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setting up shop in Michigan


Registered User
That is hilarious that people actually WANT to move to MI... 49/50 economy in the nation and not getting better.

It's actually a little sad bro... just out this direction & in Wayne Co it seems pretty damn bad... lots of burnt down houses, lots of boarded up shit, some spots still with reinvestment though. Lots w/o jobs.

Irony is that the MMj market is strong... even better than CO, if workin on the sly... which is what this entire market is. There is definitely money flowing around in this micro-economy.

And the cops seem pretty damn busy with serious crime. Though I've seen more people slinging side arms here than in the backyard of the NRA, so...?


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Michigan will be the state they tear down and start from new here soon lol... btw whos the 50/50 state that beats mi?
Yeah, we could really use a few more here in Michigan. lol.. NOT. The market already seems to be getting over-saturated with some people who like to pretend that they know how to grow dope. Some dispensaries get it, some don't. But I'd have to say that if I opened up a dispensary and some fooking hippy came in trying to sell me wet dope I'd probably call the cops on him just for being a hack.

There is some good quality stuff out there to be had yet though. Just quit trying to make black market money off a grey market product though. You farmer types would make a lot more if I could afford to smoke a joint. But $20 a gram? Go FOOK yourselves, I'll keep smoking the mexi brick until my harvest comes in. Lower your prices and I'd buy it from you instead of my brick guy.

For years I've seen people on here bitching about the big pharma companies getting rich off people in need. Think we could really use to re-examine what we're trying to do here.

Any other glass blowers around here? You fookers seem to like to hide behind your torches and not be seen.
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Game Bred
hey get off my hustle!!!!

i distribute glass to the disps. north 'o the 45°..

unless you are slinging I/O prodo. then have at it....

i specalize in lathe work coil built stuff. no more I/O work for me!!!
Yeah, we could really use a few more here in Michigan. lol.. NOT. The market already seems to be getting over-saturated with some people who like to pretend that they know how to grow dope. Some dispensaries get it, some don't. But I'd have to say that if I opened up a dispensary and some fooking hippy came in trying to sell me wet dope I'd probably call the cops on him just for being a hack.
Would you, fella?


New member
That is hilarious that people actually WANT to move to MI... 49/50 economy in the nation and not getting better.

haha this cracks me up to. Especially considering MI is the ONLY state to have a decrease in population in the last 10 years. Canna-business is exactly what MI needs right now. I think its the only industry that is growing (pun intended) in the state. :laughing:
Would you, fella?

You know what I mean, don't have to be a dick about it. lol...

Sorry, I'm just fed up with all these hacks calling themselves pot farmers who don't even know when to harvest their shit let alone dry it properly. I shouldn't have to open a jar of wet weed and pay $20/g for it.


You know what I mean, don't have to be a dick about it. lol...

Sorry, I'm just fed up with all these hacks calling themselves pot farmers who don't even know when to harvest their shit let alone dry it properly. I shouldn't have to open a jar of wet weed and pay $20/g for it.
So grow your Own. You only make yourself look like an ass Bitching on a National fourm when you could be taking care of yourself.
So grow your Own. You only make yourself look like an ass Bitching on a National fourm when you could be taking care of yourself.

Working on it, unfortunately it doesn't happen overnight. Still slangin' that wet shit to the dispensaries? Still have yet to find that blueberry jam actually dried and cured...


Working on it, unfortunately it doesn't happen overnight. Still slangin' that wet shit to the dispensaries? Still have yet to find that blueberry jam actually dried and cured...
I am a patient & My meds stay with me , sorry you risk dealing with dispensaries but I wouldnt step foot in one. I hope you have better luck growing than you have had with your judgements.:moon::thank you:

