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can anyone please explain to me wtf shwag is. i know what it is but why is it around. what is so different about the plant that makes it lesser quality. just genetics? did the grower screw it up? maybe its all very simple but i just dont see why anyone would purposely grow it.


Paint Your DreamStrain
Grower screwer uppage I'd say, though I'm sure theres exceptions. The weed goes through alotta of bullshit before it gets to ya, including poor drying and handling and whatever else, they don't care to try to preserve the buds quality because people will buy it regardless. Schwag is all some people know. Or most people probably.

This is just my decoding of what I've heard and whats apparent to me. I don't tote bricks across the border so I don't know for sure.


poor growing technique, poor drying technique, "cured" in blocks compressed at 1000 pounds per square inch. full of hermis. the whole mess cured into a big brown block that flakes like mica and impossible to tear apart. Tons of flattened seeds from the press. EVen worse, when it hits the low level distribution, some shwag dealers even spray the bag with water to up the weight. Then you have WET shit weed. A real treat let me tell you.

Ugh. I grew up in an area where shwag is all we had 90% of the time. fuck shwag, seriously.


The Hopeful Protagonist
People grow it to make money.

Fvcking shame ehh B ?

I use to work in a pizzeria making pizzas.....I use to put my "signature" , meaning craftsmanship, on everyone I made......

What's the point of half-assing anything?... I don't think I'll ever get it... :2cents:

As my handle suggests......iGro4me :joint:


Active member
As long as people will buy it and pay enough for it then it will be produced - simple as that:)

If noone would buy it - or only pay much less for swag and only at the end of the month- then it would look different I bet.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Hell I know people who actually tell me...

"Why would i pay 100 bucks for something, when i can get it for 25"....

Those are your Schwag consumers. Fucking amateurs.
Man, it must be nice. The only thing round here is schwag, unless you've known someone for 10 years and they started growing. Scarce as hens teeth. Well, I guess you could go to the high school if you was into dealing with kids.

Weedman Herb

It isn't schwag when it starts off ... y'all are acting like people grow beat dope intentionally when Most of it was probably pretty good before they smashed the trichs and squeezed the hemp seed oil from the seeds, which in turn permeates the bud (ever wonder why schwag looks and smells different from other schwag yet has that same ass wrapped in ass flavor? Permeation by hemp seed oil). Compounded by traveling in sweltering heat and being stored semi moist you end up with a mess that Might catch someone a headache ...


I can get pressed bricks of ok mex. for 600 lb
good bud is 400 an oz when and if I can find it
the growers around here have priced their shit so
high it's really opened the market for cheap pot


Old School Cottonmouth
We are supposed to be the growers forums but we had a lot of ignorant replies in here. Come on y'all step it up.

The reason there is schwag is very simple. There are a lot of people on this planet. You guys act like growing kind bud is the easiest thing on earth to do. Well then go grow five or six tons of it and let me see what your quality looks like and we can talk about what it is worth.

There is schwag weed because there are millions of pot smokers and people have to smoke something. It's from soil that is barely or not at all amended. Little to no fertilizers. Seed was from last years crop. It's grown under trees or where ever it can be hidden from cops and choppers, etc. Then it has to be smuggled thousands of miles for months.

Think of what it takes to grow kind bud and the question becomes obvious. Are you really asking: "Why don't poor farm families who live in shacks in the mountains of mexico buy quality genes from Amsterdam for 5 dollars a seed, and have them shipped using their corrupt and unreliable parcel service up into the mountains. Then they can clear the forest (because I mean screw helicopters and herbicides who worries about them?), amend the soil with perlite for drainage, plant big open air fields where they will have sun all day and fertilize it with Pure Blend Pro?"

Isn't it obvious why that doesn't go on? It's schwag because broke ass people in 3rd world countries are trying to grow as much pot as they can with what they have. Which isn't much.


Active member
Isn't it obvious why that doesn't go on? It's schwag because broke ass people in 3rd world countries are trying to grow as much pot as they can with what they have. Which isn't much.

for the record, mexico is a developing country not a 3rd world country


Old School Cottonmouth
for the record, mexico is a developing country not a 3rd world country

don't be fooled by that BS. Go up into the mountains of southern mexico and see how much infrastructure you can find.

Let people BS you with political correctness. Like the "death tax" or "estate tax". Call it what you want. I'm talking about people in extreme poverty in rural areas. If you need it to be refered to as a second world nation to understand the point I'm making than fine whatever.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
don't be fooled by that BS. Go up into the mountains of southern mexico and see how much infrastructure you can find.

Let people BS you with political correctness. Like the "death tax" or "estate tax". Call it what you want. I'm talking about people in extreme poverty in rural areas. If you need it to be refered to as a second world nation to understand the point I'm making than fine whatever

Exactly, there is a huge gap between first and third world, and there is no such thing as second world...

3rd World countries have a culture of corruption, bribery and class division (rich-poor, specially in latin america)
and that is the reason they won't make the "first world" group any time soon..because poverty and misery grow at much faster rates than development..and bribery and corruption can't be stopped once it's permeated through every department of the government and private sector.


ICMag Donor
cut too early
not dried properly giving it the shwag amonia smell
Smashed into block for smuggling
Rest assured someone will be waiting to smoke it,hard to believe theirs money to be made selling ounces for $50-$75.They must be bringing in a whole shit-ton of it .

as things are now,i'm most certain if i ran out .I just would not smoke ,then toke on some shwag hackamilla,with a dirty buzz,its just not worth ruining your lungs for that stuff,,,


Pull my finger
Hell I know people who actually tell me...

"Why would i pay 100 bucks for something, when i can get it for 25"....

Those are your Schwag consumers. Fucking amateurs.

I get that all the time. I always like, "well, obviously you are not experienced enough to appreciate it anyway. Dont waste your money".