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Shortest Amount of Veg Time?


New member
Basically, Im doing a super micro grow in an old little bin thingy I have. With lights and all, space is very limited. I need to know whats the shortest amount of time that the plants can veg for, since I can hopefully keep them nice and small. Yes, I do in fact have a screen set up to split the branches out to maximize growth with, but you can catch my drift...



If you really want to, you can grow the plants on 12/12 starting from seed. They won't start flowering until they are mature enough, but they will start flowering as soon as they are mature enough.

If you work with clones, best is to root them nicely and then flip to 12/12. You can root on 12/12, but it slows down the process and retards flowering because the plants won't have enough food until they have enough roots.

I've successfully flowered clones as small as 1.5" tall (just out of fun; it didn't yield enough to be bothered with!) I find that clones 5-8" tall flower quite nicely.


New member
Hmmm.. .interesting.

Looks like I will give them maybe 1 week of 16/8, and then switch to 12/12.

sound good?


Active member
i give my clones 2 weeks of veg time and they still out grew my box even using a scrog
i trained for 3 weeks and i quess i should have trained for 4 weeks next time i think i will do 12/12 after a few days and see what happens. but all is good one more week till harvest. :woohoo: :woohoo: :wave:


here's a clone I put into flowering two days after the roots grew out the jiffy in the clone box.It has been flowering for 15 days now.as you see it wont produce much, stem is thin, it had no time to grow much vegetation.It was a test , my advice would be to let your clone get back to full growth (at least a week) before flowering it, and pruning/training it.The strain on the pc is 95% indica.

pic: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/993/pict0002wh8.jpg


here's a clone I put into flowering two days after the roots grew out the jiffy in the clone box.It has been flowering for 15 days now.as you see it wont produce much, stem is thin, it had no time to grow much vegetation.It was a test , my advice would be to let your clone get back to full growth (at least a week) before flowering it, and pruning/training it.The strain on the pc is 95% indica.

pic: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/993/pict0002wh8.jpg