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seriousquestions about opening a dispensary


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hey people how are things?good i hope.
im Tonatiuh im a grower from a state that i know will be legal soon as we are pretty much decriminalised.up to 100 grams is a misdemeanor and a 100 dollar fine for possesion.our neighboring state has always been zero tolerance and they have legalised medical marijuana recently.i know we will be legal when the next time they vote on that bill,we were only short by a few votes last time.i think it will definetly be within the next year to two.

my question is what are the steps and channels i would have to go thru in order to open a dispensarry when we are legal?is there a website i can go to to read the information i would need to be ahead of them when they vote it in?
i am really interested in helping people,i think MJ can let me give back to my community.currently i have 2 people that i give meds to every time i pull a load.they are close friends ive known all my life,i give them free meds because i am able to.if it werent for me i know they would be in real pain or doped up on pills...or even worse getting ripped off for top dollar and bunk MJ in the street and/or smoking mold and pesticides.
it feels good to help them and i know nomatter what, im doin a good thing.if our state was compassionite they would be card holders.
now i know that there is no way posible i could open a "free weed clinic" it would be rediculus to think that would work.i wouldnt think i could get rich either just make a honest dollar and live comfortably,not be feeling like i have to hide my passion for growing MJ anymore.
i appreciate you taking the time to read my long post.i hope there is someone out there that can point me in the right direction.
peace, Tonatiuh.


The problem I think you will find is that not every state has the same laws regarding opening a store front, or being a coop grower. You will have to wait until your respective state goes legal then passes the stipulations it has for its citizens on how and when they can grow / give / sell Medicinal Cannabis.

Even in California from what I remember (and my memory could be foggy) its different in every county on how they handle it. Sorry I couldn't be more help but maybe someone here could give you a bit more insight.


Active member
ya ure right Koroz, it varies by county in Cali on how they regulate the dispensaries. For specifics, you will have to wait till the laws are defined. For now to get thinking about the business, it will most likely have to be a non-profit. You could research non-profits with a similar model to get some ideas. You could look at your members as the donors and the cause so its more of a closed loop non-profit. are you simply a grower or do you have any business background?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The problem I think you will find is that not every state has the same laws regarding opening a store front, or being a coop grower. You will have to wait until your respective state goes legal then passes the stipulations it has for its citizens on how and when they can grow / give / sell Medicinal Cannabis.

Even in California from what I remember (and my memory could be foggy) its different in every county on how they handle it. Sorry I couldn't be more help but maybe someone here could give you a bit more insight.

My grandpops was a smart man. One thing he told me was:::


The system out here in CA is quite backwards if you haven't heard. Some counties have passed iniatives lowering MMJ to the lowest possible priority ((meaning they really DONT want to have to deal with it unless its a SERIOUS problem)), while other counties want medical cannabis laws revoked and to arrest as many patients/caregivers/providers as possible.

Lets get to dispensaries. In CA, you are not only required to pay state taxes on all cannabis sold, but you must pay FEDERAL taxes as well.

But you say FEDERAL doesnt accept MMJ. Well they sure as fuck expect our taxes from the sales of it. Even after you pay all your taxes, DEA will come in every 6 months and make raids. You might not every time they raid, but what the fuck are we paying taxes for if this is not legitimate?

Pretty sad when our own government is dirtier than crime families...At least when you pay up, they dont come and bust your store up and rob you...


I wish you the best of luck with this Tona!
First thing I would do is get some legal representation to find out exactly what kind of liscences you need..


aloha. you are wanting to go down a very ardjudous road. but it is very fulfilling.

there is a boat load of information on NORML's website (specifically CANORML.ORG) that you will find helpful.

I would speak with a cannabis friendly atorney in your state - s/he's probably already starting to field similiar Q's and should be able to have provide you a plethora of info. AND I WOULD SEE 2 OR 3 HONESTLY. And maybe even a business attorney, too.

HAVE A LAWYER ON RETAINER. Make sure you pay up front so when the feds lock your accounts up you still have your lawyer.

be prepared to be called a money hungry dealer that upcharges ridiculous amounts for crap even though it is totally false. THERE ARE HATERS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE... FUCK YOU HATERS YOU DON'T KNOW A GODDAMN THING

Good luck man.


Well they sure as fuck expect our taxes from the sales of it. Even after you pay all your taxes, DEA will come in every 6 months and make raids. You might not every time they raid, but what the fuck are we paying taxes for if this is not legitimate?

Pretty sad when our own government is dirtier than crime families...At least when you pay up, they dont come and bust your store up and rob you...

yeah man its sucks you do what you are supposed to do (pay taxes) and yet they still come and wreck shop.

your grandpa was a smart man.


It seems like the easiest thing for people to criticize would be a storefront-type operation. I would be looking into being a 'caregiver/provider' for a number of clients. That's the only way it seems like a grower could legally supply somebody in what you refer to as "Our neighboring state".


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thanks for all the input fellaz...i will be contacting already existing dispensaries this week to see what hoops they had to jump thru to get set up for business.
thanks again IC fam...peace-T-

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