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Active member
ICMag Donor


And the one time I don't take a date for when I clone....

5 days folks FIVE MO'FUCKIN' DAYS!!!!

Back on TRACK.

Veg tent re arranged for mothers - clones - seedlings.

Chem Sis x Neville Haze babies came out from there 48 hour paper towel nap and were planted into 1/4 str 6/9 charged pure coco coir.

Also Chem Sis x NH #2 is a boy... It was a mutant so Ive been watching it daily since flip - thing is confused... has pistils down low - ball sacks forming up top.... POS got a smart pot too - I think ima have to clone the glue and swap em out ;)

Oh and I installed the New A/C - useless LOL
New HPS were put in yesterday too.

All the girls are droopy right now... I think its the light change / higher heat... Temps were 83-88 yesterday :(

Resolution = BIGGER intake. The air flow coming from the exhaust is real strong - its moving air well but the exchange is suffering due to a small intake. Its 20inches wide by 6 inches high.

Basically two of these next to each other http://www.homedepot.com/p/Master-Flow-10-in-x-6-in-Rectangular-Stack-Head-SH10X6/100192231

I need a bigger intake - let more cold air in.

My other option is add a 2nd 6inch inline fan. I don't know if my filter can handle that.

I used to have a 6inch booster fan in there and I might order a nice new one - mine is a pos - works but idk if I want it in there lol

Let me know what ya'll think

Very excited - just need to be patient


, The Ghost of
Did you do anything differently with this round of clones? And...


Is that duct like the one you already have in the door? Double up :good:

Hope youre finding some unwind time LC.


Active member
ICMag Donor
did you chop them bitches in the pit yet?

Lets see what did I do for clones? :chin:

cut straight into water. then pruned - new cut - dip n grow - then powdered RootTone from Homedepot

Soaked the plugs in the usual B-1 Thrive Alive Red bottle

Sprayed them just the first day and second day.

Filled the tray with lots of water and all the plugs are pretty wet...

not all the clones are rooted but the ones i looked at just happen to be rooted - i took pics :D

and i sprayed them with tap water instead of R/O

and i pretty much set em and forget em lol I think fussing with the lcones daily or alot fucks it up for me. today was the first tiem i check them cause I was curious if I needed to add water to the tray n i don't

was thinking about doubling up... but I don't want the intake high up because of light issues... :shucks:

Kinda chillin today - spent the most of the day sober cause i had a bad bad headache last night - i think it was from the HPS lights... I bet i'll be blind before i die lol... even with the glasses... lights r right in my face and i gotta wear clothing cause I can feel thel ight on my skin in a bad way.

Pretty much out of everything from the last harvest :( except hte wax material n head stash - my friend... well if he is still my friend is playing phone games and shit. And I got other people offering to make wax with me but I don't want too do it with anyone else... we always banged out fire n I don't want ot take a chance... Being patient stucks...

My other gardens have been getting my atteniton.

Got a few bonsai trees shaped up and ready till fall for re potting.

The onion is blooming :D can't wait to collect seeds and grow em later.

Propagating edible sunflower seeds - I forgot I had them and I hope its not too late - being socal I think its fine. Plus I don't need 8 foot sunflowers lol

And I got sensitive plant - not the best genus but it'll be a nice gift to friends - 15 of those... what else.... succulents are doing cool - outa my 200+ copies im probalby only going to see 50 good ones. I been saving plants out of the trash at the nursery

I need a house so I don't have ot live with people n take care of them and their shit... I hate living wiht other people - no one I met has standards as high as me or is as religious about cleanliness and I know its a Southern California problem - living in this fucking Orange Curtain...

Oh I have a lot of shit I want to go thru from the last grow show - too much infact.


Active member
How the hell are you out of herb already?
Looked like a dispensary over there like last week!
I have so much herb over here even my freezer is full!
These bubble bags better show up soon!
Fucking place reeks! Gonna need a carbon filter just for my kitchen!


