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da boveda kid
i remember once, a friend and i were at the weed spot waiting for the guy to arrive, but they were out of ganja so another dude was called and he brought a golden foil wrapped like a thick bar of chocolate hash bar. everybody was like 🤯😲😍. only had cash for a small chunk, man that shit was heavenly 🤤. it was chocolatey brown and medium soft, not dry not gooey either. heated with a lighter it would spawn some thick white incredibly piney waft of smoke, goddamnit!
lovely full taste and heavenly relaxing.
never had anything like that again ever.


Well-known member
i remember once, a friend and i were at the weed spot waiting for the guy to arrive, but they were out of ganja so another dude was called and he brought a golden foil wrapped like a thick bar of chocolate hash bar. everybody was like 🤯😲😍. only had cash for a small chunk, man that shit was heavenly 🤤. it was chocolatey brown and medium soft, not dry not gooey either. heated with a lighter it would spawn some thick white incredibly piney waft of smoke, goddamnit!
lovely full taste and heavenly relaxing.
never had anything like that again ever.
growing up we had some terrible hash, occasionally some great hash .

the dealers were different back then too . the laws were similar but the police were much stricter and organised . one of our dealers in our teenage years would check everyone for wires haha . paranoid . his mum was elderly and would always answer the intercom system to let people in . she had a deep voice , similar to a man with a heavy smokers cough ... i remember asking him if his ' dad ' was ok and well ,lol. he said he only lives with his mother lol . i thought iw as going to be killed . i just changed the subject


Well-known member
When I was a kid our hash connect was this grown ass man that was "dating" my friend's teenage sister and then ended up going to prison for dealing heroin. Some fucked up shit when you think about it now.


da boveda kid
where i grew up there were cafes, sometimes with a doorbell and camera combo, you had to buy a drink and after a short while somebody would come and wave you into a room in the back where he would whip out a big sack of herb and a scale, and they would fix everybody up really quickly.


da boveda kid
cans of ice tea were the norm, either peach or lemon.
once i was sitting in a 'automobile club' posters of tuned cars on all walls, a bunch of stoners with cans of ice teas in their hands, and a cop came in because somebody was parking faulty in front of the buliding...


Well-known member
where i grew up there were cafes, sometimes with a doorbell and camera combo, you had to buy a drink and after a short while somebody would come and wave you into a room in the back where he would whip out a big sack of herb and a scale, and they would fix everybody up really quickly.
sounds good


da boveda kid
eventually this type of weed spots died out as home growing got more and more popular. and it was always cheaper to know somebody who was growing,.. but you couldnt get a 20 bag, more like at least 10 grams at once, they wouldnt fuck with small change....


Well-known member
Vaping some super early picked Nepal Mist, not sure exactly how early, I know I did the pollination 5 weeks ago so maybe it's like 7 weeks or something. And from somewhere down there in the shadows. But it's pretty potent already, surprising, was supposed to be a moderate potency strain, not that I'm complaining about that hehe. Or maybe my tolerance has just dropped so low. The effect is interesting, improved vision and hearing, senses in general.. but wobbly on the body. No fruit on this pheno pretty complex taste.

Not much to look at so lets go for a macro.



Well-known member
It means Tibet in Chinese, and Cha means tea..
And the tibetan word chang means beer 😄
That remembers me of the mad saint Drukpa Kunleg from tibet. In those days, he travelled from village to village and demanded beer and the villagers' virgins.
He has broken people's rigid concepts.
He was known for his crazy methods of enlightening other beings, mostly women, which earned him the title "The Saint of 5,000 Women".Among other things, women would seek his blessing in the form of sexual intercourse. His intention was to show that it is possible to be enlightened, impart enlightenment, and still lead a very healthy sex life, and to demonstrate that celibacy was not necessary for being enlightened. In addition, he wanted to expand the range of means by which enlightenment could be imparted, while adding new evolutionary prospects to the overarching tradition. He is credited with introducing the practice of phallus paintings in Bhutan and placing statues of them on rooftops to drive away evil spirits.

Because of this power to awaken unenlightened beings, Kunley's penis is referred to as the "Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom" and he himself is known as the "fertility saint". For this reason, women from all around the world visited his monastery to seek his blessing.

There is a book about his life from Keith Dowman. Very interesting.

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