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Shy Feller says Hello fellow explorers!


I followed your disappoinments and excitements over several years, and learned from all of you, the best and most intrepid of the current generation of amateur scientists. The underground nature of our hobby imposes solitary learning, and requires vast patience and commitment and some risk. Newton, Galileo etc were DIY men operating under severe oppressive conditions and in virtual intellectual isolation. Now we have an internet and we indeed stand on the shoulders of giants, so much so that the mind has untold numbers of giants both past and current. I guess the next short step is a group mind. Who knows? Meanwhile I tend to my own garden in the best of all possible worlds that I can cobble from the rubble.

Thanks to all of you who helped this recovering substance abuse counselor ( and ongoing non-alcoholic Hep C patient) to recover what I used to look for, and never found, with booze. A rekindling of the spirit of wonder that made me a seeker in the first place, way back when...when Alan Watts was new, and so was Descartes and Spinoza ( at least to me), and now I see what I see and I deal with it and hold hope for the labor pains this world must endure to hatch a new age beyond borders and boundaries .
When we can grow clorophyll wings overnight for a daytrip to the beach to ride the winds off a seaside cliff, and go back to the tasks which fulfill us and others, the next day, well, I think that's worth hanging around for, and, if and when the situation calls for decent people to speak and act, hopefully we will be wise enough to follow the Serenity Prayer.

Thanks for all of your wisdom and sheer balls and genius.:cathug:

:thank you:

good drown

hell yea spangles, the lovely green lady is the way to go!
if you have issues, this is the place to be

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Welcome Spangles, hang around here enough and you'll put all your issues behind you!


Thanks Good Drown, Firefox and Dawn Patrol. I thought my stream of ranting might of been too much. Didn't know my issues were so visible. C'est la vie so far. I love this hobby, you people are memorable and fascinating. Thanks for the welcome.


Thanks for the embrace IC community.

Phedrosbenny...I hear ya! I can understand how the sense of wonder gets eroded by the daily grind. Somehow I never stopped chattering on at work, years and years of laying bricks and blocks, usually I worked next to a fresh audience ("victim") every few days or every few weks as we journeymen sought other jobs and a fresh team coalesced. Discussing relativity or post humanism, etc. the Matrix all that stuff. I believe all of it. I suspect I may be a solipsist but I guess here I'm in good company.

Dankasaurus and n1knightmare.... you two rock, thanks, my wife rolls her eyes whenever I discuss the future and "big" issues, although we both have degres in philosophy. Somehow she got over it, and I am still dawdling with fundamentals. At least she is allowing moi to grow some medicine and "wonder" beans again. Maybe I'll persuade her to open her young mind again.
thanks again all of you. Not to get TTOOO sentimental, but, until I rediscovered pot ( thanks to a kindred spirit on the scaffold, another truthseeker consigned to bestial subsistence by his minor criminal record.... oh there i go ranting again. Well anyway, i would probly be underground if he hadn't turned me, the former drug counselor, on to MJ aftr about a 20 year abstinence and a sober but depressing outlook toward life. SO for me it may be a crutch, but at my age, I personally don't give a shit. I've paid my dues. And , as a former practicing psychologist and life long sophist, I can rationalize almost anything, particularly something which for thousands of years has been associated with spiritual insight.

UH oh, there I go again.

Love to all of you.


The cat that loves cannabis
Mr Spangles, I enjoyed reading your OP, we need more articulate, deep thinking individuals here.

good drown

this is one crutch i will happily use the rest of my life:) i occasionally hit my knee with a hammer just to give me a reason to use it;)
this hobby is really great to help pass time and get your mind off other things. then the payout at the end is just amazing, i always think "wow, i made this great medicine myself?!?"
i also love the fact that pretty much anything i grow is better than the stuff i used to have to buy in the past. a little TLC and good genetics goes a long way.
so the wife doesn't partake? thats awfully cool of her that she doesn't mind you growing
what strains do you have going?
here's a blue kush to gve this thread some green:tiphat:


Good Drown'
No the wife likes it too, but the security is the issue. So we'll try very small. I await the Mandala #1 and Satori any day now/ I'll keep progress on them maybe not an official grow thread, We'll see if I have the stamina. The Hep C slows me down quite a lot. The Grape Kush is delicious How's she taste?


Spangles, you certainly provide a very gripping read with some thought provoking words. And thanks for inspiring me to look up what a solipsist is. I'd never heard the word before a minute ago and I actually quite like the concept.

Could you please elaborated on "wonder beans", what are these?.....