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Shit my pants today-landlord got my utility bill!


Well today was one of those "Oh, Shit," days. I woke up and read a message from my landlord saying that they got our pg&e bill for ~$600 and that they wanted to stop by to collect money for it. When my roommate moved out we told pg&e to switch everything to my name but there was a lapse and they got our bill. I've got 2 rooms basically full of plants right now, so I had to cram everything into one room and make the other look like someone actually lives in it. And clean. And freak out. Long story short, I ended up paying the bill and letting them know it was paid and in my name now. They decided it was fine and didn't need to come by.

When asked about the insane bill, we blamed it on space heaters. "Oh, that's good for a second there I thought someone was stealing your power and using it to grow pot," they said. Thank god the bill was only $600 and not the usual $1100, otherwise I think I'd be looking for a new place right now!

Yikes, can't wait to own instead of rent! Shit my pants 3X over today.


Active member
Just hope & pray that your landlord doesn't talk w/ his other landlord friends. Not sure how it works in states other then California but if he's got the slightest suspicion, he can give you a 24 hour notice to enter and there's not much you can do about it. Trust me, I work in property management and do it all the time........................mostly for mold & mildew inspections.

Bunz :D


Patient Grower
He knows dude, he knows. He's either tacitly given you permission to carry on, or he's on the phone snitching you out as we speak.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
you should get a place now.

how many neighbors you got, hopefully there are no smell complaints, cause that would be lynchpin

Good luck man, and take no chances, I would play it super cool for a while

Think Green

Active member
Hmmm..... Damn...... I dont know what to tell ya on this one. Finish the 2 room crop any buy a pad. A lily pad even! lol good luck. Really dude.... get a pad.


time to be invisible..and if you dont think that landlord knows, you are just lying to yourself.
Don't get complacent. Good luck..


Better to play it safe then sorry......Yeah but with a full house what do you do??? Keep it low and bounce after harvest.....


Ditto that...he knows! If he said he was afraid someone was stealing............be careful phatty.

How many lamps you got to have an $1100 electric bill?


Oh shit man he knows! I'd be gone like a shot for somethin less than that!

I seen my landlord coming out a brothel so he won't even come to our house even if i was late with the rent


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Damn, if you can pay that bill off just like that, you can afford to get you a house, my friend. Mighty strange he mentioned growing. Must be a lot of that going around.
Well today was one of those "Oh, Shit," days. I woke up and read a message from my landlord saying that they got our pg&e bill for ~$600 and that they wanted to stop by to collect money for it. When my roommate moved out we told pg&e to switch everything to my name but there was a lapse and they got our bill. I've got 2 rooms basically full of plants right now, so I had to cram everything into one room and make the other look like someone actually lives in it. And clean. And freak out. Long story short, I ended up paying the bill and letting them know it was paid and in my name now. They decided it was fine and didn't need to come by.

When asked about the insane bill, we blamed it on space heaters. "Oh, that's good for a second there I thought someone was stealing your power and using it to grow pot," they said. Thank god the bill was only $600 and not the usual $1100, otherwise I think I'd be looking for a new place right now!

Yikes, can't wait to own instead of rent! Shit my pants 3X over today.
I would get rid of the grow and wait until you own.
I know it's not fun to hear, but you're on a radar now.
Be smart. He's a landlord, he can get in there when you're not in there. Stay safe, play SMART, stay free.


him mentioning pot in any way means hes prob wise.. honestly it may be a good idea to befriend the guy if not just to feel it out.. Maybe bring over a 6-pack. AFter thats done, if the situation is right, pull out a joint. If he's cool hell smoke if not it shouldnt be that bad.. DONT say anything about the grow.. If you make him see you as a person though he will have a hard time snitching and wil prob be honest with you. AT this point if youve broken the ice, he probably WILL say something if he does know. Then you will know. Hell tell you to stop or to share... Get a place or cough up some bud bribes.. (If he knows) then you gotta move or make sure its cool..
good luck!


St. Elsewhere
Well, I wouldn't pull out a joint personally. Pretty much verifying his suspicion, and if he's not cool, then what?

Honestly, though, the way he said it, it doesn't seem he has too much of a problem with people growing in their homes (or at the very least, he's willing to give you the benefit of a doubt about it), but he could have thrown in that last part about stealing electricity in order to-

A) Try to jar you, see if you react to mention of Cannabis growing

B) To express that he doesn't care what's going on, as long as any crime committed is victimless. ("As long as you're paying for the electricity..")

I really don't think you should up and move if it's not completely financially viable. Maybe lock up the room the plants are in, and be prepared for an inspection notice?


Well, first let me say that I'm medical and in full compliance, so I'm not worried about being locked up (although I'm obviously worried about getting my door kicked in and head stomped on by LEO, and having to pay a lawyer...)

If I could just up&leave I totally would, but that will cost a bunch of $$$, I also live with my girlfriend (also medical,) so that is another factor. Though we might be able to afford to buy a place, my credit is shit and I doubt I'd be able to get a loan. On top of that, I am applying to grad school next year and I'm not sure if that will be on the west or east coast, so I can't really settle in one place yet.

I think though, that if the landlord was that concerned they would have made an inspection today. And I'm going to count on that, because.... well, because I really don't have another choice right now. We are going away for the holidays and I'm broke after paying a bunch of bills so I can't move anytime soon, and if I have to do that it will cost me a shitload of $ and I'll be moving to a shittier place and paying more rent $$$...although then my grow would be small enough to take down in 24 hours if I need too which is a huge plus... I really should re-do things here so that I can tear down in 24 hrs if I need to.

Bah...grinding my teeth a bit.


he made the growing pot joke already . haha
don't worry mon , hes ok .


Active member
I agree with the others, he knows, but doesn't sound like he has a problem with it, all the same I would still be nervous living there from this point on.
I think any grow could be taken down in way less then 24 hours with the right incentive, just depends how brutal you want to be about it.

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