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Sh!t's falling appart! (I don't get this)

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Active member
To this i say you have a lot to learn...

this attitude is why we are were we are, people not caring about anything but money. its sad, cause there is more to life than money like LOVE, SPIRITUALITY, FRIENDS, LEARNING...

LOVE = Hormonal Illusion

SPIRITUALITY = Drug Induced Hallucination

FRIENDS = More of a liability than an asset.

LEARNING = Overrated.


1) lol. bullshit.

2) considering the gov almost shut down over a few billion dollars, I'd say any amount helps. That being said, my statement wasn't implying that if growers starting paying taxes it would fix things.

It was that I find it ironic that people who have arguably one of the better jobs in the world, (not a 9-5, no taxes, gets to smoke all day, work out of their home) repeatedly bitch and moan about things for which they not only have no advice, but no contribution either. The roads for which you drive on you are doing so for free because you don't pay taxes at all.

It's become human instinct for people to sit back on their fat asses and complain about things since it isn't their responsibility to fix it.

Even more ironic is the person who started this thread lives in a 3rd world country where I'm sure he can see the stark contrast between their roads and our roads. Of all the things going on in the world right now, our roads is not even close to a problem.

Now my question: In front of 1,000 tax paying people, would you be cool with bitching about tax funded projects not going well when you don't pay a fucking cent in taxes? Or is it just anonymously on the internet that you are cool with complaining.

If the government would shut the fuck up & admit cannabis has medical benefits & just legalize it& sell it & tax it, instead of running a non-winnable drug war against a plant, the debt situation would be a lot better, also instead of paying for wars & propping up countries with our money in countries they would have money to pay for this countries problems! When you buy gas the taxes on every gallon is supposed to pay for the roads we drive on!:wave::plant grow:


LOVE = Hormonal Illusion

SPIRITUALITY = Drug Induced Hallucination

FRIENDS = More of a liability than an asset.

LEARNING = Overrated.

I disagree with you on learning I try to keep an open mind & learn something new everyday, plus I forget so much shit anyway!!!! But I agree with you on the other points!:wave::plant grow:


Active member
If the government would shut the fuck up & admit cannabis has medical benefits & just legalize it& sell it & tax it, instead of running a non-winnable drug war against a plant, the debt situation would be a lot better, also instead of paying for wars & propping up countries with our money in countries they would have money to pay for this countries problems! When you buy gas the taxes on every gallon is supposed to pay for the roads we drive on!:wave::plant grow:

weed being legal wouldnt even dent the $14,000,000,000,000, (thats trillion) dollar debt. and it should be taxed and thats it, its a recreational drug too....

I disagree with you on learning I try to keep an open mind & learn something new everyday, plus I forget so much shit anyway!!!! But I agree with you on the other points!:wave::plant grow:

so loving, believing in something bigger than myself and having TRUE friends makes me hormonally delusional, halucinating, liability ridden fool....


well you guys have fun in your lifes...


Active member
hopefully the day will come when everyone understands that no matter which president is in power shit is the same, no matter what you vote for the agenda will remain, and no matter if the economy is good or bad, the people in power are making money.

this got me thinking of "the zeitgeist" a really good documentary for those who havent seen it yet...


My health insurance went up 11% today..thats an extra 30 $ per month..union dues went up a couple weeks ago,2.20$ per month...state income tax went up last month,7$ and change less out of my paycheck per week....oh but our shit union bargained a raise of 1.5% late last year which is nothing...yeah I'm clearing less then I did a month ago...good thing I don't drive else a 1/4 of my check would be going to gas...
To hell with unions and this POTUS..hope and change,shove it asshole..
Good thing I get free tamales and tortas...else id probably fuckin starve..


Active member
My health insurance went up 11% today..thats an extra 30 $ per month..union dues went up a couple weeks ago,2.20$ per month...state income tax went up last month,7$ and change less out of my paycheck per week....oh but our shit union bargained a raise of 1.5% late last year which is nothing...yeah I'm clearing less then I did a month ago...good thing I don't drive else a 1/4 of my check would be going to gas...
To hell with unions and this POTUS..hope and change,shove it asshole..
Good thing I get free tamales and tortas...else id probably fuckin starve..

hahaha i know just how ya feel, my parents want me to go back to my 10 dollar an hour job instead of growing, i told them if you dont mind me living at home untill you die and i can have it cause ill never afford anything at ten an hour...


hahaha i know just how ya feel, my parents want me to go back to my 10 dollar an hour job instead of growing, i told them if you dont mind me living at home untill you die and i can have it cause ill never afford anything at ten an hour...
10$...ya can't live off that...not now days.
The cost of living goes up...but wages stay the same....maybe I should say fuck it to work and become a commercial grower,but no one would be able to afford my work....so they just smoke cartel weed,funding the murders...
I love how this asshat shows up in Chicago...turning it upside-down ...so he can hang with that asshole new mayor,and rainbow push..


