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Set Up Costs for MMPR Grow Op


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi again ron

you need to define "mmpr grow op" if you want a clear answer

a builing in vancouver is 10 million. in pei its 10,000. plus there is security, system type, are the rooms built? lots of factors

from what i have done in the last 7 years, is about 2000 per bulb. everything up to code. thats with rooms. without rooms.

do you deal direct with china or a grow shop? what type of nutes? are clones in house or bought? so many variables.

now. sky is the limit really. if you splurge on all the bells and whistles and pay full for contractor i can see it being double that.

i just quoted a job at 250,000 for 200 - 600w bulbs.

always over estimate. like any build things come up



Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Jolly Rodger - 3500
2 4 fan chillers - 3000
2 exhaust fans - 400
Wood to build beds on rental house carpet - 100
poly to lay down in bed -100
cost of electrician to bypass hydro with a shunt - 1000
640 Jammer clones - 3000
alaska fish fert - 200
Red-Green-Purple (Nutes in Nammer code) 300


Active member
in 2001 it was around 800-1000 per bulb for a build now its around 1500-1800 per not including rent, employees, power or anything else just build costs.

and thats factoring purchasing equipment from china and not using scam nutes


Active member
the biggest thing is just meeting the health canada standards. from what I've seen of a few of the mmpr growers so far, they're being run by clowns who just managed to convince some investors to "get in on legal weed" or they saved up their MMAR profits.

After that, health canada doesnt give a shit if you use 40w blue-spectrum plant incandescents from walwart, so aside from the extra costs of their security and health guidelines, the costs is identical to a normal grow.


Active member
Seriously, you want an idea of equipment? Check out this video.

Grab yourself some bales of sunshine mix, some T5s to veg tall plants for some reason and some batwing shades in your flower room.


Oh and you'll need to hire one of those funny looking kids that I wouldnt let sit on a basement grow. So include that in your spreadsheet.
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Seriously, you want an idea of equipment? Check out this video.

Grab yourself some bales of sunshine mix, some T5s to veg tall plants for some reason and some batwing shades in your flower room.



Oh and you'll need to hire one of those funny looking kids that I wouldnt let sit on a basement grow. So include that in your spreadsheet.

Lol, I saw this a couple of days ago. That kid seems a little on the rookie side of things(and by little i mean WTF). Not to mention what appears to be the onset of a Mag deficiency in some of those plants in the initial shot. After hearing the CEO of this place on a vapor lounge interview claim that so far they have 10m invested, this is a let down. Gorgeous facility though. From the cuttings to the "larger" vegging plants under T5's it looks like they'll be having a light harvest.

I also noticed that up until this whole fiasco with them having their shipment seized in kelowna they had job postings, that they've since pulled for any in house job positions. Section growers, grow assistants etc. The plot thickens....:lurk:


Active member
My guess with tweeds is they're hyping the stock valuation and then selling it.

They don't actually need any crazy growing ability because the investors don't know any better.


Active member
WTF is a Jolly Rodger VP?

for 3500 it better be China Hat reflectors, bulbs and ballasts...???


OverGrow Refugee
My guess with tweeds is they're hyping the stock valuation and then selling it.

They don't actually need any crazy growing ability because the investors don't know any better.

you are so right....mad props....I have heard thru the grapevine they are looking for growers(Tweed)

just talk...not sure it`s true

Tweed pulled all their advertised job positions related to growing shortly after their shipment was stopped at the Kelowna airport.



Active member
yet their stock is still being hyped on the boards.....stupid investers think tweed is gonna be getting 40k in patients....State of the art north end specials (reflectors)

curious how the sliding rail system will work out with tall lanky plants.....I didn't notice any netting or support....


Active member
kinda like the..
these will veg between 2-4 weeks...big fucking diff in my veg room between 2 and 4 weeks veg..

they don't know how long it will take.? Not dialed in...yet expecting to make big $$$...

Humidity issues..

Bringing in genetics from who knows where.....May they get PM bwhahahah..

Or a good dose of tranny syndrome and seed whole rooms.....
I will admit freely that I lack true knowledge that is an absolute neccessity for any "producer" that expects to be in it for the long term.....

We recently began talking with a producer who's been growing for a number of years under the "old" program and boy, I mean I thought I had an idea on the growing how-to.....but after a 2 hour conversation with this gentleman, it was glaringly obvious that transferring knowledge from say researching / growing tomatoes to growing marijuana, and on the scale these clowns are talking, is not only going to result is some huge quality / consistency issues but the time they'll need in order to catch up to for example, the guy I spoke with today......is going to be disastorous!!!!

The thing that's irking me so much as of late is the fact that HC was going to allow Tweed Inc (and the other) to resell the exact product used as the reason LP's needed to be setup .........and without public knowledge!!! Who thinks that Tweed would have changed their "available" strains on their site to reflect the "low quality" and "hazardous to your health" schwag they'd purchased ..........I'm on the LP side (in the process of the application) of things......but it's shit like this that gives me pause to what exactly is going on with these SUPER grows.....which now with the injunction that is highly likely to remain as per numerous legal opinions I've heard and read.........and wtf the government was thinking when they were approving these things......I mean CEN claiming 1.3 million pounds in year 1...........WTF?????? Unrealistic............now don't get me wrong, there are ways by which that's possibly achievable over a 5 year period.....but ONLY by accessing the export side.........the domestic market doesn't even support the existing players, let alone the dozens more to come...............

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