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She dropped the seeds but I'm in trouble?.....


Yeah I'm going to be trying that one tonight....... I think I'll scrub out the canister just in case ;)

She called me a retard for posting this thread..... lol


You're Welcome! Hope it helps somebody out!

If you are worried about the beans going into the vacuum cleaner, Put a rubber band around the pantyhose to hold it in place on the vacuum cleaner.


Active member
What kind of carpet?

If it's shaggy, then you're fucked......


Carpet is overrated anyhow, and a hassle to clean (especially if you're a lazy pothead!). I got a wood floor, so no matter how retarded or drunk somebody is, accidental seed droppage aint no big thing.

accidents happen, man. but if you really meant to call her retarded then at least you were being honest, i guess. quick tip tho, us ladies don't exactly take pride in being called retarded :-/


It is a sort of "new shag" called frisa (sp?) By hook or by crook. I'm just glad I didn't have her help me move all the clones last night :D :D


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
So I'm talking to my wife as we're walking towards the grow room and she says "oh shit where'd they go?" I turn and she's looking through the carpet for something..... you guessed it, Jack Herer seeds gone.... found 2 outta 5.

So my question.... what is the proper comment/response to something like that? I got in trouble for what I said. "Are you kidding me? are you retarded or something?" :wallbash::fight:

So many ways that convo could have gone but I'm more inclined to stand by my original assesment...... Course I'm newly married :D
and you're a nipple.......

wtg nipple, you just put your hobby before your wife's feelings.


Cookie monster

Carpet is overrated anyhow, and a hassle to clean (especially if you're a lazy pothead!). I got a wood floor, so no matter how retarded or drunk somebody is, accidental seed droppage aint no big thing.

Too right greenhead,

5 years ago my pup had diarrhoea all over the bedroom carpet so I cut the whole lot out with a box cutter.
Man the amount of trapped dirt,filth,skin cells,fur that the hoover never picked up was sickening.

Whole house is either tiled or floored with wood now, carpets are the most unhygienic thing on the planet.


Yeah a few of you seem pretty pissed but in the tone it wasn't a fight per sey. That's about as bad as it's been in 5 years but yeah, nipple, fine.


Some total assholes in this thread, accidents happen. Gonna bitch and call her retarded over some weed, rofl what a piece.

Cookie monster

accidents happen, man. but if you really meant to call her retarded then at least you were being honest, i guess. quick tip tho, us ladies don't exactly take pride in being called retarded :-/

Thats just it, going by georges posts he only asked her if she was retarded?...and did'nt actually call her a retard.

A guy should be able to ask his wife is she retarded if she does something silly, without fear of it backfiring on him.


Yeah I get in trouble for telling my wife the truth all the time too. Forget that she just did something that a 12 year old with half a brain wouldn't do. The second I say something even remotely insulting, and somehow she can turn anything into an insult, it gives her a reason to attack me for being insensitive, and puts the original issue on the back burner. Typical bullshit.

Just today, for instance. She decided to clean behind her computer. Great idea! I ask her what she's doing with a power cord in her hand. She says... I don't know where it goes. I said... didn't u pay attention to where it was when you took it out? Yeah but I forgot. Then she starts tryin to plug a powesr source into her sound card. I tell her not to. She says... It must go there, and starts to go to plug it in. I start yelling. NO! DON"T DO THAT... YOU COULD DESTROY YOUR SOUND CARD!!! Guess what?
She gets mad at me. Why? Cuz I was yelling! Of Course. You just can't win with somebody like that. Better to just keep ur big mouth shut. I wish I could.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Yeah a few of you seem pretty pissed but in the tone it wasn't a fight per sey. That's about as bad as it's been in 5 years but yeah, nipple, fine.
just a joke bro, but it was you who 'assigned names' first w/the retard comment.

what your honey did was an accident and forgivable,
what you said was said with forethought and is also
forgivable but you have to see the difference.......



She's real smartz..... she just finished her masters and soon to be working towards her Phd. Not just book smart but highly intelligent. That's why I married her..... she's smarter than me. ;) If I wanted to hurt her I would say, "you're corned beef and cabbage isn't half as good as my mothers"..... guys who moms are difficult towards their wives. :D


well my question is did she say yes or no to your question of "are you retarded"? Here is the thing you aslways need to look on the bright side of things (you did find 2 what if you didnt find those?) Oh yeah got to go with the shit happens and I loved the vacume idea with the nylon stocking. I would of used the vacume and had to pick through the container looking for them lmao but I dont think that far in advance. Give her a kiss and tell her you still love her anyway lol take care and good luck

Cookie monster

Yeah I get in trouble for telling my wife the truth all the time too. Forget that she just did something that a 12 year old with half a brain wouldn't do. The second I say something even remotely insulting, and somehow she can turn anything into an insult, it gives her a reason to attack me for being insensitive, and puts the original issue on the back burner. Typical bullshit.

Me too :(

I think we need a sub-forum for abused husbands/life partners...:)


Thats just it, going by georges posts he only asked her if she was retarded?...and did'nt actually call her a retard.

A guy should be able to ask his wife is she retarded if she does something silly, without fear of it backfiring on him.

yep, sounds like it was said with a humorous/sarcastic tone, it was a question for fux sake.. not a statement. And due to being a question, even rhetorical, she couldve answered as an independant human being, no, i am not, i simply dropped a seed, insert backlash here.

it's not like he said, "WOMAN! you have butterfingers like a war amp, with cerebral palsy." I think that wouldve been....unnecessarily harsh...uber harsh indeed.

it takes 2 to tango, one to insinuate, one to shoot down comment. id hate to be married to a stiff that with no sense of humor or spine to take some berating. I love getting called out on things, keeps the wits sharp, and the will to not fuckup, strong.


Active member
Whole house is either tiled or floored with wood now, carpets are the most unhygienic thing on the planet.

You're right about that, very unhygienic in many cases.

I'm American, but have lived in various foreign countries from time to time. The foreign places where I lived all had customs where nobody wore outside shoes inside. One habit that many Americans have that is a bad one, is that people do not remove their shoes inside their house.

Can you imagine all of the dirt, crap and whatnot that is brought inside?

I'm also with an asian girl at the moment, so anybody coming over to our place must remove their shoes, and it does make for a much cleaner place!


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