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Sheriffs knocked on my door

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
"So i was growing in CA for years at my home. Things have been heating up in town and the time came for me to start another venture. My last rip was about 2 months ago."

Your last rip? Does that mean your harvest? ... or did you stop growing because of rippers? If it was rippers then somebody could have been arrested and ratted out your location to try and bargain a reduced sentence.

The Revolution

Active member
Sounds to me like they're fishing. Ive had a few encounters with LEO, more than I would care to remember.. If they had a reason to enter, they would have. They depend of people not knowing their rights, and their local laws. They were probably hoping to gain easy access without a warrnt: someone allowing them to enter, or inviting them in. I never allow police officers in my house. I had a state trooper come by months ago, it was something involving my drivers license, I stepped outside and locked the door behind me. I never allow them to enter. Ive been a victim of illegal search and seizure, multiple times. One time when we were kids, my older sis got picked up for underage drinking. She was driven home by two state troopers, who were standing inside of my fathers door explaining to him how events had transpired, and asking way too many unrelated questions. Suddenly one of the troopers runs through the house and into a back room. He begins looking inside of cabinets, and opening doors to other rooms.. He says he seen a person run to the back of the house. There was noone else home. He was either seeing ghosts, or making a bullshit excuse to search the back of the house.
To sum it up, if they had what they needed they wouldn't come around fishing. I would def get legal council. You can sometimes get a free consultation, or if you have a lawyer already, speak with him on the next move. Do you smoke much in the house? Perhaps neighbors are getting a whiff of what your burning? My guess is there were no complaints, and its a bullshit ploy by the pigs to come snooping around.
Good luck, and cover your ass.


K+ vibes
If you are legal then you're fine.

The only reason he wants to speak with you is to put you in jail. The less said to him the better. He will hear what he wants. Anything you say can be twisted. Retain a lawyer. If he contacts you again you will have current and local lawyer advice. I think most lawyers will say to ignore the leo or have the leo contact the lawyer directly.

Put up No Trespassing signs and a gate/chain across drive if you don't want him coming to knock on the door again. Does not stop some from walking up and states vary but the signs do give legal protection in some cases (I have read).

The real thing is to stay legal. I also know that is easier said than done for those who still live in certain areas. Best of luck!
My thought
"Do you have a warrant? No? Well then promptly exit my property or you'll be hearing from my attorney."

Then close the door. And make sure you document all the details of your encounter for a lawyer if the need arises. If they're walking around your property video tape it and have a lawyer issue a formal complaint with the department.

NEVER talk to LEO. The 5th amendment exists for a reason.
The only thing you get out of conversation with them is ammunition for them in a case against you.

You're in CA? I don't even know why you would be worried about it then. I think they would be VERY hard pressed to find a judge who would sign a search warrant if you're not even growing there and thus there would be little to no evidence which would compel a judge to do so. Even IF they got a warrant and busted you for 2 bows of keif, with a good enough lawyer you could probably beat the case based on the fact that the search warrant was issued in good faith of a grow taking place. If you're not growing a good lawyer should be able to tear that shit apart and get the case thrown out.

When commuting to your current work place I would be wary and look for tails. Other than that, if you're REALLY worried about it retain a lawyer. Honestly tho seems like you're just being overly paranoid, which is a normal reaction.

And no I don't watch too much of "The Wire" and live in fantasy land. This is coming from someone who has been through the legal system.
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I know someone who worked in my local power co-operative in billing/collections. The coop paid to send ALL their employees to "how to spot a marijuana growing house" training days... (this is a non med state, east coast) and would turn over names/address' to the state police upon request. Not a warrant.. just a detective or trooper saying "hey I think XXX is growing weed, I need their bills for the past year etc etc"... Its not uncommon for them to pull a lot of names/addy in one request. Trust me, IT HAPPENS all the time.


