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Sick of filling CO2 bottles...Does Exhale work?


Active member
At $30 a pop (Exhale) supposed to raise ppm to 1200 in a sealed 4x4 for couple months or so, why would anyone fill a tank ever again? Well unless your in a big open space or something.

Exhale is this big chunk of fungus or something in a bag. About the size of a 12 pack of cans, or just a hair smaller. Seems too good to be true.

I really want to know if anyone has tested w CO2 meter in a tent. I might spring for the $20 CO2 test kit just to see how many I'll need, and/or if it even works as promised.
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New member
If you already have the co2 regulator I don't see you saving any money going to these. 20lb tanks aren't a big deal to move try 50's..

I know you can make these things yourself pretty cheap just a big mycellium cake.


Active member
If you already have the co2 regulator I don't see you saving any money going to these. 20lb tanks aren't a big deal to move try 50's..

I know you can make these things yourself pretty cheap just a big mycellium cake.

Got (2) 20 lbs and a regulator. Need an attached garage if ya know what I mean. Two tanks once month, is $40. Thinking if I bought 4 for $120 and they lasted 4 months I be ahead w/o the trouble.

Thanks for the tip on the DIY mycellium cake. That might be something others might want to try. Personally its less about the $ and more about logistics...


I have 2 bags in a 2 car garage w/ ppms @ 500-700 for atleast 3 months now.
Id need a smaller room or more bags to get them up any higher.
My room isnt completely sealed, so id probably have gone through 2-3 tanks per week.
My back cant take that kind of work so I just went with the bags. I have a controller with digital display. Without the bags I would be near 300
I dont want to run a gen in there
Im not sure how well it will work in a tent though
How will you cool the space without sucking out the co2 or blowing massive amounts of ac in there?
Does the tent recirculate in a sealed room?
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Active member
I have 2 bags in a 2 car garage w/ ppms @ 500-700 for atleast 3 months now.
Id need a smaller room or more bags to get them up any higher.
My room isnt completely sealed, so id probably have gone through 2-3 tanks per week.
My back cant take that kind of work so I just went with the bags. I have a controller with digital display. Without the bags I would be near 200
I dont want to run a gen in there
Im not sure how well it will work in a tent though
How will you cool the space without sucking out the co2 or blowing massive amounts of ac in there?
Does the tent recirculate in a sealed room?

That's pretty freakin good for only 2 bags! I dont have a tent, but is an airtight bunker, literally. I have exhaust going out and a fresh air intake. I plan to do something like state-of-the-art nurseries in Europe are doing.

I am going to put the bags inside a duct that will force air through it. The duct will then be ran down the middle of my buckets. The duct will have holes at the top so that the air is directed to the undersides of the leaves. The end of the duct run will be sealed. I will have a 440 cfm in line appying the forced air pressure. So all the co2 released from the bags of mycellium will be forced up and through the bottom of the plant to the top of the plant. This way I can leave the exhaust fan on w/o comprimising my plants ability to use the co2.


Active member
I did a full review on these bags in my flowering areas, they are ducking bad ass!! Search for that thread an, there's lots of good information in there


Veg & Flower Station keeper
You could try CO2 Boost Buckets and for refills use King Stropharia mycelium mushroom sawdust spawn w/fresh alder wood chips (also called Mycomedia hardwood chips). Supposed to be one of most efficient for making CO2. Each Boost Bucket does 4x4 and up to a 4x8 room. Mushrooms are edible too.


why no propane generator or even better a nat gas line from your house never have to think about it again


Active member
why no propane generator or even better a nat gas line from your house never have to think about it again

I have a green air CO2 gen sitting on the shelf right now. The heat is the main problem. I've been thinking of a way to redesign to use and do like you say and hook to nat gas. Absolute cheapest and and easiest once heat is dealt with.


wwell you could either can that one....sell it on craigs list and apply the proceeds to a "HydroGen" water cooled CO2 generator....or perhaps you have one of those ice box chillers...dunno if they hook up to a CO2 generator but I actually believe they are made by the same company as the HydroGen. Sometimes they can be a little tricky to get super dialed in so they are never going out and leaving water running or something, but once they are det up properly they are badass.


