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Sick Girls!!!



So 2 days ago I open up my box to find that on my light cycle the leaves are wilting:(. So I took out the aqua globes that where in them and transplanted them yesterday. Lastnight they perked right back up like nothing was the matter. There are only wilting on light time? Any ideas?


Heres some pics.....


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have drainage holes for the water to run off? as struck said info is needed about your setup and routine you follow for people to help. if they dont know what your using and how your using it they arent able to give you the diagnosis of your problem. or atleast the right fix and not some bullshit thats gona make your grow worse then you can do by yourself without the knowledge.


Active member
Yeah I was going to comment on that too... I guess sometimes you gotta work with what you've got? :dunno:
i would say its more of a potting mix. i would recommend adding perlite to it. Also why dont you turn the plants the other way so they are directly under the light?

mad librettist

Active member
if i just looked at your pics I would say it's epinasty.

likeliest cause of epinasty is overwatering. Or rather, too much water. Which can also mean your soil is too water retentive and heavy.


Well I use miracle grow bloom bursting poting soil(all i got). I use "aqua globes" to water them. Yes they had/have drainage wholes. 3x26 watt CFL. One of the plants roots had just started to circle the bottom of the old container. So I was thinking of root bound? As far as ferts, None really. every once and awhile I put alittle piss in them for N. But thats it. And why are they wilting in light period and then look healthy in dark cycle? .....grrr so confused. Thanks for all the help guys.:thank you:


Active member
I don't think it's the aqua globes giving you the problems, though they won't be helping. It's your medium. You need some perlite, that stuff looks like it would just turn to mud when it gets wet.


They look very overwatered, throw away those aquaglobes, i suspect they're not very adequate for marijuana.

Let them dry out for a few days, they'll perk up.


Yeah i know I need alot of things. Perlite is on top of my list trust me. This is my first grow so I used what I had and didnt really invest to much. For the 6 weeks of veg the aqua globes where awesome. Kept them perfectly water'd for 3-4 days. I have taken them out and gonna let the soil get good and dry. Can anyone explain the only wilting during light time? Its been in flower for 3 weeks. Ill put some pics up everyday so you guys can see what i am as they progress.:comfort:


trans to dwc?

trans to dwc?

im soooo going to dwc system after this. you can start them in peet plugs and then just fill the net pot with perlite correct?

mad librettist

Active member
just wanted to also add that all the drainage holes in the world don't mean your soil drains well. I've seen this same mistake elsewhere, and without getting into too much detail that's not how it works. Plenty of soil outside has drainage issue, and out there there problem is definitely not cause by too few drainage holes.

aqua globes: never used them, but there is a cheaper, handier version called "plant nannies". The water has to go through a clay spike, and if the soil is saturated it does not pass. It can take a day or it can take a month to empty (soil with no plant).

nutes- while you are getting started, I wanted to let you know about growing organic without any bottled nutes, or ever thinking about adjusting nutes. Check out my grow, I give water only, and maybe fish hydrolysate once every 3-5 weeks. Other than throwing compost in my water every 2 weeks or so, I add nothing.

Are you weighing your pots?
unfortunately i don't have a way to get quality organics around here, i would love to 'just add water' :p

probably will go hydro instead...i want to try at least one round with it and see if i like it more than i liked soil this round. i have probably less than 12" real flowering height (21"-pot height-room for lights) so i'm really breakin my balls here .

@OP hey man, what i do to increase drainage is something i learned while researching bonsai trees; i just put like an inch of pure perlite in the bottom of my pot with a bit of screen below it so it doesn't all fall out at once. oh and i add 1 part perlite for every 2 parts soil in my mix...drains very well.


Active member
With soil like that, I would definitely go hydro. Unless the water you'll be using will be the same quality... :dunno:


I don't get it detone, how can you tell they are not droopy in the dark?

I cracked the top of my rubbermaid and peaked in on them. And all three times they look healthy. Ill get some pics of the night cycle tonight around midnight. the leaves feel dried out and crispyish now. Still have not watered.