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Severe twitching/shaking/spasms when smoking


Active member
Sounds like a problem for a doctor
Would you ask an 8 yr old about a cannabis related issue? Then why would you ask a white-coat with basically the same level of education on the subject?

My first impression is also that there's something in/on the cannabis that shouldn't be there.

Keep it Clean! :D

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I've had something like that happen to me in the past. I was smoking my own homegrown so pesticides were not possible. I had a slight shake and then paranoia took over. Next thing i know im trembling so much my teeth were chattering. I tried putting more cloths on but felt like i couldnt get warm no matter what i did. Even woke my wife up from shaking so much. This happened quite often.

When it's happened, were you having thoughts that were "out" there? I know the few times its happened to me, i did. I know for me, i was guessing it was because i had a sativa dominant strain i had chopped WAY early due to paranoia. Speaking to my cousin he said he had it happen when he would take a break and then smoke too much good weed.

In all honesty though, i really think it was a combo of things. Diet, my mind set, feelings and anxiety mostly. Stress and the fact i was always reading about conspiracies and things like that. Its like i would start feeling the fear if i smoked. I have even fainted a few times from it.

Something that has helped for me, has been fruits. It seems whenever it would start to happen, eating some fruit would help TREMENDOUSLY! Im guessing for me it was a blood sugar issue. Breathing like you said would also help but fruits/healthy sugars have been what have helped me the most. Its weird, a few times after having this start and i've eaten fruit, i would feel great and i felt like i would be in a different reality haha kind of trippy.

Just for my own sanity, i went to the doctors for blood work and all that jazz just to ease my mind. Everything came back great. Healthier than healthy. My wifes dad had diabetes and she said he would have the same thing happen when his sugar got low. I thought i read somewhere that smoking weed drops your blood sugar as well as pressure and if that is the case, fruits helping me makes sense.

I hope you figure it out. Let us know what you find.

Yeah your reaction does sound strange but I would have to say exactly what you said you picked too early and it was sativa lol.. So what strain of bud was it ? lol.. Stay frosty headband 707:biggrin:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Would you ask an 8 yr old about a cannabis related issue? Then why would you ask a white-coat with basically the same level of education on the subject?

My first impression is also that there's something in/on the cannabis that shouldn't be there.

Keep it Clean! :D

lol I would say and 8 year old probably knows more....:tiphat: headband 707


Active member
Yeah your reaction does sound strange but I would have to say exactly what you said you picked too early and it was sativa lol.. So what strain of bud was it ? lol.. Stay frosty headband 707:biggrin:
I'd say that's a very good deduction... wouldn't be surprised at all if you were right. C-99, early cut, is something wicked to behold... lol fergot all about that. :)

Keep it Clean! :D


if it smells like fish
well only when I did crack....lol I have never had any issues like described when smoking weed . I wish you luck tho ...


I completely forgot about this thread until someone left me rep claiming the same symptoms. I will add clarification by saying this has happened with my own as well as purchased. From high quality home grown right on down.

Someone asked if I was having "out there" thoughts during these episodes. No, I remain in control and grounded. I made this thread after a session with a friend. I was sitting and what started as my lower half shaking rapidly turned into a full on shake. My friend asked if I was cold because it appeared as if I was shivering. It felt like the cold shivers and it made it a little difficult to breath (like being extremely cold).

I am very healthy. I eat proper, exercise and so on. I still don't know what the cause is, however I can stop it or calm it down by taking a few deep breaths. I haven't smoked anything of quality for the last few months. I am about finished a crop and will overindulge, updating this thread with my findings.


Rubbing my glands together
Happens to me everytime I've smoked Jack Herrer or The White. Don't know what it is about those 2 but it feels like I just got my back muscles and nerves plugged into an electrical outlet. Nothing pleasurable about it at all.


Well-known member
got some weed here once they called "glass". did almost exactly what you described to a tee. I thought I was having a heart attack. I threw the shit into the trash. probably treated/contaminated with something. never went back to that source...

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