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sexing from seed


hi fellas just wondering if growing from seed. how young can a plant be before you can sex them. many thanks for any replys. terrier ps by sexing i mean knocking the lights to 12/12


You can start seeds on a 12/12 schedule and sex them right away. I'm not sure how long it takes the flowers to show if you do it this way though, general consensus seems to be it's better to wait as long as possible for the plant to mature and for pre-flowers to show by themselves. Can take anywhere from 6-10 weeks if I remember correctly.


I always tripped lights to 12/12 bettween 4 and 10 nodes depending on the type of lighting and space im using. I think i read somewhere that at least 3 nodes is recomended.

hope this helps.


Active member
i just put them into 12/12 and watch check on them four times a day. some show sex real quick, like within the first few days. but some take up to a week before you know....


Great thread! I was to embaressed to ask a question similar to this so thanks to the OP!

I have almost entirely only cloned and the last time I tried to pick males out of my seed sproutings I missed one and my whole flower room had seeds (GAHHH)....I have searched for a sexing thread and cannot find one so any help in identifying quickly males from seeds I would appreciate.


Well-known member
if ya dont want to do the 12/12 wait til they get about 7-10 nodes and they should show pre flowers thats the way i do it i dont like messing around with 12/12 back to 18

Hank Hemp

Active member
Do you want to know when to flip your lights to 12/12 or how long it takes to sex a plant? I'm confessed.


The books say (and seems to be true) a plant reaches sexual maturity in about 6 weeks (typically, there are no sure things with living things).

After 6 weeks you can:
1. Turn the lights to 12-12
a. pull males and go back to veg
b. pull males and let flower completely
2. Put a bag on a branch for 12 hours a day while still vegging (I did this and it worked)

6-8 weeks isn't a bad veg period. Just don't forget to take your clones before you sex them or it is exponentially harder to make a clone.

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