I don't care about big shades or whatever but it annoys me when people were shades indoors. I see it all the time and I think wtf? do you seriously think its cool to wear sunglasses indoors. Theres this guy at my work and everytime he steps out of the building he puts his shades on and thinks he looks so cool and then he comes back in and still has his shades on for like 10 minutes before he finally takes them off. I asked him once " why the fuk you wear shades indoors??" and he says oh I just came back from outside forgot to take them off yeah....
other guy at my work also wears big ass aviator shades bigger than his face indoors, he's some nerdy skinny asian guy too so he looks like a real goof bunch of weirdos.
sunglasses are okay if you actually wear them because its really sunny or whatever but wearing sunglasses indoors is just retarded.
other guy at my work also wears big ass aviator shades bigger than his face indoors, he's some nerdy skinny asian guy too so he looks like a real goof bunch of weirdos.
sunglasses are okay if you actually wear them because its really sunny or whatever but wearing sunglasses indoors is just retarded.