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Shipping Container Grow Room //


Active member
This seems more feasible if the place you are keeping the container is in on it, it would be real hard to pull that off in a public storage facility. You'd probably have to haul it somewhere else to do the construction. Wouldn't it arouse suspicion that the non refrigerated grow can was as loud or louder than a fully refrigerated one across the lot?

And I think 3000 is really low for the cost to build out something like that. It would be hard to plan the costs out without having done it before, so I'm not gonna try.

Isn't there a company that sells trailers already fully fitted out for growing for like $100,000? I think they were using E&F tables and a long row of air cooled hoods.

actually a company makes them for 60k $, but, its not very hard to do it urself anyway? just need to buy the equipment and a already isulated one and im saving loads of money right there..

Hell I'll even contact the company and ask for some advice, and about the storing of the container, I might have an even better place for it where the owner is in on it, but I'd have to go BIG..

I can only imagine how much hes gonna want once he starts talking about risk & income..

How about telling the owner of a normal yard that i will be growing vegetables and stuff, and run it there for a couple of months.. everything goes well, ill kick in with the real thing.. and some 2months later he will probably be knocking on my container asking for some tomatoes for his BBQ party haha!

Ok seriously Id be starting with a Low Odor strain to be on the safe side for sure


How about telling the owner of a normal yard that i will be growing vegetables and stuff, and run it there for a couple of months.. everything goes well, ill kick in with the real thing.. and some 2months later he will probably be knocking on my container asking for some tomatoes for his BBQ party haha!

Why would Anyone grow vegetables in a shipping container in a rented lot. Come on now...

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
yeah the only way you will be able to pull this off is if you were the owner of the storage yard, or if you were "in bed" with the owner of the storage yard... other then that, you are really just playing with fire.

I do not understand why you would be so eager to growing in a storage container? There are many other more feasible things you can grow in. Right now I grow in a small crazy attic space that I can barely even stand in - 4kw's to be exact - but in the future, I plan on growing in a large storage shed that I will have placed about 2-300 feet from my house. I know for sure I will easily be able to get 10kw in a decently sized storage shed that I can either build myself, purchase one from lowes, or have some craigslist carpenter build it for me on the cheap- whatever it may be, it will be cheaper then a large shipping container, AND it will be super inconspicuous...

as far as thinking you will be able to pull off growing in a shipping container, do you honestly think that you are the only one to ever think of this? Do you honestly think that if you were to go into a storage yard with a bunch of these things in action, that the guy who owns the yard never thought of growing in one, or ever took a look at any of the containers, or the guys who own the containers, to see if they MIGHT have it modded to grow in?

its just not a good idea in my opinon to grow in a ship container, unless you are THE MAN, and have absolutely NO chance of inciting curiosity amongst prying eyes. Once you start causing suspicion, you can either plan on getting robbed, or spending some time in the gray bar motel - YOU PICK...

if you DO decide to try and do this, and feel that you have covered every possible angle that would lead to this business investment's demise, then im sure you should be able to figure out everything... as far as water is concerned, you can always buy a large water tank that is fitted for a pickup truck (assuming that you have a pickup).. they sell liquid tanks all over the place - tractor supply is a national store that usually carries these... there are alot of landscaping fertilizer companies that have large tanks - or even power washing companies have large plastic tanks fitted onto their trucks - you could always transfer water this way, and just pump it into an onsite reservoir... thats an easy fix to the water dilemma...

and as far as electricity is concerned, your best bet seems to be a generator- unless you can somehow tap into the electrical line illegally, but that will for sure get you locked up REALLLL QUICKK.... with the generator, you will have to for sure find a way to muffle the noise on it, and ensure that the gas odor is quickly and effectively dissipated into the air for obvious reasons...

the big generator, and the water tanks alone will cost you 5-10 grand... wayyy less if you can find stuff second hand on craigslist...

i think you need to run a feasibility analysis on this business plan and see if its really worth all of the hassle...

startup capital alone for a project like this would be perfect for a downpayment on a home, or a nice years rent on a nice house...

just my thoughts,



Active member
Dont think the coolers on the refrigerated versions will work....Wouldnt want to make the purchase and not have it work...

