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Should I continue?? security and other concerns


stone fool
At this point, you have at least looked at your issues, no you can not trust any one, any where, anytime, you need to accept that. People talk, you can not control that. I wish you good luck. It made me sad to say what I did here, but you need to face your issues before they come for you.

For future reference, if you have to ask on the internet if you should do something, the answer is no.


If soil is what you know why not go with soil? Look around on the boards there are alot of people doing larger grows then you with soil and alot with organic soil at that. I'm glad to hear you did some quality control.

I think you should rethink your entire grow strategy from the ground up! It sounds like sealing your room is like plugging swiss cheese. Build a wooden framed room within your room and cover the outside in panda film black side out and a second layer on the inside white side facing your plants. Cover all six planes of your new room in panda film. Put in zipper doors for easy access. Now you can run your ventilation. All air coming out of this room goes through carbon first and if your paranoid(you should be) an inline ozone generator after the carbon. All air coming into your new room should be through an appropriate sized intake fan. All air coming in to the room should pass through a hepa rated filter. Your next step is to be meticulous with hygiene in your new grow room. If you want to strip down and put on sterile scrubs before you enter I would support it.

Always do a sulphur burn at the start of flower and I think another in the middle of flower(not sure on the 2nd burn correct me if i'm wrong)

This should solve a decent amount of your problems. You still have to move, get money for all this panda film and wood when your in the hole already. You need to make your own clones period. What happens when your clone guy gets in trouble? They will trace it back to you if he doesn't just outright give you up, don't say he won't because when the time comes people change and think about the long jail time ahead of them not the long jail time ahead for you.

What i can't tell you is what to do now with security. You don't know what these or any people will do today, tomorrow, or what they have already done. For all you know the cops are watching you right now. Maybe they want your clone supplier and the person who buys your product. They might just let you grow until you have enough plants to get really fucked and lead them to more/bigger fish. you just don't know.

So it's up to you to finish this crop or not but if you want to stay in the game and you make it to the next harvest close up shop there and move, plan, and start up again with some nice seeds of your own get some mother plants and pick a quality plant to clone and grow. Now your at a new location with some experience, your equipment, and no one knowing a damn thing but you. Read and learn as much as possible and you will see the results in your plants.
I vote for a move, getting a job and growing a personal sized stash in a stealth cab.

You've already been outed, and your landlady and neighbors are trying to warn you. You don't have the bucks for a good defense attorney so you may well be somebody they " Make an example of...". You're not making any money at it.
What's the question here, because the answer is obvious.


New member
thanks for the responses...i quit. time to get a job and start over incognito somewhere else
now im worried though. if i break my lease and leave, and i may get the landlord pissed and stat talking....it wouldnt matter now but it will later cuz go ahead bust me now i gots nothing....but in the future i may have problems


Pay him a couple grand to hold him over until he finds the new tenant, plus an extra $500 to repair all the damage you did to the property. My 2 cents. You probably already gave him $1500 in security offer to give him another 1500 to let you walk no way hell say no
1) Stem rot: Switch from rockwool to coco:perlite or hydroton, and use Hygrozyme. I use it all the time as a preventative (5ml/gal), and I never have any issues with root rot, stem rot, that clear slimey shit, etc.

2) PM: Use the sulfer burner regularly, and skip the neem. Also, keep your RH in check, your intake air filtered, and your room sanitary.

As far as security goes, if your still young and crazy and want to chance it, that's your business. I didn't practice good security protocol when I was young either, and I still have a clean record. But just because I grew in an efficiency apartment wherein my landlord payed for electricity when I was 19 without getting arrested doesn't mean I wasn't an idiot.


Active member
Pack up and find somehwer else to grow mate. No way i'd be risking my ass with that many flowering clones to some old bum hippie nextdoor and his friend the landlord. It's in the landlords interets to make sure you are not growing in that house. Why would she wish to risk something of such value to let you make some cash?

I ripped my growdown a few months ago after getting a knock on the door from the plod. I wasn't in, the mrs was, and she never answered. I just tore it all down and am out of weed now. Turns out it was a general call about an assault up the road, and i could of carried on, but it aint worth it. If you got the chance to get rid of the evidence and live free to grow another day somewhere else, then do it, or you'll only regret it. You won't regret ripping down if nothing happens though, as you know you did the right thing.

Also, just my opinion, but anyone that sells you cuttings is not your friend really. Just out for a quick buck. Friends good enough to know you grow, would give you cuttings for nothing in my experience.


Active member
"she hits the Volcanoe regularly as well as is always smoking a J".

The WRiting is on the Wall. SHE DOESN"T CARE.

AVOID THE NOID. Do you have a medical license?
I agree johnnyla, your landlord is not an issue I don't think. You pay rent on time and keep the place nice looking, they couldn't ask for a better renter. My dad was in the rental business for a long time with many houses and an apartment complex and I know good renters are hard to come by as I used to have to clean up after all of them when they moved out, the worst part about the rental business. I would make sure they know you are taking care of their property, maybe ask what type of a/c filters you should use and how often they recommend changing them.

As far as your neighbor friend of the landlords, if he is best friends with them he won't want anything bad for his best friend, especially if he/she (landlord) is happy with you. And also, your his neighbor, if you keep the house looking nice, he should be ok with you.

As far as running your mouth off, big no no. Oh yeah, they all think you quit, and you still don't have a job? ?? ???? ?????? It makes one think.

just my:2cents:
Get out. Now.

Get out. Now.


Even if Mr. Neighbor is your best buddy from high school, 1 person = secret. 2 people = 2 times the chance to get caught. an offhand remark, and you're talking about meetin Bubba up at the prison. Kind of weight you are talking, I don't see how you could avoid prison.

Get a "job offer " in another state. Have a relative "get sick".

Set-up somewhere new, go stealth in a house you own (preferably) or a few cabinets, lots of ppl here do cab grows and get nice weights.

Scale down. you can sell 1 oz. for $350.00, or 1 pound for $ 2000. but the pound = headaches and prison. With the right state, you can make just as much with Ozs. I bet.

Plus, get caught w/ Oz, no biggie. Pounds?? :noway: :1help:

Next time, do it better. Seal the whole grow, scale down if only to keep smell down, have a cover job......you buy/sell stocks online, you write tech journals, you manage websites, you tele-commute, you got a settlement, whatever.

But if you are hoping no-one sez anything, maybe they won't . but maybe they will slip up, and the it's bye-bye.

It is no coincidence that she was drunk and blurted that out ...

she knows and that puts her risk of losing her house .. but also i remember on judge judy a stoner had a hydro setup going and the place caught fire and there was like $5000 damage because a ballast blew and caught fire ...

If I was you I would have asked her quietly hey I have a little if you want a joint and laugh .. she says yes your all clear on ya grow ... if she says no then you know where you stand ..

But look you say they like you and if you do get busted you will know who to go after ... lol

you have spent alot of $$$ I say go ahead with you plan .. and good luck ..
you need your mate to mind ya clones till you move ..

as many have said when one person knows thats enough .... when 2 people know then thats asking for trouble ... usually people who know you grow either want some or will dob you in or all of the above ...