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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


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ICMag Donor
Holding some SPXS 3X short on the S & P 500. Should have shorted the Nasdaq. Collapse of tech and crypto. Still, if you were in the those areas for a while you have gained so much this fall is just some cream off the top.

Any ideas for the rest of the week or later than that? I think this whole enchilada needs to slide down for a while. Overheated markets imo and need a little air taken out for a few months. thoughts?


Active member
I read this over the weekend and thought i would share.
i bought a little this am.


Aptevo Therapeutics

Long story short: An activist shareholder has purchased 40% of the stock and is pushing for seats on the board. They have also offered $50/ share for the remaining shares. The next shareholder meeting is later this month.

Fair disclosure: Whenever i talk about something publicly, it generally does poorly. :D:D


Well-known member
American residential property values represent 1x GDP. Chinese property values = 12x GDP.

The Chinese have 60% of their net worth tied to real estate.

Even a small deleveraging of the Chinese real estate bubble will bring results to the global economy not seen since 2008.


Well-known member
I follow fifth third trading on YouTube for swing trading. When everything tanks I buy his plays and do well. He relies heavily on sector rotation and technical analysis.


Well-known member
Someone Said "It's small caps this week" Last week.

So I'll watch some small caps and see if it holds true,Heck,I even forgot Where I Heard it.

Ok,Here Goes.


Well-known member
I'm looking at IPOOF ..its otc and it grabbed my eye so i'll look out for that.

Also looking at LUB - Luby's, Inc...Some good Bull runs and nice management.

Heard the Trump Stock-- DWACU

Digital World Acquisition Units took off but I did see it jumped and looked at the most gains for that day but didn't know who was behind it and the 2nd day it jumped again and then took noticed of it again in the "Most Gainers" section..Ahhh,Now we know.Seems some folks may have heard of it and got some good gains out it.

Somewhere I just picked up some tibets.... MARK and BENE might make some big moves...Might make my first two picks go against these two picks..Ok,Here we go.


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Well-known member
I'm looking at IPOOF ..its otc and it grabbed my eye so i'll look out for that.

Also looking at LUB - Luby's, Inc...Some good Bull runs and nice management.

Heard the Trump Stock-- DWACU

Digital World Acquisition Units took off but I did see it jumped and looked at the most gains for that day but didn't know who was behind it and the 2nd day it jumped again and then took noticed of it again in the "Most Gainers" section..Ahhh,Now we know.Seems some folks may have heard of it and got some good gains out it.

Somewhere I just picked up some tibets.... MARK and BENE might make some big moves...Might make my first two picks go against these two picks..Ok,Here we go.

I made good on DWAC, roughly equal to a years worth of pay. But to be honest im kicking myself, could of sold everything, bought it and be set for life. I even thought about doing it, but risk like that is unnerving, so I only threw a small portion of my portfolio into it.


Active member
I made good on DWAC, roughly equal to a years worth of pay. But to be honest im kicking myself, could of sold everything, bought it and be set for life. I even thought about doing it, but risk like that is unnerving, so I only threw a small portion of my portfolio into it.

My experience has been that it’s better to bet a small amount on a risky venture and wish you had bet more, than to bet too much on a risky venture and wish you hadn’t. I think there’s even a wallstreet adage about pigs getting slaughtered. I believe you were wise to take your profits when you did. The creators of dwac also established warrants and they can be purchased via dwacu and dwacw. There was recently a good article on seekingalpha.com that provided good details. Seems like a good opportunity for arbitrage as the prices are often disparate.

A few months ago I purchased a little bit of gbtc in my roth ira. It’s the closest thing we have to a bitcoin etf at the moment and as it was established as a closed ended fund, it was recently selling at a 15% discount. When bitcoin explodes upwards, the fund can sell at a significant premium. The operators of the fund plan on turning it into an open ended fund if/when the SEC gives the ok, which will eliminate any discount/premium.

Although I don’t have any faith in crypto, i figure it’s like a long term lottery. Bitcoin has had a 12 year CAGR in the neighborhood of 200% per year! If it’s still around in another 12 years and continues on its trajectory, i should have enough $$ to buy a private island in the Caribbean….taxfree :D


ICMag Donor
Bought silver contracts ( and a lot of physical too ) when it was less than $5/oz and sold at $32. That was a home run. I moved to a penthouse fl condo in ft lauderdale, bought a new vette, a boat. I was only early 20's. At the same time that I was selling, a doctor client was almost yelling "sell are you crazy? It's going to $100! "......we all know what happened to that guy and guys like him. Bulls and bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.


Well-known member
But GE’s disinvestment in America’s domestic labor force is different, the UMass/Cornell report says, because of the volume of state and federal taxpayer grants, tax credits, and subsidies the company received while simultaneously disinvesting in the U.S. economy. GE has drawn roughly $1.6 billion in federal money since Fiscal Year 2000, plus $687 million in state and local awards since 1992, totaling more than $2.2 billion, according to a nonprofit’s subsidy tracker that the report uses. Over roughly the same period, the report says, three out of every four GE jobs in the U.S. disappeared.

I picked this news tidbit...What a stock.

I have been Noticing Gold has been itching up. The ticker GOLD making a turn-around?

I am going to compile a list to date to lead me into the new year....



Well-known member
I made good on DWAC, roughly equal to a years worth of pay. But to be honest im kicking myself, could of sold everything, bought it and be set for life. I even thought about doing it, but risk like that is unnerving, so I only threw a small portion of my portfolio into it.

When I first mentioned it I looked it was Oct 24th of 2021 and I must have found a near bottom and now we are near $100 from $50.00

Congrats!! :groupwave:

MRO is heading up too.