talking about. Again I'm in Coco and every time I watered them I wait till the coco is really dry and then flush them with the water or the nuted water. Trying to get a feel for what will work but having no luck. What is my next step as I am not happy with how they are looking? I had better luck when I use to do soil and didn't bother paying attention to the PH.

This one seems the lower leaves are dying.

This one the leaves never seem to perk up.

Upper is chuck D and lower is bagseed, new leaves grow and then they start to go brown and die off starting at the edges.

Another pair of Chuck D's with the lower leaves dying off and not looking so good.



I don't know much about coco, but I'm rather certain that your problems started with a ph shift. Make sure your run off is at target Ph, not just your feed water. From experience I can tell you that this will set you back 2 weeks as long as corrective measures were taken at onset of symptoms.

Good luck,mate!



1/4 strength head formula is way too little nutes for the first real node. Plus you have a small root volume (16 oz) at the moment so there is less total nutes in medium as a whole.

You really should be feeding .6ec+ at least once daily from the day they sprout in coco.

At this point, they can easily handle 1.0+ ec head ratio 1-2 times daily and that is what will fix your problem at this point. No more plain water and no ph adjusters.

I reread you first post and you talk about letting the coco dry out - that is a big no-no, especially once you start feeding. You must keep the coco at least about 50% saturated with nutrient solution at all times. Don't go to the total other extreme either; ideally you want it about 75% saturated so don't water every hour to keep it 100% dripping wet.


I was told to let it practically dry before I water them. I generally go by the weight of the cup, if it feels light then I water it. I think I may have figured out part of the problem. I was originally using 6.8 as a target ph, not sure where I got that number from but I have since switched to 5.9ph. Another possible cause was that I was using a 3 gallon bucket to mix the nutes in the beginning, well what I thought was 3 gallons and was sold as that ended up being 2 gallons. So I think maybe I they got a lil nute burned. I ended up flushing them real well with plain water yesterday and then again with 1/3 of correctly measured nuted water today so now I'm just waiting to see what happens with them. hopefully they recover. i'll keep ya updated. Thanks


head did not tell you to let coco get "practically dry" using his feeding schedule.... feed at least once daily

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