Active member
ICMag Donor
I'm a chimney lol :tiphat:

I'm about to do my grow reports. 4 test grows done - with 2 coming to completion soon maybe i'll go for the gold :joint:

I have around 100 picture slots left which means I either need to get a CC option for the subscription - which I been asking about... or what I think it means... new account!

Sike... Tedious bullshit picture deleting time. I might just drop full albums. I have all the pictures on a stashed hard drive.

fuck me...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you can use Photobucket or another cannabis forum then link them here. I use RITUP. They allow high rez pics there...


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hammerhead - one of hte GDPxQuerkles has a male sack on a top node but the rest are female :shucks:

hoping its just a one time thing - maybe a little stress from going in 10 minutes early putting in HPS from MH and turning those on a few minutes earlier than scheduled on time - otherwise - its da plant

Would be nice to have a vape :bongsmi:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Doesn't surprise me. I found Hermies in some phenos of GDP and Querkle. To many variables to eliminate them.


Active member
ICMag Donor
mannn you said theres nothign to know about the cross - wut else is it ganna throw at me? any love :D

Sup ninjas


I think everyone got paid today cause Im sure am ;)

LETS RAGE :party:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There was nothing to tell ya..Your the 1st to get a hermie and that's OK it happens all the time. There's to many variables to say it wont happen. I just got some from CVS and Jaws gear.

Good luck with your garden


Active member
ICMag Donor
No stress homie - just giving you shit.

yo while your here hammer - where do you get replacement pucks for your Aerocloner - the one you made me buy! lol


Active member
Im going blind too homey
fucked up shit
I need sunglasses all day long or I cant see a fucking thing
Dump the he/she
I think my beans were stolen!
They were removed from the breeder package, not sure wtf is holding them up at customs!
I see some wifi back in stock tho!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thats the node with the nanner - check out the bushes.

tomorrow I inspect - train and clone all 4 GDPxQuerkle's :D

sorry its an upload - I'm outa here! :smoke:


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Active member
ICMag Donor
wooh what a weekendq

wooh what a weekendq

I just finished all 4 of my grow reports!

I'm about to hit up a Moderator and ask them if hte pictures need to be saved in the albums for them to be on the reports... if so I'm ganna have to move all those pics into one album and then delete the orignial albums.

The SC x SSSDH - RedEyed - Sativa Loco - alubms will be deleted.

I also have ot ask for permission to make delete selections in the picture albums because it doesn't work even IF I try to delete one picture...

should have around 1500+ photo spaces opening soon :)

This are looking REAL GOOD - I'm stoked and wish I could speed this flowering process up! hahaha grow faster fuckers!

happy sunday funday



So much world cup shit going on and I feel like im the only 1 not wasting my time on that POINTLESS bullshit and like one of hte few people who cares more about all those homeless Brazilians and starving dying Brazilian kids more than some fucking soccer games


Literally got brazilians mad at me for caring about their home country while they want to watch the soccer games from comfy america...

I feel fucking insane... I really feel like im batshit crazy... I care about world peace and talk about it and it only results in everyone I know slaming the door in my face because I bring up world peace... instead of a soccer player or game... and I spoil their fun...

And I bring it up in such a civil intelligent way that I actually been stumbling into some pretty sexy awake girls for once.

I'm so confused by my generation... I kind of hate them. Their belief in the system and comfort of the establishment... the inability to see with their soul...

We think too much and feel too little.

I hope one day we live in a world were people care more about the Planet than they do " who created" it...

the youtube is of the greatest speech ever told in my humble opinion. I recommend watching it. Gather the family - friends - everyone. Get quiet - turn the sound up - don't just watch - but listen. Let the emotions flow - let them FLOW! don't hold back to these perceptions we are believed we need to be!



, The Ghost of
Go to your albums, open the 1 in question. At the top right is 'Edit Pictures', click it. You can pick and choose which to delete. Start that new album 1st. Then you can choose to move pics to it.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
How can I missed this damn!
Gotta take a chair and wait you sprout some of the CT F1 :biggrin: I know you'll be happy bro, c'mon ;)

As we say over here, buon cultivo!