Active member
IMO, do NOT call them. And if they come back deny, deny, deny. If they ask to come in ask to see the search warrant. Don't EVEN play their game, at ALL. They have no other intention than to screw you, period. They might say shit like they are there protecting you. That is just not true.But other than that, I wouldn't worry about it. The piggies were just fishin', and caught nuthin'. Give your sitter a big hug. She done good.


breathe deep
There have not been any recent explosions, but concentrate use and production in huge in this area. The only reason i have all that kief is because i had so much trim and did not want the weight of it all around, so i dry-iced it.

As far as not worrying because i am in CA, thats a bit cavalier. I have a family with two small children and the police could fuck things up pretty good for me. Sure i could probably-maybe win a court battle, but who the fuck wants to put the time or resources into that. Other than that, your advice is awesome and i do appreciate and understand the sentiment. I'm just getting going starting another business and bad publicity like a bust could ruin the entire thing.

I contacted a lawyer and they said what most of you geniuses said. Don't call, don't speak to them, if they contact you have them call me. we only spoke over email, and will be talking to him today on the phone. He needs more details as i was pretty vague over email. He happens to specialize in Med marijuana law, and also plays drums in a band i have been listening to for 20 years.

I'll report back later if anything is worth reporting.

Again thanks for the wisdom and compassion folks.


Active member
The piggies were just fishin', and caught nuthin'. Give your sitter a big hug. She done good.

Just beware that anyone taking care of your home is a potential weak spot in your defense, as the police might be motivated enough to come back and "threaten/coerce" them into granting access to the house.
They might not have your cajone's when push comes to shove.


K+ vibes
Get a pet Liger

thats wicked scary dude buy a scanner. where i live the fuzz show up askin weird ass shit like that then within a week there back doin the bust.they do it where im at to scope the place out 1st an see how the homeowner responds an if theres weapons visible or kids around ect..ive seen this happen twice last year where i live.i dont worry about it cause im 100% legal. i was at a buddys crib when they did one of these pretend busts.they showed up askin for a certain address on his road an they wee like 50 numbers off.started askin peoples names in the house an said there was quite the ado happening[he had like 15 people in his house]said it smelled like a party.my buddy was very vocal with them and told them to get there addresses right and get the fuk off his property.2 days later they raided him.im not tryin to scare you and i dont live anywhere near cali.but damn that would be super suspect where i live id go live in a motel or friends place for a few months.good luck.


Moon-grass farmer
Glad to hear you contacted a lawyer, that was going to be my advice.

Just because you're in CA means nothing... You're absolutely right that there's no point in spending the time or resources just because you thought you were being overly paranoid...

If the cops come knocking asking those questions, it's good cause to be paranoid, and very careful. Enjoy the rest of your trip if you can, get back home and take care of business.

Wishing the you best of luck and sending good vibes your way!


Active member
yup.. contact your lawyer or attorney and get the ball rolling.. dont go over there moving tons of shit.. if your really not growing indoors.. take your equipment and box it up.. as its not illegal to own....

also be very careful who your dealing with..

a good friend of mine.. had cops knock.. then 2 weeks later.. he had a swat team in his living room... and they got nothing.. because of the knock and talk..


breathe deep
thats wicked scary dude buy a scanner. where i live the fuzz show up askin weird ass shit like that then within a week there back doin the bust.they do it where im at to scope the place out 1st an see how the homeowner responds an if theres weapons visible or kids around ect..ive seen this happen twice last year where i live.i dont worry about it cause im 100% legal. i was at a buddys crib when they did one of these pretend busts.they showed up askin for a certain address on his road an they wee like 50 numbers off.started askin peoples names in the house an said there was quite the ado happening[he had like 15 people in his house]said it smelled like a party.my buddy was very vocal with them and told them to get there addresses right and get the fuk off his property.2 days later they raided him.im not tryin to scare you and i dont live anywhere near cali.but damn that would be super suspect where i live id go live in a motel or friends place for a few months.good luck.

well that was cause for a shitty nights sleep. Seems foolish to come over and inquire about what may or may not be going on at a home, when the intention is to raid it. In this day of google earth and street view, its easy enough to get the lay of the land, without showing your cards.
Why send THREE sheriffs?
My lawyer just said a case went through the courts that set a precedent saying that concentrate should be included as medical marijuana, where prior to that, it was not.
And just in case it helps anyone out there, my lawyer said to never text, and never email. No matter how vague you think you are, use your voice instead.
Maybe they said they did not smell anything to try and mislead and make me comfortable, or maybe they said it because there is NO GARDEN AT THE PREMISES! The timing of this thing is ridiculously fortunate as far as not having a garden.


