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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


Active member
if you have seen that wolfgang guy, hes full of it, the show freedomwatch on fox bisnuess already called his bluff this week .
i couldnt findthe video sorry


You know, what Im about to say may sound pretty freakish.

2000 years ago a wise man called Yeshua Ha Norzi(many of us know him by the name of Jessus Christ that the church gave him)
said these beautiful and brave words to a very powerful prefect Pontius Pilatus:

There will come a day when there will be no governments in charge. The world will become free of government authority once and for all.

You know, Gramps buddy, I kind of agree with old pal Jessus here.

I mean look:
first of
You can already feel all sorts of tensions between people and governments building up(occupy wallstreet etc..)

This is just my speculation, but I strongly believe that the authority will be shifted from governments to Corporations big time.
here is my reasoning for that:
think about how Governments keep on trying to evolve using resources that are so limited(oil,gas,land,metals etc...) They are also playing too much with the power of authority to control uncotrollable(laissez faire) which also has its boundaries.

Now think about corporations. Most will agree here when I say that corporation's biggest assets are their intellectual assets. Meaning that most corporations usually evolve mostly thanks to internal education and technology. That shit has no limits.

The only real power governments have is the millitary power. The power of education however beats anything.

Now if you take into count all the predictions of Maya, Sumer and so on, there is a real chance that the Earth will become a much more plesent planet to live on just right after 2012.

I am just throwing in little pieces of informations that are available to me. All that allows us to take a glance at a very promising picture.

SHOW me where Jesus said ANYTHING. I hate to break it to you...but there is NO evidence (besides the Bible) that he ever existed. There are NO court records ( and the Romans were sticklers for records) of ANY trial with a guy called Jesus.

Governments are ALREADY run/ruled by the major corporations...actually, you're late in your speculation...because it's already reality. Corporations tell the government what they want and your politicians do it for them.

Hmmm...where is the Mayan writing about 2012? There isn't any. Again, no writing but people are SURE it's what they said.

You have NO "information", you have guesses that others have made to TRY to explain their own theory.

Stop being suckered into believing falsehoods.

There's too many people...THAT is humanities "problem".

Just my opinion.


I love my life
So JoeUser what is your short term trade idea?

This isn't your tread and we don't need you getting off topic and arguing points here. There is an acceptable place for that, and you are still short a response.

Please take it where it belongs.



Cash. 80% cash. 20% physical gold and silver. Shit's weird out there. Shorts might not get paid. IF it's looking like it's SHTF time...I'll park in a physical gold fund...maybe CEF for a mix. I fear a monetary reset more than anything. Wake up one morning and a new world currency has just been created...dollars losing 100:1. Gold should keep it's "old" value" better than most other assets. I'm in a unique situation. I'm already retired and own everything with no loans. I'm just trying to keep my wealth and not have it lose value.

We're in a channel...it'll break one way or the other. Short term? Wait for it. Don't get tricky and jump too early because they'll probably do a headfake. Start down, jump up, get you to sell, and then back down again before your money "settles" so you miss out.

Actually, I think a WW is coming. WWIII in the ME. It'll be over nukes but really over oil. If China joins us, it's easy street for 20 more years until we suck the ME dry. If China balks...hopefully they lose without unleashing their nukes and we all live happily ever after using Chinese labor like we did before. We rob them of their wealth by canceling all debt owed them...part of the truce.

Oh...fuck off. If you're referring to your "enlightenment" club...sorry, not interested. You guys don't want enlightenment. You're searching for ANYTHING to explain "the why" of everything. But there are places you refuse to look...in the mirror is one. WE are the problem 99.9% of the time. Take away the people, you take away the problem.

So what's YOUR short term trade? What are the planets doing? How's the universal electricity? Ectoplasmic energy? Does God want an on or off risk day Monday? What is karma telling you?

I suggest patience...EVERYONE is looking for a crash...so it hasn't come. An event is needed.


I love my life
I've posted a few short term trades. CDE and PGH, however I am afraid of the paper ponzi. As you said shorts might not get paid, same holds true for longs of CEF, CDE, or PGH.

As for fucking off and all, it is not my club; however it does not change the fact that there are open questions to you there that are better answered there than in a short term market trade thread.

I don't follow planets, unsure about universal electricity and ectoplasmic energy, God does not exist, karma is telling me "good day to watch NFL!"

When the crash does come none of our paper stocks or paper bills will matter, only physical commodities on hand will have value.



Active member
SHOW me where Jesus said ANYTHING. I hate to break it to you...but there is NO evidence (besides the Bible) that he ever existed. There are NO court records ( and the Romans were sticklers for records) of ANY trial with a guy called Jesus.

Governments are ALREADY run/ruled by the major corporations...actually, you're late in your speculation...because it's already reality. Corporations tell the government what they want and your politicians do it for them.

Hmmm...where is the Mayan writing about 2012? There isn't any. Again, no writing but people are SURE it's what they said.

You have NO "information", you have guesses that others have made to TRY to explain their own theory.

Stop being suckered into believing falsehoods.

There's too many people...THAT is humanities "problem".

Just my opinion.

I was going to reply with a nice text of my own there, but decided there was no point :)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Risk off Monday IMO. Asia is selling off right now.

Trouble is brewing in the Belgium banking sector. Dexia looks to be failing.

