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Show us your n00bie bud!!!

Thanks for the link justanotherbozo! I was also looking at the digital microscope but can't find any details on it, it also has all the hookups,digi-cam and usb plugs and looks like it might have additional stability for those super macro shots, also a "toy" with a low price tag...if I could only find some details-info about the darned thing!

I also rember reading a thread by clowntown on how to make your own macro lense for your digi-cam useing a triple lense jewlers loop but I can't find the link anymore, I'll be doing sme searching today!

Thanks again jab! SS


hey all, just noticed you were all talking about the bionicam... i ordered one and i should be getting it today. It's just about harvest time for me too and my 60x microscope from radioshack really sucks, and it strains my eyes when trying to check the heads while in the room. We'll see how much better it is :)
I just wanted to share a parting shot of the Grape Krush just before harvest and 2 shots of a fat bud halfway thru the cure and a closeup!

Don't forget to click to enlarge, thanks for takein a peek! SS
Hey everyone, thanks for posting those beauties... I LOVE IT. For those who are subscribers of me,... IM BACK WITH A VENGEANCE!!! :)) In any case, KEEP THE PICS COMING! We all need a little inspiration from time to time... and this is one EASY way to help your brother in times of doubt. So please, for kin and kind... please keep the pic train a' rolling.