New member


So i was growing in CA for years at my home. Things have been heating up in town and the time came for me to start another venture. My last rip was about 2 months ago.
I just got a call from my house/dog sitter that said sheriffs knocked on the door and said that they had a lot of smell complaints and asked my sitter if there was a garden in my home. She said No. They asked if there was EVER a garden in the home that she knows about. She said she did not think so. They said they could not smell anything. One officer walked around the sides of the house. They asked for our names and phone numbers, and told her to tell us to call him.
I have a closet filled with grow equipment, and no more herb than i am allowed to have at the house.
I heard from an employee at the local power company that sheriffs somehow subpeoned a list of every residence running a power bill over 1,000$. She is relatively high up and works in the office/managerial side of things. Our power bill was always close, but never reached 1,000.
We live in a very secluded area and have no nearby neighbors, except one that are totally clueless. We were at it for 5+ years at this place. It always smelled a bit at harvest, but otherwise not really.
Just wondering your folks thoughts on the matter. Any tips for when i call the guy?
As long as your legal,call them and get their attention away from you .:dance013::woohoo:


Active member
well that was cause for a shitty nights sleep. Seems foolish to come over and inquire about what may or may not be going on at a home, when the intention is to raid it. In this day of google earth and street view, its easy enough to get the lay of the land, without showing your cards.
Why send THREE sheriffs?
My lawyer just said a case went through the courts that set a precedent saying that concentrate should be included as medical marijuana, where prior to that, it was not.
And just in case it helps anyone out there, my lawyer said to never text, and never email. No matter how vague you think you are, use your voice instead.
Maybe they said they did not smell anything to try and mislead and make me comfortable, or maybe they said it because there is NO GARDEN AT THE PREMISES! The timing of this thing is ridiculously fortunate as far as not having a garden.

As I offered earlier, they got a line on you somehow- insufficient for a warrant, but something they found interesting. So they stop by, see if anything leaps out at them, see how you react to their presence. It all goes in the notes & the searchable database back at the cop shop. You'll never know what it was unless you're indicted, maybe not even then.

That location needs to be strictly legal, now and forever. Not kinda-sorta maybe, not pushing the envelope, no misconceptions on your part. It's an opportunity to review your whole concept of security & your associations as well. Obviously, something isn't what it needs to be.

They handed you an opportunity to tighten up. Use it well or suffer the consequences somewhere down the road.


New member


As I offered earlier, they got a line on you somehow- insufficient for a warrant, but something they found interesting. So they stop by, see if anything leaps out at them, see how you react to their presence. It all goes in the notes & the searchable database back at the cop shop. You'll never know what it was unless you're indicted, maybe not even then.

That location needs to be strictly legal, now and forever. Not kinda-sorta maybe, not pushing the envelope, no misconceptions on your part. It's an opportunity to review your whole concept of security & your associations as well. Obviously, something isn't what it needs to be.

They handed you an opportunity to tighten up. Use it well or suffer the consequences somewhere down the road.

Now, this is a man who knows ,normally the cops investigate for ninty days to get enough info. on you and those who fequate the residence,( at least that is what they do in no. Indiana.)
im sorry if i scared you.i dont live in cali and cops have dif.tactics from staTe to state.im in no way saying you are gonna get busted and im def not trying to jinx you.the folks that i saw this happen to were doing more than just growing weed so that prob had somethin to do with it,but still be careful.