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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


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my view of PEET:



position should still be profitable imo w/ decent timing. already @2.60/2.90. you holding any thru the weekend? im still holding a target of 1265/1275S&P, 11857/12k DJI after testing 1191S&P, but this shit could roll over any day. still buying the short term dip, working in nov calls now. look for the EU to promise the moon, but logically not be able to deliver. selloff on failing to deliver.

btw, China is slowly beginning to unwind their US Treasury reserves. whether it is just to send a message, to alleviate a possible liquidity squeeze they may be experiencing, or to bank some profit while the USD has some relative strength, only the movers know. will be watching to see if it continues, increases, or abates. i really hope AU hits 1k in the next 6mo so i can cash out and call it quits. FEDs all talking about MBS purchases already. i dont want to hear about QE4 yet. w/i 10yrs (~6 imo) there will either be a revolution in this country or a world war in which it will take central part. the seeds have already been sown. of course, the populations always have a choice. the revolution could be peaceful w/ the goal to enact positive change. the war could be of ideals instead of arms. unfortunately, i have little faith in humanity to make the correct decisions. if there is hope, it lies in the proles. stay frosty,


I think 10 to 6 years sounds too positive. I would say a year. Maybe 2 if we are lucky.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
And so it seems the arcane field of math pops its head out once again. Many of the quotes are Google translated, but the jist is pretty clear IMO.

European Finance Ministers Driven To Despair As Reality Returns
The release of the Troika report (stating the what-we-all-know that is much larger haircuts will be needed for any type of debt sustainability) seemed to bring events this weekend in Europe to an early halt, according to SudDeutsche. As the sheer mathematical certainty of the event horizon that is Europe these days is slammed at light speed into the foreheads of the European cognoscenti, we finally see some actual frustration, foot-stomping, and 'throw-your-teddy-bear-out-of-the-pram'-ness. The Telegraph reports on some choice turns-of-phrase among the leading players, our favorite being:

"It was grim. The worst mood I have ever seen, a complete mess," said one eurozone finance minister.

Jan Kees de Jager, the Dutch finance minister, told colleagues: "We've got to get real. People are talking about new defences but with one gulp the whole €440 billion could be gone, leaving the eurozone with no protection at all"

Francois Baroin, the young and inexperienced French finance minister, attempted to hit back, complaining that the IMF's default medicine would hit France the hardest; the country's banks are highly exposed and could threaten its "untouchable" AAA rating.
But Mrs Lagarde, who had held his post until taking up the IMF job this summer, "shut him up" by brandishing the report and pointing to it its detailed figures. "She really slapped him down - and in perfect English too, a language he cannot speak," said a diplomat.

"Their shouting could be heard down the corridor in the concert hall where an orchestra was about to play the EU's anthem, Ode to Joy," said an incredulous EU official.
And the rulers fiddle as Rome burns.


I guess this needs to get priced into the market...

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States will likely suffer the loss of its triple-A credit rating from another major rating agency by the end of this year due to concerns over the deficit, Bank of America Merrill Lynch forecasts.

The trigger would be a likely failure by Congress to agree on a credible long-term plan to cut the U.S. deficit, the bank said in a research note published on Friday.

A second downgrade -- either from Moody's or Fitch -- would follow Standard & Poor's downgrade in August on concerns about the government's budget deficit and rising debt burden. A second loss of the country's top credit rating would be an additional blow to the sluggish U.S. economy, Merrill said.


I think 10 to 6 years sounds too positive. I would say a year. Maybe 2 if we are lucky.
I don't have any long term projection. So much can change so fast. I don't see impending doom. To me it's an ongoing process. How do you determine the tipping point for when 'it' actually happens? It's just a show so enjoy the ride!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
With Europe desperately trying to delay the inevitable one day at a time now here is an interesting graphic that summarizes the most likely outcome IMO.


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Active member
I don't have any long term projection. So much can change so fast. I don't see impending doom. To me it's an ongoing process. How do you determine the tipping point for when 'it' actually happens? It's just a show so enjoy the ride!

The only knowledge anyone can operate on is history.

History says these things:

-It has happened before

-The pace of things is speeding up

-It is so global, that the pace of things will be powered up like never befpre.

however there is another untraditional knowledge to operate on.

it's called prophecy.