Dexia Nationalization Imminent?
Back on Friday, when we closed out the Dexia long sub CDS trade, we said "We expect a partial or complete nationalization to be announced imminently, which in addition to all other side effects, would lead in a Bear Stearnsing of all accrued profit." Sure enough, here is the Sunday Times on the very topic... And while a nationalization of Dexia, which now appears a matter of hours if not days, will be bad for anyone still long the bank's CDS (it should trade down to pari with Belgium tomorrow, just as Bear CDS trades in line with JPM), it is pretty horrifying for SovX and Eurocore CDS in general, now that a bank which holds assets amounting to 180% of Belgium's GDP, is about to be nationalized by the very same country. Anyone who is still not long Belgium CDS, this is probably your last chance to get on that particular train. Of course, if one is waiting patiently in line at a Dexia ATM machine, one is forgiven.




Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
S&P just broke through the 1120 support. That his been the Maginot line as of late. If we close convincingly below support next stop should be ~1080.

BAC is into 5 bagger territory. Warren Buffet is taking his bubble bath today. Metaphorically and literally. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Shares of American Airlines (AMR) just plunged ~30% amid rumors of bankruptcy as pilots retire en masse from the failing company.

I wonder if the American taxpayer is about to buy an another airline company?

VIX has broken 45 too. Risk off.
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The Mad Monk
What do ya say, Gramps? Wanna go half with me on an airline? We can turn it into a private charter for flights to the ICMag Cup. :biglaugh:

For some time I've been telling people to stay away from BofA. At first it was simply because I didn't like their policies. Too big to care came before too big to fail, I hope that point doesn't get lost in the coming storm. And that's not even getting into Countrywide. But the last year or so it's because of their insolvency, something many people still seem to struggle understanding.

I hope Moynihan enjoys the chickens coming home to roost as much as I will.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
What do ya say, Gramps? Wanna go half with me on an airline? We can turn it into a private charter for flights to the ICMag Cup. :biglaugh:

I hope Moynihan enjoys the chickens coming home to roost as much as I will.
I may as well. The two car companies we bought in 08 are in the shittier again so I made need to fly around more. We can call it ICMag Airlines, "Get High and Fly.'

I'm enjoying watching BAC stock go to 0. Moynihan deserves every bit of karma headed his way.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
cnbc said they've stopped trading on it 7 times today :yoinks:
I bet the talking heads are nervous today. I'm at work so I can't watch them squirm around in their seats today. They seemed kind of depressed on Bloomberg last night.

They still had a couple of perma-bulls recovery hopium smokers on touting the "recovery" line. They look ridiculous even to the talking heads now. Definite paradigm shift from two weeks ago.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
We closed sharply below support today.

Dow 10,655 -258 -2.37%
Nasdaq 2,336 -80 -3.29%
S&P 500 1,099 -32 -2.85%
GlobalDow 1,676 -50 -2.89%
Gold 1,655 +33 +2.02%
Oil 76.84 -2.36 -2.98%


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
BAC was down 10% today @ 5.52. Collapsed going into the close today and is selling off in after hours. Would you like more bubbles in your bath Uncle Warren?

CDS market was a bloodbath today. Equities are coming back down to CDS reality.

Morgan Stanley is drying up. Will they be the first American bank to fail?


I want to revisit that Rising Wedge I talked about before. I've added some lines to make sure peeps see the pattern I was talking about. That ~2550 level was key and it coincided with the NASDAQ's second bump against it's 50 MA. I was estimating that ~2500+ would be support for that wedge but once that pattern was broken it became resistance along with the 50 MA. I thought it would drop to about 2500 then bounce up 1 more time but oh well. 2550 was also a key short term $ level horizontally. So we have a bearish wedge that came after a few month long bearish head and shoulders top which follows a very long term head and shoulders top. It's all down hill from here IMO with a few stops along the way...




Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Global selloff underway. SP just officially entered Bear Market Territory. It's on like Donkey Kong.

Welcome To The Bear Market
The S&P fought reality valiantly, and after every other market in the world entered a bear market long ago, reality won. The S&P 500 is now over 20% lower from the highs, and we are officially in a bear market. Gun to our head, and with an eye on where MS is trading, we are going much lower. But even gun to our head we are unsure if the S&P will enter triple digits first, or if that will be preceded by Morgan Stanley "Benjamin Button-ing" its teenager status...


The iD

loving the PPT pop in EK and AMR. everyone who missed out gets to short these bankrupt companies on the second pass. EK running it again now. im currently in shanghai. middle of the night. the economic environment here seems just as worrisome as in the states. seems everyone is trying to place blame elsewhere which negates anyone actually trying to fix any of the multitude of problems. there seems to be a definite rift between what China desires and the actions of the EU and Fed. the global slowdown is looking like it will hit the employment #s here fairly hard. being a production economy, they seem to be very quick to respond to market changes. i have held to the view that once the sovereigns get a clue, that China, Latin Am., and EMs will be first to bottom relatively mildly while they restructure economically, socially, and politically. EU will be next w/ defaults and a splitting up of the euro, then US last and hardest as the ponzi implodes. indices looking a lot like march'08. strong support tomorrow @ 1k S&P could set up a massive squeeze to 11850DJI. still short term calls, long dated puts. flip calls @ interim highs and lows. read the charts. its all algo driven now. VWAP float and daily mean reversions. day trader's wet dream. 10662DJI is pivotal. looks like S&P is turning away from 1144. bears can smell 1022. AU/AG margin hikes coming. 留冷若冰霜,


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