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Shutting it down for a while


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'll post this in the security section because it's the security and legal issues surrounding MJ growing that have forced me to close shop for a while.

This was a real hard decision for me to come to. Whenever I started growing I was coming off of my transplant and having issues with graph vs host disease. The previous 3 years to that I had been fighting just to make it to the next day. The whole process of learning to grow gave me something to occupy my mind. Ask anyone who has gone through a prolonged fight with cancer and they'll tell you keeping your mind busy is one of the hardest, yet most important things you have to do. I'm sure if any of ya'll know Moderator Suby he will tell you the same thing.

I was lucky enough that my parents went along with it such that they could handle the physical stuff that I couldn't when I needed them to.

Growing and learning to grow gave me something to live for and wake up for everyday and I honestly believe it saved my life. However, before all this I did have a life inside the corporate machine and the people I worked with also helped save my life by taking very good care of me. They are family to me and my first responsibility has to be to them. They pay me well enough such that I could have the pleasure of playing around with my house as I have.

Also, now that I'm getting back into normal life I've met a girl, but refuse to take the risk of bringing people I don't know into my operation and exposing myself. I live in Texas where they do not fuck around with growing weed. You go to jail for a long time and it's hard time.

SO, due to all this coming together my parents and I agreed that I had learned what I need to learn such that when legalization comes in the next few years I'll be ready to open up shop. Or at least I need to get back into my normal life again without the added pressure of illegal growing and maybe in a year or so reevaluate the situation.

It's been a blast learning all of this with all of y'all and now that I'm free of the stress of illegal growing I'm going to take the fight for legalization in Texas to as many people as I can without reservation.

I'm going to be staying around and continue posting. This is great site. Bar none the best MJ site on the internet. It's a shame that I even have to make this decision and that my medicine is illegal, but I've gained enormous amounts of insight into our cause and struggles and plan to start really stirring the shit stick in Texas to put these heartless politicians on their ass. Good day friends and thank you so much to everyone who has helped me more than you can ever imagine. I consider you all family.

:thank you:


Active member
Thanks for the message. Fortunately I am in Cali and have my recommendation. This was a big change for me having lived on the East Coast for so many years. It is such a shame so many other states choose not to grant access. They will take your money and try to control your life, let doctors prescribe crappy, harmful and addictive drugs or let you drink but for some reason they they feel the need to ruin people's lives over Marijuana. I think we know who the real criminals are.

PS- I actually watched a "crocumentary" about drugs a couple months ago where marijuana was described as "a dangerous narcotic".
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Active member
i took a break from growing once too. the time off gave me a whole new appreciation for being self suffient in my supplies. but it was also nice to be without worry of legal consequences for the down time too. so, see you on the board !!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Great post, sad conclusion. I hope you one day get to grow again! But take the fight out there, they need you!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Nothing but good news here!!:dance013: Glad you are doing well! Take it one day at a time :tiphat: my friend!

:thank you:

I think we know who the real criminals are.

Indeed we do my friend. I'm going to go put my boxing gloves on now that I don't have fear of them holding something over my head.

but it was also nice to be without worry of legal consequences for the down time too. so, see you on the board !!

Illegal growing is another world. It's a heavy weight to carry around on your shoulders for sure. Take care bro. See ya around.

:thank you:

Great post, sad conclusion. I hope you one day get to grow again! But take the fight out there, they need you!

:wave: It sucks. Having to close it down has lit a fire under my ass to take it these fucktards down here. No one should have to make this choice for the reasons I had to make them.


Good luck to you Spastic. Go with your gut, and if you feel like you can't grow safely and happily and with the blessing of your significant other, shut it down. Unfortunately I will be shutting down as well, and I come from a similarly MJ-unfriendly state. My house needs work done and I can't guaranty stealth with unknown numbers of strange workmen having access. Also, the kids are getting to an age where a locked door is just a challenge, not a barrier. Still a decade+ before they go to college. . . . legalize now please!!!!!


You HAVE to do what you feel in your gut, and am actually glad to hear that you know the priorities in life.... though I knew you did from jumpstreet. Bring some plants when you're legal and married


Good luck but not goodbye, which I'm glad

Very moving thread... I know how you feel about security, totally sucks.

I know you said that you'll be sticking around, but I hope you mean that. IC is my other family, and it would be sad to see you go!

Take care buddy


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Thanks for all the love guys. I'll definitely be staying around and start fighting the good fight in a more public way. Trust me. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just getting started.



Hey best of luck to you no matter what you decide to do Gramps :) Here's another that's glad to see you can at least prioritize your life and make a change when it's needed. All too often people remain stuck in a groove that's not applicable to where it is their life takes them. Great to see you have the common sense to do the right thing my friend and it's just awesome that you're hanging around ;)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Hey best of luck to you no matter what you decide to do Gramps :) Here's another that's glad to see you can at least prioritize your life and make a change when it's needed. All too often people remain stuck in a groove that's not applicable to where it is their life takes them. Great to see you have the common sense to do the right thing my friend and it's just awesome that you're hanging around ;)

Your optimism and Attic build were an inspiration. Thank you for sharing:cathug:

Thanks guys. The passion of the people on here has inspired me.

Life's all about making hard choices. I've got the knowledge of how to grow and that is priceless. I'll play the card at the right time. This just wasn't it.

I do have a story to tell and it was already picked up and published in a letter to the editors of a major Texas Magazine. Now that I'm not scared of getting busted for the grow I can really go out in the open with it.

MJ saves lives and can help people get off Pharma's poison. I believe the people are ready to listen.


Good to hear you are doing better brother. Yes, we in The Lonestar State have to hide under a very thick veil.

At least when it does become legal you are all ready to go! Good luck buddy. I forget if you are down south or not. Wherever, if you are not already a member, join your local NORML chapter. If there is not one close...start one :)


The cat that loves cannabis
Well that sucks, but think of how soundly you will sleep the first night everything is gone.
It's hard to put a price on peace of mind.
What are you going to do for meds now? Stock pile?
I'm impressed, that's a hard decision to make.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? IM sure the decision was hard as my abs.. LOL (humor) but like one said piece of mind will be a solid good thing.. I wish you well and hope that life just gets better, as well as you kicking the shit outta the C word.. So with that being said ride of into the sunset with your pipes and joints a blazing brother.. Im glad we will still get to see yer good sense of humor, so keep on keepin and god bless.. peace n puffs..
