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Sheriff Mack Kicked the Feds out of his County. Advocates State Sovereignty, Video


Yea, thats just what I want. The local sheriff as the ultimate boss in my county. He's just a puppet for whoever has the most money. Sounds like feudalism to me.
Yea, thats just what I want. The local sheriff as the ultimate boss in my county. He's just a puppet for whoever has the most money. Sounds like feudalism to me.

Have you been checked for mental sanity lately?

The President is the paid off stooge, paid to steal your rights away. If you have a Sheriff that believes in the Constitution, then he will protect you from violations of your rights.

Maybe you aren't an American. That would explain your ignorant position on the subject.

memphis man

Yea, thats just what I want. The local sheriff as the ultimate boss in my county. He's just a puppet for whoever has the most money. Sounds like feudalism to me.
i couldnt disagree more!! what needs to happen is more sheriffs need to step up and grow a set and uphold the laws set forth by the citizens of his state and county. if your county has laws set in place that your sheriff is to uphold he should uphold them. if your states law says one thing and the feds try to do another then yes the sheriff of your county should step up and tell the feds to go get fucked. but it happens all to often that counties and states put laws into effect only to have the feds come through and bust you for following your local laws. the way i see it we should be so lucky to have a sheriff like mr mack. a local sheriff who actually stands up and flexes his jurisdictial muscle against the feds is not a puppet he is a pioneer.
The problem is Federal Funds

The problem is Federal Funds

The problem is that most Sheriff's accept Federal Funds. The minute they accept Federal Funds, they work for the Feds.

What needs to happen, is that communities need to figure out ways to fund the Sheriff's department so they won't need the Federal Funds. Or just get a Sheriff that is not greedy. Usually, the Feds give big gifts, like munitions and tanks and $$$.

If the growers in the town, financially support the Sheriff, then he could turn away the federal funds a lot easier.

If the people just go to the Sheriff and tell him, "yo, Sheriff, we support the Constitution and we want a Sheriff that does the same. We'll make you a deal. You support the Constitution and tell the feds to take a hike, and we'll re-elect you and support you. if you do not, we will elect someone who will, and we will support them instead."

If enough people do this, the Sheriff will feel supported and encouraged to do the right thing. (Hopefully)


The problem is that most Sheriff's accept Federal Funds. The minute they accept Federal Funds, they work for the Feds.

What needs to happen, is that communities need to figure out ways to fund the Sheriff's department so they won't need the Federal Funds. Or just get a Sheriff that is not greedy. Usually, the Feds give big gifts, like munitions and tanks and $$$.

If the growers in the town, financially support the Sheriff, then he could turn away the federal funds a lot easier.

If the people just go to the Sheriff and tell him, "yo, Sheriff, we support the Constitution and we want a Sheriff that does the same. We'll make you a deal. You support the Constitution and tell the feds to take a hike, and we'll re-elect you and support you. if you do not, we will elect someone who will, and we will support them instead."

If enough people do this, the Sheriff will feel supported and encouraged to do the right thing. (Hopefully)

It isn't that the locals are not supporting their sheriff in a sense, its the fact that many sheriffs want all the new toys and guns. Many times they request or think they need more than that actually do. More than locals could provide.


Just wait until your local sheriff says F*** the constitution, I don't need any stinking warrants, I know they're growing dope and i'm gonna go bust in their door and haul them off. You'll all be crying for the fed govt and courts to come and protect you.
The sheriff and sheriffs dept in my county is a bunch of f***ing crooks and cowboys who already think they can do whatever the hell they want, and all of their sheriffs dept buddies protect them.


Check out this link and then tell me how great the local sheriffs dept is. I can just imagine how it would be if they were the ultimate authority.
You all must live in some kind of utopia.


Have you been checked for mental sanity lately?

The President is the paid off stooge, paid to steal your rights away. If you have a Sheriff that believes in the Constitution, then he will protect you from violations of your rights.

Maybe you aren't an American. That would explain your ignorant position on the subject.

Thats a mighty big if my friend. You stay right where you are in the land of OZ. I'll continue to believe what 53 years of observing human nature has taught me. Power corrupts. I don't want the local sheriff to have one little bit more power than he already has.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i don't know why people could be under the impression that authoritative dickheads are somehow less of an issue if they are local authoritative dickheads.

my interaction w/ federal LEO and local police leads me to believe that it's different uniforms, same dickheads.

if you could find these altruistic and non corrupt people, yah...the convo might have some merit. it would leave you wondering why one can be staffed by altruistic and non corrupt people and the other can't, but it'd at least have some merit. you can't reasonably put that forward and have a damned thing to do with reality, tho.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
some one up there said it states are bought by feds... feds bought by someone everyone is in the pocket of someone.. the system is too corrupt to be fixed only option is for it to crumble and be rebuilt... This is the direction we are heading, we are already seeing it all around the world with countries in total collapse and itll be a dominoe effect soon enough..

Just about any non third world country lives way above its means and there government spends money they dont have... Collapse of the system we live in and the way we live is the only option. We live in a way that is non sustainable and the only option is collapse... well just see how long we can drag this shit out. I know i for one have my tin hat ready.
i don't know why people could be under the impression that authoritative dickheads are somehow less of an issue if they are local authoritative dickheads.

my interaction w/ federal LEO and local police leads me to believe that it's different uniforms, same dickheads.

if you could find these altruistic and non corrupt people, yah...the convo might have some merit. it would leave you wondering why one can be staffed by altruistic and non corrupt people and the other can't, but it'd at least have some merit. you can't reasonably put that forward and have a damned thing to do with reality, tho.

Criminals can take any position. Vote them out. You don't want to destroy the office, because the officer is crooked. The problem you have is the fact that your Sheriff does not support the Constitution, but that can be fixed. Change Sheriffs. Run against him. Make your platform the Constitution and get elected. Then fire the officers who supported him, if they don't support you and the Constitution. Simple!

People are LAZY!
Many of you just don't want to take responsibility.
People are SPOILED!
They think as long as they have their bongs, everything is okay.
some one up there said it states are bought by feds... feds bought by someone everyone is in the pocket of someone.. the system is too corrupt to be fixed only option is for it to crumble and be rebuilt... This is the direction we are heading, we are already seeing it all around the world with countries in total collapse and itll be a dominoe effect soon enough..

Just about any non third world country lives way above its means and there government spends money they dont have... Collapse of the system we live in and the way we live is the only option. We live in a way that is non sustainable and the only option is collapse... well just see how long we can drag this shit out. I know i for one have my tin hat ready.

All we really need is to get back to the Constitution. It's being ignored by the criminals we elect into office.
Don't ever get rid of a system, unless you have something better to put into it's place, because what takes it's place is never guaranteed to be any better, and usually turns out worse.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
Change Sheriffs. Run against him. Make your platform the Constitution and get elected. Then fire the officers who supported him, if they don't support you and the Constitution. Simple!

i think the word 'simple' means something to you that isn't reflected by either Webster's or sanity.


May your race always be in your favor
The County Sheriff is an elected Law enforcement official, as such he does out rank all other LEOs in his county. As for the other Sheriffs talked about in the thread, remember they are ELECTED THEY CAN BE VOTED OUT. Not getting into the dick head end of things each Sheriff is different just remember YOU CAN VOTE THEM OUT !!!!!!!!!!!
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