What we did was purchase the refrigerated model without the refrigerator unit ($3500 and those versions have about an inch or two of insulation)..The box is as sealed as any room I have been a part of...No smell or noise plus security

Rent a warehouse and stick the container in there with a plug and play A/C unit cooling the lights...Run as many amps as you need to a new fuse box in or on the container...

Easy and can be put on the back of a truck in no time....

Oh yeah ... 30k with 10 tons of A/C 18 plant mpb system in a 40 ft container


Kush Farmer

... as far as water is concerned, you can always buy a large water tank that is fitted for a pickup truck (assuming that you have a pickup).. they sell liquid tanks all over the place - tractor supply is a national store that usually carries these... there are alot of landscaping fertilizer companies that have large tanks - or even power washing companies have large plastic tanks fitted onto their trucks - you could always transfer water this way, and just pump it into an onsite reservoir... thats an easy fix to the water dilemma...

The only problem with that is you cannot store water for the duration without a significant amount of space and added cost. To store hundreds of gallons of water inside the growing environment would require chillers, aerators, and pumps. All of that is added cost that is not needed. What happens if your water spoils? Why give up that optimal growing space? Also, you couldn't pre mix your nutes. That means you would need even more space for mixing tanks to mix your feed. That compared to bringing in just what you need when you need it. Hauling water is part of growing.


Active member
yeah the only way you will be able to pull this off is if you were the owner of the storage yard, or if you were "in bed" with the owner of the storage yard... other then that, you are really just playing with fire.

I do not understand why you would be so eager to growing in a storage container? There are many other more feasible things you can grow in. Right now I grow in a small crazy attic space that I can barely even stand in - 4kw's to be exact - but in the future, I plan on growing in a large storage shed that I will have placed about 2-300 feet from my house. I know for sure I will easily be able to get 10kw in a decently sized storage shed that I can either build myself, purchase one from lowes, or have some craigslist carpenter build it for me on the cheap- whatever it may be, it will be cheaper then a large shipping container, AND it will be super inconspicuous...

as far as thinking you will be able to pull off growing in a shipping container, do you honestly think that you are the only one to ever think of this? Do you honestly think that if you were to go into a storage yard with a bunch of these things in action, that the guy who owns the yard never thought of growing in one, or ever took a look at any of the containers, or the guys who own the containers, to see if they MIGHT have it modded to grow in?

its just not a good idea in my opinon to grow in a ship container, unless you are THE MAN, and have absolutely NO chance of inciting curiosity amongst prying eyes. Once you start causing suspicion, you can either plan on getting robbed, or spending some time in the gray bar motel - YOU PICK...

if you DO decide to try and do this, and feel that you have covered every possible angle that would lead to this business investment's demise, then im sure you should be able to figure out everything... as far as water is concerned, you can always buy a large water tank that is fitted for a pickup truck (assuming that you have a pickup).. they sell liquid tanks all over the place - tractor supply is a national store that usually carries these... there are alot of landscaping fertilizer companies that have large tanks - or even power washing companies have large plastic tanks fitted onto their trucks - you could always transfer water this way, and just pump it into an onsite reservoir... thats an easy fix to the water dilemma...

and as far as electricity is concerned, your best bet seems to be a generator- unless you can somehow tap into the electrical line illegally, but that will for sure get you locked up REALLLL QUICKK.... with the generator, you will have to for sure find a way to muffle the noise on it, and ensure that the gas odor is quickly and effectively dissipated into the air for obvious reasons...

the big generator, and the water tanks alone will cost you 5-10 grand... wayyy less if you can find stuff second hand on craigslist...

i think you need to run a feasibility analysis on this business plan and see if its really worth all of the hassle...

startup capital alone for a project like this would be perfect for a downpayment on a home, or a nice years rent on a nice house...

just my thoughts,


First of all thanks for your toughts. My whole idea for this plan was to be able to start a bigger Grow op... first of all i need space... I dont want to grow in the apartment/house i live in for obvious safety reasons.. I also dont want to rent an apartment, If im gonna grow big and last in this Id like to do it in something that i own... a place where i dont live... cause im obviously gonna have alot of people coming in & out of my house... one small grow tool or something the cover is blown... who knows what happens from there..

