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Should pot be patented?


Active member
First off, your argument about patenting land ownership is fallacious. A plant with a specific and unique genetic code is not an idea. Its a tangible and quantifiable thing. And idea of how to do something is not.

The reality here is that companies with vast resources WILL begin to seek patents as soon as the cultivation and sale of cannabis is normalized. Be it in 1 or in 20 years.

My idea is to patent "heirloom" strains before the Monsantos of the world do it... if federal patents are not possible, then state patents to start the ball rolling with federal patents following when feasible. A new paradigm in intellectual property law, something akin to the Creative Commons agreement could protect strains from being forever under the control of mega corporations.

You have to use the same tools as the opposition when you're fighting for things as important as food and plant sovereignty.

i'm with ya on that one. i crossed two killer strains awhile back and will pick the best phenos, document, and try to get a plant patent in CA.

it's been my dream. why wait and let some douchebag multinational corp do it? funk dat.


Active member
You are still talking cross/hybrid of a unknown "recipe".

Try to patent tomatoes as a whole.

cross two tomatoes and come up with a new tomatoe = new tomatoe and Patent.

someone told me recenlty that geneticists recently discovered that the potatoe was a cross of 5 poisonous plants. i guess the mayans really new what they were doing. hence the potatoe.


Active member
yeah, my bad. I assume way too much all the time. Like it being so fkin ridiculous, that it would never be a part of the conversation.

no you were right to be confused. i was talking about plant strains. of course the fruit would then be patented to theoretically and only usable if you have a license unless you want to be subjected to the very strict patent and copyright laws that protect artists and scientists who create new things.

if i create a recipe for coca cola, i have a right to protection.

if i cross tomatoes for ten years and develop the best tasting tomatoe ever, i deserve a patent. same for herb or anything else.

amazing how many people want a SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. it goes against nature.


Gene Mangler
No confusion here, I knew what you were talking about. ;)
Been looking into open sourcing some genetics since last year.


In search of Genetics
So, are you guys saying someone can patent a non-GM plant ?

I don't think it would be possible because it would just be race to the office and your plant would have to be genetically identical from seed, otherwise it could be argued as another species.

As far as GM plants I'm not sure what they can do.


Gene Mangler
Lots of $$$ I'm sure & more than I have ATM.

I'm familiar with opensource computer code, figured it would work for other things too?
I think Nomaad is right, about the Creative Commons being at least the best starting point.
Need to look & see how easy it would be to hack & make it plant specific?
I have a mutant hybrid I created that would be perfect. It throws a bare stem & a round marble nug on the tip of every bud. Its some white rock hard foxtailly ass whupper & kinda cool lol It sounds as if distinct & stable mutants are the easiest to ID & protect. By stable I simply mean that the mutant characteristics have to carry over asexually from cutting to cutting.

Need a real IP lawyers input...


Active member
Whats interesting about this is that I have the capability to have Cannabis plant matter genetically fingerprinted.