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Sick or not sick?

The yellowing started about 6 days ago but it hasnt spread too bad.. and suggestions will help!

this is probably bad but i use room temp. water from the sink and i dont use anything to change the ph for fear they are still too young.


Active member
They look ready for transplant to me. They don't really look too bad, they want to have some more root space :D

I would transplant if you can, and they will be fine.


i agree! give them babies some room to dance. stick em in a (1) gal and they'll wiggle like wild.

you know many girls can go either way!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you need to check the ph your tap may not be to bad but when u start using Nutrients u will need to raise the ph back up. Depending on the style of grow your are attempting. Soil 6.5ph. The strain u are growing will tell you how hot it will take. I use ph6.3 all the time. I think im seeing some heat stress as well. what are your temps in the room?
thanks everyone for the advice, this is my first grow so im still catching on. i had transplanted them from the original pots from seed about a week ago, would transplanting them again this soon cause too much stress?

im growing in soil, havent used nutrients yet, not really sure how early to use them.
i dont know the strain they're all randoms, but the temps in my box varies from 83-86 with lights and its at 76 without light, my cycle i have them on is 18 on 6 off although i hear it should be 12/12 right now? idk i figure if things work out awesome, if not its ok its only my first go round..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
thats ok but u could start to feed them now but u will need a PH meter for sure. Nutrients always lower yuor PH TO THE LOW 5. tHIS will kill your plants if your in soil. I think Hydro is 5.8


Transplant and/or feed. Looks like it's eating itself cause it can't pull any more food out of the restricted soil space. Either up-potting or giving it light fertilization should take care of it.


roots are getting bound and you need to use ph adjusted water from day 1. the soil may be too acidic or akaline. 2 caps of ph down in 5 gallons of water keeps mine 6'ish. these plants want to thrive and need the space and nutes to do it. ph will help


Active member
I would have gone for bigger pots....but what's done is done...next time. They look like they could use some food now...1/4 strength and increase it weekly to full. You might have a pH problem too...it's always good to know the pH.

They look good for a first grow. Keep it up... Enjoy some bud. You'll need at least 2-3X more room when you switch to 12/12 to finish them...so switch accordingly.

Good luck...
Just an update on the former sick-lings

Just an update on the former sick-lings

about almost a week ago i posted asking about if they were sick or not. well turns out they were. ill post a before and after of them. they got flushed for a good hour or so and then transplanted and overnight they bounced back like champions. see for yourself.

btw. the first photo was taken at 1:14 am, all the rest were taken at 10:41 that same morning. the flush is whats up


Looks good! But you really need to measure your tap water with a TDS meter. I know mine is really bad comes in around 700ppm, ph around 7, if you have to use bottle water I have measure Arrowhead comes in around .085 ppm. I use a Merlin R.O system and get readings of .025ppm.