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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
just remember you have now zero tolerance . so start super low . other wise it will not be enjoyable for you . get outside alone after the hit too
That sounds good.
I started wirh a small hit with the vaper too.
Had some of the best experiences with small doses with weed and shrooms, too.
Only MDMA had to be overdosed for stroboscope effects on the dancefloor 😂


Well-known member
Brewing up some ripe pu erh tea from 2007. Don't know much about it, all the text is in Chinese. There is a website on the package but it doesn't work anymore. It was some cheap stuff but I think it's pretty good.


Well-known member
That sounds good.
I started wirh a small hit with the vaper too.
Had some of the best experiences with small doses with weed and shrooms, too.
Only MDMA had to be overdosed for stroboscope effects on the dancefloor 😂
i loved mdma too much. i still would enjoy it , only it instantly makes me extremely sleepy now and i go to bed and snooze . brain chemistry , serotonin melatonin issues .


Well-known member
Waiting for my first ganja harvest while drinking a top-fermented beer from cologne.

Brewing up some ripe pu erh tea from 2007. Don't know much about it, all the text is in Chinese. There is a website on the package but it doesn't work anymore. It was some cheap stuff but I think it's pretty good.
Very healthy.
i loved mdma too much.
Me too. Took it every weekend and after a year or so every morning for a week and then I stopped taking it till today. Noticed short time memory issues and extended periods of lack of good feelings wirhout tacking it. For the fun part, after 3-6 hours of meditation you get the same feeling for hours including the changed sounds.
i still would enjoy it , only it instantly makes me extremely sleepy now and i go to bed and snooze . brain chemistry , serotonin melatonin issues .
To dangerous for me.


Well-known member
pu erh is the fermented tea leaves right?
The ripe pu erh is fermented yeah. But it's some new thing (like from the 70s), where they try to replicate "raw"/normal pu erh that has been aged without waiting all that time. The raw pu erh isn't fermented... until it has sat in a humid Hong Kong warehouse for a couple of decades.


Well-known member
The ripe pu erh is fermented yeah. But it's some new thing (like from the 70s), where they try to replicate "raw"/normal pu erh that has been aged without waiting all that time. The raw pu erh isn't fermented... until it has sat in a humid Hong Kong warehouse for a couple of decades.
what is that special bean in madagascar that some kind of rat eats and shits out , and the locals sell the rat excreted coffee to yuppies in america at an inflated cost . seasoned coffee especial


Well-known member
my friends grandad ' lenny' , long dead now, but he was in bergen belsen camp during the war. russian prisoner of war . he told us stories of them having ' spider soup ' as there brews . spiders in dirty water boiled, and seasoned with beeswax from their shoes

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