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Short term memory loss


How true? I searched in Granny's links but couldn't find any studues. I can log in but can't post at cc.com. Weird. Is this just more propaganda, or real? I forget.


yeah but like you an train your long term to act short term and then you become smarter overall and just laugh to yourself its so insane

and not because your insane but because the use of your mind has increased and you know it

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Depends what you mean by short-term memory. Most people use that term incorrectly. Technically, short-term memory refers to what you can keep in your active memory for a few seconds. Like looking up a phone number and then remembering it until you pick up the phone and dial. Anything you retain beyond about 20-30 seconds is considered long-term memory, and is more or less permanent. Like being introduced to someone and remembering their name an hour later or the next day.

I had a point I was making, but I don't remember it now. Anyway, good luck with your grow.


There was a study that showed short term memory loss occurred as a result of heavy cannabis use. However subjects regained full memory capacity with in weeks of the time they stopped smoking. I don't have a link cause i'm lazy(go figure)

I know some people who smoke half ounces a day and know 4 languages and graduate masters school the whole time smoking more trees then Shean Paul!

I also know people who smoke a single bowl and call up the pizza guy then ask him why he's calling because they forgot they were ordering pizza. i.e. shorter memory then a gold fish.

RESULTS: inconclusive :joint:


Get two birds stoned at once
I don't get a lot of short term memory loss but its there. The thing they don't say is that the short term memory loss is in the extreme short term at least for me, two-three days of not smoking and I feel back to normal memory wise if not better.
I have severe memory loss when it comes to the short term. Every day, at LEAST 5 times a day I walk in to a room and have no idea why I went in there. I have to go all the way back to where I came from in order to 'remember' why I left via some trigger in the original place (i.e. I see a spilled drink and remember oh ya I went to the kitchen for a towel). I'm in my 30's and have been smoking every day for 15+ years. I also forget peoples names within about 3 seconds of them telling me, however I remember NUMBERS like nobody's business.

edit: Give me 5 minutes and I can memorize a number to 100 places but tell me your name 10 times and I'll still call you 'dude' cuz I have no clue what your name is lol :joint:
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iLLperception said:
I have severe memory loss when it comes to the short term. Every day, at LEAST 5 times a day I walk in to a room and have no idea why I went in there. I have to go all the way back to where I came from in order to 'remember' why I left via some trigger in the original place (i.e. I see a spilled drink and remember oh ya I went to the kitchen for a towel). I'm in my 30's and have been smoking every day for 15+ years. I also forget peoples names within about 3 seconds of them telling me, however I remember NUMBERS like nobody's business.

edit: Give me 5 minutes and I can memorize a number to 100 places but tell me your name 10 times and I'll still call you 'dude' cuz I have no clue what your name is lol :joint:

"Dude, i forgot your name but do you want to hear Pi to 100 places!?"


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