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Should I Throw Away my Blue Bunny Ice Cream, or Let the Rats Eat it ?

St. Phatty

Active member
I lowered my standards for about a week and bought some Blue Bunny ice cream from Walmart.

It is Vanilla with peanut and caramel and chocolate. There's about 1/10 of a carton left.

Then I got the ice cream I like, Denali Extreme with Moose Tracks.

It has truffles and fudge in a chocolate ice cream setting.

I was going to throw away the Blue Bunny - or give it to the rats.

Would the chocolate hurt the rats ?

Dogs seem to have a problem with chocolate.

Rats seem to be able to eat anything, even more than dogs.

I have 2+ kinds of rats to deal with, ground squirrels and rat-rats.

I have a trap open all the time (except when it's closed because it caught a rat).

Well, now that I've written all this, I realize - if it attracts the rats into the cage, it's worth it.

So I've decided to put the Blue Bunny in the cage to help catch the rats.

Thanks for helping me work that out :woohoo:

Green Squall

Well-known member
I'd like to touch on the dog issue for a second. It's actually bakers chocolate or cooking chocolate that's highly toxic for dogs. I'm not saying its ok to give your dog regular chocolate but if you drop a candy bar on the floor and Fido snatches it, no need to panic. This public service announcement has been brought to you by Green Squall.


ICMag Donor
Did you check to see if that carton is on the recall Blue Belle product list? After they had the listeria outbreak (more than one), I stick to gelato....or frozen berries with greek yogurt.

Right indeed, MJ...Tillamook is great! I eat is sparingly, though.


I used to live in Tillamook.

their high school team is called the cheeseheads!

the rats will be attracted to the sugar.

im confused are these pets?

St. Phatty

Active member
I used to live in Tillamook.

their high school team is called the cheeseheads!

the rats will be attracted to the sugar.

im confused are these pets?

I live on the edge of wild land. The animals love human stuff.

I have ground squirrels and rats naturally. Around July 1 a fox got one of my chickens, and I got 2 baby chickens to keep the remaining chicken company. I got enthusiastic about feeding the new chickens, and left food outside overnight a few too many times - AND THE RATS MULTIPLIED. It's like that movie Willard.

If I leave food outside near the back door, I can hear the pitter-patter of little feet, as they take turns finishing off whatever is in the chicken's food bowl.

So I've been picking them off one by one, and re-locating them to a blackberry patch near the river.

St. Phatty

Active member
I think rats can travel a few miles.

is the river far away?

About 3 miles.

I figure they're all having a big Rat/ Ground-Squirrel family re-union.
Once I was releasing a rat there, and this guy came out of the bushes.

Turned out he was homeless & camping there. Asked me not to release the rat near their campground. So I didn't.


Active member
st phatty ! for fecks sake ! PM me ya fecking address and i'll be right over an i'll fucking eat it ! geeez ..


if it smells like fish
squirrels are good eating and cute..rats suck...I got some stoned on brownies and shot them all..they were all over my back yard high as hell ,,even a few hanging on to branches of my tree freaked out....no more rats here....yeehaw