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Shipping nightmare!!!!!!

Cannabis Cory

New member
To start off with, I recently purchused some nutes and additives online which was not problem,but when it came to shipping! First I had everything sent to an alternate addy,at which time when it originally arrived,it was frozen cock solid.It was a 4 litre bottle of hygrozyme,and 2 litres of barricade.Then if this is not bad enough,the guy thats supposed to bring it up to me runs into car problems,so he sends it on greyhound.It ended up taking 3 days to travel 9 hours.And not only that,apperently it is now in a garbage bag,with a note on it that says so and so clothes.When it was originally sent off it was in a box all taped up. So I'm kinda wondering what the fuck is going on here? This was the exact reason why I wanted everthing sent to an alternate address in the first place!!!!!!!!


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Greyhound randomly search luggage for money/weapons/drugs/bombs. I can see your stuff being flagged and searched. The box was destroy in the process or discarded.It was placed in a bag and noted as it was found with someone else stuff or the luggage had a name on it. I dont see a reason to worry,and you sent your supplies 9 hours away to be brought to you seems kind of over kill to me. My question is why send this stuff on greyhound, you dont have a real courier service in your area.Im sure 98% of people would not be suspicious of package contents

Oh oh it just hit me, are 100% certain that it left they greyhound station boxed up? To me that me against some kind of protocol to prevent again "terrorism" post 911, so i bet your buddy had to quickly repackage your contents, just a thought :joint:


USPS postal workers can't legally snoop into your mail..

However, any other non-government mail service can, and then they can legally call the cops, and the cops legally fuck you!


New member
Yes, if the Feds deem you a terrorist etc, then they can search your stuff without a warrant. the other 99.9% of americans mail still requires a warrant.


breathe deep
"Terrorist" It does not take much for the feds to consider you a terrorist. Slippery slope it seems. If they think you are sending contraband they will consider you a terrorist so they can search it. blurred lines.