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...seriously..WTF??, about BIG sunglasses??


Active member
I don't care about big shades or whatever but it annoys me when people were shades indoors. I see it all the time and I think wtf? do you seriously think its cool to wear sunglasses indoors. Theres this guy at my work and everytime he steps out of the building he puts his shades on and thinks he looks so cool and then he comes back in and still has his shades on for like 10 minutes before he finally takes them off. I asked him once " why the fuk you wear shades indoors??" and he says oh I just came back from outside forgot to take them off yeah....

other guy at my work also wears big ass aviator shades bigger than his face indoors, he's some nerdy skinny asian guy too so he looks like a real goof bunch of weirdos.

sunglasses are okay if you actually wear them because its really sunny or whatever but wearing sunglasses indoors is just retarded.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Here's the cat that started the current craze the
original australian party boy himself Corey Worthington.......


here's one of the first news clips as some snapper
newscaster tries to get Corey to remove his already 'famous'
sunglasses and make him apologize to everyone.......
Corey Worthington<------- a safe YOUTUBE link​



New member
I wear them cause I aint tryna let ppl see how fucking stoned I am. So i wear them...all day, inside or out. But yea...some of these big glasses are gettin out of hand.


I hate big sunglasses some people look so stupid with them... and i love fashion , some look ok i guess but is just my opinion.


NOKUY, I hear ya man......I think my biggest WTF for glasses are the white framed glasses....I can see chicks wearing them and be like ok but then I see some dude who (you can tell) thinks hes hot shit wearing them. My cousin and I just laugh sometimes out loud.


The vader glasses are excellent for working around bright lamps. A hat and wraparound glasses do a good job of keeping your eyesight safe when working with indoor plants under bright lamps

Joe Hawkins

Active member

Here's the cat that started the current craze the
original australian party boy himself Corey Worthington.......


here's one of the first news clips as some snapper
newscaster tries to get Corey to remove his already 'famous'
sunglasses and make him apologize to everyone.......
Corey Worthington<------- a safe YOUTUBE link​

didnt realise he made world news, hes a dickhead, but what he said to that news bitch was gold

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