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Shulam Smoke Report


Active member
Shulam by Tiki Seeds Smoke Report

So where does one start when writing a smoke report? Hmmmmm......Oh yeah...I know now...be right back.... :joint: .......:joint:......... :bongsmi:.......:bigeye:... OK .....I am ready to write now.

The Shulam was grown in organic soil under 1k HPS. It was pretty easy to grow, no nutrient problems or mutants. I did have a spider mite outbreak during the test grow :wallbash: which resulted in some fan leaves being lost, but you can read up on all that here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=13970

I found Shulam to be quite exotic tasting, like something you would find in Africa maybe, or the South Pacific. It is very hard to describe. It is like the spicy flavours and the fruity flavours cancelled each other out, leaving a smooth herbal after-taste. I cured it for 6 weeks, (2 weeks in paper bags and 4 weeks in jars) but have been sampling it every week during the curing process. I found Shulam to be a smooth smoke from the start, and was hoping the curing would bring out more taste for me to describe, but alas, no such luck.

The high is energetic and clear headed, "sativa like" (without the paranoia) even though it is supposed to be 75% Indica. I find after smoking it, I end up doing activities, like soldering circuit boards or writing a smoke report. Usually my usual Indicas leave me staring into space contemplating life or watching some movie from a completely different perspective.

Shulam's Potentcy, I found to be a little lacking. I am not a heavy smoker....I think. averaging about a bowl a day. I could smoke Shulam all day long...It will not put me out for the night. It is also easy on the lungs, no coughing for me (other stuff rips my lungs out). The "desired effects" also wear off quickly, so keep your pipe nearby at all times. Odour levels were low and the yield was average.

Medicinal qualities of Shulam. I wanted to test grow this strain particularly to find out what medicinal qualities it had to offer. I have some anxiety/depression issues. I found Shulam helped my anxiety a little bit and the initial high is uplifting enough to help with depression...But, wears off quickly leading to a downward shift in feelings. I don't think Shulam is a good strain for anxiety or depression relief because of the UP's and Down's. It isn't an appetite stimulator either, no munchies for me. I think it would be most useful for people with chronic pains and still need to function mentally.

Looks like I have to go for a :joint: again. So in short, I liked it. It was different than the usual for me.

Got Questions?
I will try to answer!

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what was final yeild and from how many plants.??? what size containers were they in???


hello pant's :joint:
and also how much light were they under, and what size grow space....
thank's :wave:


Active member
Hey Swerve and Jaws :wave:
I had 4 females...2 of them had stunted growth from neem oil and were not included in my report. The other 2 had the following weights of dryed/cured bud: 0.89 oz and 0.86 oz. This was from flowering in 1.5 gallon pots. Yeah the pots were a little small, but that is what I use when sex has not yet been determined and the strain is somewhat unknown.
The grow room dimensions are around 19' x 11' with two 1000 watt HPS.

Keep those questions coming.


Hi Brownpants, Thanks for taking the time to write your report. Not everything can tickle your fancy. This obviously didn't. This is what we look for is truth is strainology, your report gives you much more creitibily than one if you were to rave. Excellent job, much apreciated.


ahhhh... those nuggets represent what i picture as "Old School" pot


Active member
I didn't mean to sound so cold when writing the report. I was just trying to be unbiased with my reporting on the charateristics of the smoke. I want the reader to determine whether this strain is right for them or not, instead of me just raving about it or bashing it. I thought Shulam smoked good in my honest opinion. It isn't bad weed at all, "Old School" describes it quite well.

Thanks SmokeyPufmaster, I wanted to give an honest report.