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Green is Gold
Lots of air movement in the cab, wiping up spilled water ASAP, don't let the temps get to hot in there, monitor humidity...lots o stuff really


Active member
humidity between 35-50 percent. temps between 67 and 76. and lots of air movement.
also i use spectracide immunox plus twice per plant life. its the best shit..


Active member

Just what everyone has said already but I spray with neem. Seems to kill just about everything bad....

tip staff

spectracide immunex and neem. i'll be looking into these for sure. i was familiar with the humidity and water management as well as air flow.
honestly mold scares me. to think, even if you get a perfect grow you could lose it.
thanks everybody for sharing your knowledge so far. you guys rock?



And somewhere on this board i've read a suggestion by Greg Green that sufficient calcium
plays a BIG role in mold resistance, but i haven't looked into that.


Its definitly not a cure or a for sure preventitve measure but molasses is a natural fungacide, using it with regular feedings helps prevent mildew as wel, it just one more line of defense


I use beneficial bacteria

Aquashield is a good start, I have used it in promix

here is one product that uses just one of the bacteria in aquashield to fight disease


Future Harvests’ Plantacillin contains beneficial Bacillus subtilis GB03, a naturally occurring bacteria that colonizes and lives on plant roots and root hairs.

Bacillus subtilis GB03 is gram-positive (spore producing), making it extremely persistent and able to withstand stressful conditions like heat, drought, and cold. Plantacillin’s non-clogging, non-abrasive liquid formulation also includes a food source to ensure the survival of the GB03 once they are applied.

Plantacillin is 100% natural, and contains no chemicals. What does this mean for you and your plants?
Well, to start with, you’ll get some secondary benefits that you wouldn’t when using chemicals. For instance, it is a known fact that the use of chemical products will actually prune the roots of your plants. In stark contrast to chemical fungicides, Plantacillin actually encourages stronger, denser root mass and length! That is because Bacillus subtilis GB03 excretes auxin-like substances that encourage such growth.

The product is also easy to use. Plantacillin can be reservoir-mixed with fertilizers without detrimental effects to the product. That’s right … you won’t have to do any extra work with Plantacillin and that can mean big time savings!

Plantacillin is a valuable tool for resistance management. Why? A naturally occurring beneficial like Bacillus subtilis GB03 will crowd out less desirable microbes, in what amounts to a game of “survival of the fittest”.
GB03 quickly adapts to its environment, and reproduces more quickly than other microbes. Additionally, they also establish colonies that make it difficult for detrimental microbes to gain a foothold. This process may be likened to a crowded parking lot … once all of the spaces are filled, there aren’t any spaces for new microbes.
Molasses does contain small amounts of a natural fungicide, I believe compost tea used as a spray is also effective. As far as I cant see, all the key issues have been hit so far. Make sure you exchange air in your room frequently if humidity is a factor. Dehumidifiers are worth their weight in gold if you live in a humid area.
No matter where you are, there are spores from a variety of fungal species. It is only a matter of preventing the conditions that will allow them to grow. Low humidity, and circulation are huge.
One helpful little tidbit is that in general terms, in the spectrum of typical grow room temps, air will double the amount of moisture it can hold for every 10 degrees f. the temp. is raised.
My keys to successful gardening without mold: ventilation, circulation, and a $12.00 digital thermometer/hygrometer that features a 24 hour high/low for each. One of the best investments I have ever made. 4 of them actually.
Even with my climate control, I like a little redundancy in my garden. It just makes me feel better.
Even if your garden humidity is fine with lights on, unless you are monitoring, you have no idea what is happening in your room when your lights are lights out.
Happy gardening!