Then i tought of this thing with the Shiping container, i saw alot of positive things with it, It's really cheap, if you add all the space all together with several containers instead of buying a damn expensive house, also if you should get in troubble with LEO, they wont know you have this container at this certain place and get a warrant to search it.... I could obviously have a house on another persons name and go with the 50/50 deal, hes the paperguy..im the fallman.. but i want 0 people knowing what i do if its possible...and as before.. i dont have the budget to buy another house yet.

I know i should be thinking about all the risks in this thing, but if you keep thinking that way about everything, suddenly it seems like nothing can be done.. so i really believe this can be pulled of, maybe in a yard with rented space, maybe on some other random space out somewhere without any ppl close to it where i could rent a peace of worthless land..

My questions are towards people who might have experience with this kind of grow operation or something similar, how to use the container space best way, how to deal with heat ect..ect..

And Im not being naive when Im telling you.. this has never been done where I am atm, nothing like this would be expected, its like 1grow op bust a year over here.. the public's eyes are on other stuff..


So basically you want advice on how to setup the container? Well WHERE you put the container has a HUGE impact on the advice you get. If the container is in BFE (bump fucked Egypt, or in the middle of nowhere), noise isnt a concern so A/C, insulation, fans, exhaust are not so much an issue.

If in this yard where people are walking by it all day long, peoples advice is going to be geared towards security.

In the middle of nowhere? Drop it next to some electric and water, pop an A/C in there, hang some lights, run a recirculating fan/filter, set up the system of your choice, harvest.

There are a million ways to set that thing up in regards to A/C, insulation etc.

I think you need to find a space first


Active member
No matter what the shipping container is going to look compromised...

You need to remove the heat that those lights generate( holes in container or an a/c compressor outside of the unit) and have an electric source...

Why not just rent a warehouse...


Kush Farmer

We need more input from you as to which way you are leaning. Have you selcted a container yet? Made a decision on how many lights? are you going to keep mothers?


Active member
We need more input from you as to which way you are leaning. Have you selcted a container yet? Made a decision on how many lights? are you going to keep mothers?

found several of 40ft containers, the company can assist with isolation for a good price, and other modeling, probably the wiring aswell. I'll need to have a look at the container before i can determine how I will set this up, will probably have a small space to place all the A/C stuff, ballasts and some space for mother plant/clones right after the 'fasad room' separating the growroom from the container door.

I'll have to investigate further.. after I choose where I will have them, this or that yard.. I will know if going with some kind of semi selfrunning hydro setup can be a choice or not!

I'll tell you guys more when i know


Active member
found several of 40ft containers, the company can assist with isolation for a good price, and other modeling, probably the wiring aswell. I'll need to have a look at the container before i can determine how I will set this up, will probably have a small space to place all the A/C stuff, ballasts and some space for mother plant/clones right after the 'fasad room' separating the growroom from the container door.

I'll have to investigate further.. after I choose where I will have them, this or that yard.. I will know if going with some kind of semi selfrunning hydro setup can be a choice or not!

I'll tell you guys more when i know

How will you get rid of the heat from either from the lights or the a/c...Which means either exhaust holes or a compressor outside of the unit...

Gotta admit putting the container in a non secure location seems stupid..Especially if your in a non med state...

Will you be able to find a yard with at least 100 amps of power...

You do realize this is probably a 15 to 25k investment...Do you have enough experience to pull this off...

Doesn't really sound like you have thought this through very well..