RaNgEr RiCk

I love living in Michigan. Everybody should move here to be robbed and shot. Good weed is worth every penny of the $20 per gram, if that happens to be the price you find it. The only people that bitch about the price of weed are the ones that cant afford the good shit. It always amazes me at the people who have no knowledge or respect for the price of top notch product. Stop complaining, and do something to better your life, maybe then you wont need to feed the fucks south of the border with your money from the brick.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Working on it, unfortunately it doesn't happen overnight. Still slangin' that wet shit to the dispensaries? Still have yet to find that blueberry jam actually dried and cured...

you know you should pick a different dispensary if they are buying YET ALONE selling wet weed.

if you deal with amatuers you get shit weed. deal with a dispensary that knows what what and you get good weed... pretty simple.. just cause someone had money to open a disp. dont mean they know a thing about weed... infact i find disp owners to be some of the most ignorant people around when it comes to weed. weed out trash find the good shit just like everything else in life....

RaNgEr RiCk

you know you should pick a different dispensary if they are buying YET ALONE selling wet weed.

if you deal with amatuers you get shit weed. deal with a dispensary that knows what what and you get good weed... pretty simple.. just cause someone had money to open a disp. dont mean they know a thing about weed... infact i find disp owners to be some of the most ignorant people around when it comes to weed. weed out trash find the good shit just like everything else in life....

Well said poopy!
you know you should pick a different dispensary if they are buying YET ALONE selling wet weed.

if you deal with amatuers you get shit weed. deal with a dispensary that knows what what and you get good weed... pretty simple.. just cause someone had money to open a disp. dont mean they know a thing about weed... infact i find disp owners to be some of the most ignorant people around when it comes to weed. weed out trash find the good shit just like everything else in life....

Couldn't agree with you more. But, shit shows up everywhere and it's not always expected.

As for Rick... So what you're basically saying is that you think only the people with money should be able to have access? Do you honestly think that $20 a gram is a fair price? lol... That's black market pricing, just like they've been doing in all the other med states for so long now. Sorry, but I think that's highway robbery. A lot of the people who were really pushing the law were all about patients being able to have safe, uninterrupted access to meds. I don't know about you, but living on a fixed income I could only afford about 2g's a week myself and that's not enough to get me through a day comfortably. Even when I do have the extra cash I feel like I should have gotten a reach around and a few kisses for paying $400 a oz. People can't afford prescription meds at a few hundred a month even with insurance. What makes you think that those same people can afford $800-1600 a month for pot?

While we're on the subject of pricing...

I had a discussion with a "leader" up here in the north country the other night. She's the director of a "national organization" for my county. I asked if she had any leads on patients that needed a CG. I told her that I was not going to charge them, but rather split their harvests with them. Setup with a perpetual harvest, harvest 4 every few weeks as they mature. She basically told me to get the fuck out of her house and that giving away pot to the people who actually OWN the pot would drive down prices. I said YEP, that's the idea - gotta make things more affordable for people. Pretty sad to see someone who's claiming to be doing this for the good of others get so hung up on the money end of it that they lose focus on what's right and wrong. People like that are two faced pecker heads and belong in Washington with the rest of the criminal element that have kept us down for so long.

Now is this really making an ass of myself? If so, I wanna be a ghettobooty and really shake things up a bit. This is just getting out of hand. The more money you make, the more attention you draw from LEO and the IRS. With Oakland county already raiding places along with DEA assistance, do you really want to see them come to your small town and destroy your local med outlet? Think about it - Marc Emery gave a ton of money to reform efforts. The DEA was up his ass with a quickness. That big place downstate (forget the name) was into the dispensary, grow shop, education and reform. Why do you think that they chose to bust his door in and steal all the meds and money? That young guy out in Cali a few years ago who was making rap videos and flashing money all over the place, remember him? Federal drug charges! Why did they pick him? Am I the only one who sees a pattern here? Keep them out of our hair, quit trying to get rich at the expense of patients. Sorry, but if that's wrong of me then I don't want to be in the right.

Whats michigan like these days? last time i was there they were advertising on the radio for weed. lol.

I heard it's hard as shit to get rid of meds now, especially in the UP. But I heard this from a famously unreliable source.