Now I understand, that it's too slim of an arguement, but yet worth looking at.

Too many prophecies speak of 2012.

Too many human facts are pointing at 2012:

Such things as:

PAGE - it is going to correct the price of gold, which will destroy currencies.

Elections - big factor.

Nibiru - already a sientific fact, and it's pretty big.

And many other things that are already happening.

but all this is just a speculation based on a puzzled picture of informations.


Active member
The USD Index is touching it's steady support @76.3
Lets see if the correction is over.

I think that it is, given the fundamentals.

Also, since the market is so well manipulated, I believe that we can predict things by asking ourselves whether of not CBs benefit, how , why and when.

If they let it deflate, the stocks are going to plunge.


shut the fuck up Donny
all i know is zerohedge is gonna be PISSED if shit doesn't go down soon. Seems like they actually want the world to fail because if it doesn't, last 5 years of their lives (and some in this thread) will have been for nothing.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
all i know is zerohedge is gonna be PISSED if shit doesn't go down soon. Seems like they actually want the world to fail because if it doesn't, last 5 years of their lives (and some in this thread) will have been for nothing.

The banksters who own the EURO and the other private banks who rely on public taxes to bail them out is not the "world failing", although if you listen to the news they make it sound that way. They know who their masters are and they will try and protect them by swaying the public perception in their favor.

The EURO will fail eventually, what we are dealing with now is how much of the tax payers money will they spend to try and save it. It is unsaveable though so it doesn't matter how much tax money they spend, it will still fail.


Active member
all i know is zerohedge is gonna be PISSED if shit doesn't go down soon. Seems like they actually want the world to fail because if it doesn't, last 5 years of their lives (and some in this thread) will have been for nothing.

ugh dude, no offence, but to me you are just thinking from a very wrong perspective.

Now I understand that you like taking advices from your financial advisors.
But at some point, I'm affraid, you forgot to educate yourself.

I understand that your point of view is pretty defensive towards many things in this system. But ask yourself this: what are you really defending? Is it your wealth, or your own opinion?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It is unsaveable though so it doesn't matter how much tax money they spend, it will still fail.

It's simple math headiez. It has nothing to do with wanting the world to fail. It's no longer a mathematically plausible situation.The markets will eventually realize this and react accordingly. As the CDS market is doing today.

When revenues no longer service debt load the country fails.


PEET goes PoP! It's jacked up on caffeine today...lol. Stock up 5% and the Nov 60 calls up 48%. $370 bid/$490 ask. That spread expands pretty fast on days like today and why I like to buy options when the stock has quieted down and the spread shrinks.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
all i know is zerohedge is gonna be PISSED if shit doesn't go down soon. Seems like they actually want the world to fail because if it doesn't, last 5 years of their lives (and some in this thread) will have been for nothing.
You need to watch this entire video. It's an hour conversation with hedge fund manager Kyle Bass. I consider him one of the smartest guys in the room.

As he says, "He isn't paid to be optimistic or pessimist. He's paid to be realistic."

It's called math.

The iD

almost time for that vwap algo rally. lets see if we hit 11,960DJI by close. crude hit 90/bbl. took profits, im now bearish. net short paper AU/AG. gonna be a move in them soon. hit my targets in DJI, Nas, still shy in S&P by 10-20 points. ill keep playing a minimum short term calls daily & intradaily, but all my long term bias is very bearish/deflationary until QE3 implementation. stay frosty,



Active member
If Anyone Was Short NetFlix..You're in a godly world of profits.

It reported today and lost 800,000 customers because of the price increase.And it dropped from $118 to $85.00 aftermarket.

On my Paper trading account, I'm short 585 various Puts of Netflix and using puts all on Thursday so I'm down $15,000 so far out of $100,000.I took first place last week shorting Apple,but didn't save any screenshots.Hopefully in the morning,I can save anything worth bragging about NetFlix..lol

PEET ,I agree...It wants to go higher.Good Call.:tiphat:


Active member
holy shit netflix!! how low will it go?

mainstream technology is that company's worst enemy. Unless they come up with new ideas - they are doomed longterm


gotta rephrase it:

their ideas are innovative, but im affraid Apple's itunes will just rape them at some point.