Game Bred
there are some who think growers should not make more than $10.00 an hour...

of course they are the same morons who say learning is overrated ;)


there are some who think growers should not make more than $10.00 an hour...

of course they are the same morons who say learning is overrated ;)
yeah,I'll get my banjo out and pluck ya a little tune..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Going to build a bridges with negative GDP growth on the way?

Goldman crawfishing on GDP just like the constantly upwardly revised unemployment filings that you never hear about.

Jan Hatzius Friday Night Bomb: "We Are Downgrading Our Real GDP Growth Estimate To 1¾% From 2½%"
Nobody could have seen this coming: "With most of the news on first-quarter growth now in, the GDP “bean count” looks even softer than it did a couple of weeks ago. The most recent disappointments have come on the export side—with trade now set to subtract significantly from growth in the quarter—and from inventories. Consequently, we are downgrading our real GDP growth estimate to 1¾% (annualized), from 2½% previously (and from 3½% not too long ago)." Some other things nobody will be able to predict: Hatzius dropping full year GDP from 4% to 2.25%; Goldman's downgrade of precious metals, Kostin's 2011 S&P 500 price target reduction by 20%, and Goldman getting its New York Fed branch to commence monetizing $1.5 trillion in debt some time in October.

From Goldman: Do Consumers Have Enough Fuel?

* With most of the news on first-quarter growth now in, the GDP “bean count” looks even softer than it did a couple of weeks ago. The most recent disappointments have come on the export side—with trade now set to subtract significantly from growth in the quarter—and from inventories. Consequently, we are downgrading our real GDP growth estimate to 1¾% (annualized), from 2½% previously (and from 3½% not too long ago).

* Other indicators still point to solid activity in Q1, but markets have become increasingly concerned about growth in the remainder of the year as well. A key reason for concern is the sharp rise in gasoline prices so far in 2011—nearly 70 cents per gallon—which is siphoning off household income at a run rate equivalent to $100 billion per year. We are adjusting our headline inflation forecasts over the remainder of 2011 to take the surge in fuel prices into account.

* Despite these higher fuel costs, consumer spending looks to have grown at a 2½% pace in real terms in Q1, and—given strength towards the end of the quarter—is headed for a stronger pace in Q2. An important reason for the resilience: the payroll tax holiday has helped consumers to absorb the increase in gasoline prices over the past few months. (Put another way, higher oil prices have fully offset the impact of the payroll tax cut.)

* Going forward, our forecasted reacceleration in spending growth still looks possible, but will require a fortuitous combination of circumstances—a modest further pickup in the labor market, gasoline price relief, and a benign asset price environment that encourages consumers to gradually reduce saving.
"Do consumers have enough fuel?" lol. Interesting way of putting it.

Maybe the reason shit is falling apart is because the machine is running out of gas?


Active member
there are some who think growers should not make more than $10.00 an hour...

of course they are the same morons who say learning is overrated ;)

to clarify, there are some out here that see no difference between the cultivation of one plant and the cultivation of another.

Why does the grape grower get $3 a bag and the wine grower get $30 a bottle?

If you understood what actually goes into large scale cultivation and agricultural processing, its pretty much the same.

Soil prep, temp, humidity, pest prevention, harvesting, drying, curing, packaging...

So why does your magic herbs fetch hundreds an oz and tomatos only a couple bucks a pound?

I'll tell you again and again, its not your SKILLS


Active member
If the government would shut the fuck up & admit cannabis has medical benefits & just legalize it& sell it & tax it, instead of running a non-winnable drug war against a plant, the debt situation would be a lot better, also instead of paying for wars & propping up countries with our money in countries they would have money to pay for this countries problems! When you buy gas the taxes on every gallon is supposed to pay for the roads we drive on!:wave::plant grow:

this is the small thinking that is getting us in trouble. thinkiung we can just tweak the system a little and it will be ok. well it wont. radical problems require radical solutions. the system itself based on money and differential advantage must be totally eliminated and something anew constructed upon it if there is any hope for long term survival of the species.
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