Active member
mr buddy propane heater( the one that runs off of 20 lb tanks) works well. doesnt eat too much propane since its a small unit. yeast and sugar on the real cheap. id say those bags probably work well for a closet or a small area.


New member
Love them!

Love them!

I used the CO2 boost buckets for a year or so before Exhale came out. They are OK , but I can buy 4 exhales for the price of one bucket, they last twice as long, and use no electricity. I have the levels in my room at 1000+- at any time..

They just came out with an XL sized bag last month, and I'm just filling up my room with those now.. PPM levels should be going up quite soon :D


Grab yourself a pressure cooker and some liquid culture of any oyster mushy, look up a diy on growing mushrooms and you can save your self $100s...
cheap Pressure Cooker $60 buck
Liquid Culter $30 bucks
Jars sawdust and other Equipment $30-$60 max

a life time of CO2 for your crop and mushrooms for you to eat PRICELESS !!!

the gnome

Active member
I grew a lot of fungus back in the day,
its dirt stoopid easy to get bags of mycelium going.
pressure cooker to sterilize, they're cheap at the salvation army store.
i would get em for $15 and flip em on the bay for 3-4x that

depending on the strain of fungi
you can use cheap rye grain for animal feed, even grass seed.
or sawdust/wood chips for wood specific species as said above.

doing the culture work and getting the mycelium going was always the easy part of fungi cultivation for me.
if i had a smaller gro i would use that over a tank...
a tank is more convenient
but once you start growing fungi you'll get bit by the bug and be hooked on it.
and compared to other hobbies its a cheap start up

wwell you could either can that one....sell it on craigs list and apply the proceeds to a "HydroGen" water cooled CO2 generator....or perhaps you have one of those ice box chillers...dunno if they hook up to a CO2 generator but I actually believe they are made by the same company as the HydroGen. Sometimes they can be a little tricky to get super dialed in so they are never going out and leaving water running or something, but once they are det up properly they are badass.

you don't need a water gen for $300
I got a tankless water heater off the bay for $118 shipped, it the exact same thing as the water gen.
get a solenoid for $35 or a submersible pump$65 and you good ta go.
i had no prob setting mine up, there's really nothing to dial in

my water cooled co2 gen runs less than 60seconds to get ppms where I need em for a 2000cu ft room t
he greenair model i looked at for over $400 was going to cycle 6-7minutes.
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Sugar Water Yeast mixtures work just fine.

So does dry ice, though you need a specially constructed insulated container so that it takes longer (3 days for 5 pounds) to evaporate.


Active member
my mr buddy heater is designed for inside and doesn't give off co2... didn't they make a co2 geenny that vented off heat .. blue ox or something........ everyone that I know that had good sized grows and tried the bags all quit using em...I have yet to try em .... hmmm shrooms ya say.. nobody ships the good spores to cali tho


(Y) i have tried the bags and the buckets there good..i will try to make moonshine at the same time now..(aka water sugar yeast + heat) in the same room this time ,any thoughts from anybody=)?

would love photos of that pressure cooker and making mushrooms:) best wishes!


Veg & Flower Station keeper
depending on the strain of fungi
you can use cheap rye grain for animal feed, even grass seed.
or sawdust/wood chips for wood specific species as said above.
DIY Exhale bags, but it's usually better to do an active air circulation w/air pump like with the CO2 buckets. Get most of my materials from here, still real cheap to do: http://www.fungi.com/

Mushroom Sawdust Spawn (King Stropharia)
Stropharia Wood Chip SpawnItem #: LCWOSRA
MycoMedia Select Hardwood Chips
Select Hardwood Sawdust


Active member
Three is a place selling some of these bags locally now that have edible mushrooms inside, so you get the benefit of c02 and some shataki to eat at the end. That's fucking teamwork!!!!