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Seriously, Shut The F*(k Up Already...


I ain't scared at all... I don't use banks because I've been fucked 1 too many times.

BUT I ain't gonna start stocking up on food and supplies though. I figure that if or when the market does it's dive and people freak out and start eating fat people; I'll just go slap the snot out of some candy ass sissy would stocked up good and I'll move in and take his ole lady and supplies and stuff. Then I'll just move in my growing gear and lock the hatch until somebody meaner than I comes and slaps the snot outta me and takes my weed.

Whoops, the candy ass sissy was armed and blew your shit away. Why would someone stock up good and make no provision to defend their stuff. You'll just be on the street scrounging with all the other bums until someone eats YOU.


I was ready to kind of agree with the OP, till they got to the part about the recession mainly hurting rich people...that's just stoopid...


Well-known member

For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing. They built a house of straw. The thundering machines sputtered and stopped. Their leaders talked and talked and talked. But nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled. The cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear. Men began to feed on men. On the roads it was a white line nightmare. Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive.


I hate when these extremist tin-foil hat nut jobs try to spread hysteria
1. What if they aren't extremist?
2. What if they aren't crazy?
3. What if they aren't trying to spread hysteria?
4. What if these are your misinterpreted conclusions?
These are hypothetical questions. I'm not expecting them answered.


This is not directed at anyone specific, and not anyone here, but I chat on a few different forums, and there's always a handful of people up in arms over the economy, spreading their doomsday prophecies, trying to incite widespread panic.

We get it, you are burying all your gold bars, buying your 5 gallon sealed tubs of rice, moving to farms in the middle of no where, and surrounding yourself with millions of .223 rounds...go have a fucking blast!

The truth is, Americans are the most resilient people on earth. I have about $110k in stocks, and if it plummets, it will suck, but I'm not on the corner with a sign. This is really affecting the super super super wealthy, who can lose 8-9 figures of their wealth in a day. We have millions of neighborhoods, storefronts, the internet, etc, and they are not just going to dissapear. People will always find ways to provide services and goods, cash may be "devalued" but it simply isn't going to affect the masses. You'll still be able to buy everything you need, watch TV, go to the park, do whatever the fuck you want to do.

Look at a lot of the people on this site. We are tree-hugging-hustlers. We'll always find a way to get what we want, and the worst thing that will come out of this is smaller government, smaller budgets for police departments (more freedom for us), and you might have to be a little more vigilant in your daily life.

I hate when these extremist tin-foil hat nut jobs try to spread hysteria, when there is no need. Holla at me when an astroid is about to slam into earth.

HHmm...I thought I told u to stop going to Godlikeproductions .com?


Freedom Fighter
I ain't scared at all... I don't use banks because I've been fucked 1 too many times.

BUT I ain't gonna start stocking up on food and supplies though. I figure that if or when the market does it's dive and people freak out and start eating fat people; I'll just go slap the snot out of some candy ass sissy would stocked up good and I'll move in and take his ole lady and supplies and stuff. Then I'll just move in my growing gear and lock the hatch until somebody meaner than I comes and slaps the snot outta me and takes my weed.

Goddamn you!!!!

For taking my idea!!!!!:headbange


May your race always be in your favor
What I want to know is, if you buy gold like "they" say and the whole hing goes up. What are you going to do buy, say as an example a dozen eggs from a guy with chickens and he says the doz egg are 10 gold coins. and he has a big shooter as back up. Your gold ain't going to be much good.
Ammo is gonna work. use .22s for change, gotta go in before the bin.


Freedom Fighter
What I want to know is, if you buy gold like "they" say and the whole hing goes up. What are you going to do buy, say as an example a dozen eggs from a guy with chickens and he says the doz egg are 10 gold coins. and he has a big shooter as back up. Your gold ain't going to be much good.
Ammo is gonna work. use .22s for change, gotta go in before the bin.

Sounds like Eggs are the new currency--:tiphat:

(There are 12 eggs here...11 of them are real, one is missing it's "Pin"...gimme your gun, I'll tell ya which one--):gday:


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Goddamn you!!!!

For taking my idea!!!!!:headbange

Yeah these guys who prepare for everything huh?

Well I've been to hell already, been shot, stabbed, robbed, and raped by the cheerleader squad, been to jail, and walked 5 miles without much of a pulse, my right side pulverized and the side of my head peeled off and tucked down inside my collar, so I figure I've prepared for the collapse about all I can stand.

Defend yourself? That's a complete laugh right there. How the hell does somebody defend themselves against the United States Military? How does one prepare for the National Guard when they come to round up all the dissidents?

And don't shit yourself either... We, in the cannabis culture, are far more at risk of losing everything we own and ever cared about from the DEA and government forces. We even made it easy for em to locate most of us, when we went and got our green cards and got "legal", now the government has lists with tens of thousands of our names on them.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's pretty amusing.
You are amusing to me too. Funny how that works. You're laughing at my paranoia. I'm laughing at your naivety. One of us is a fool. Given that I correctly predicted the current market meltdown a year out to the week it started, I like my odds.
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Active member

For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing. They built a house of straw. The thundering machines sputtered and stopped. Their leaders talked and talked and talked. But nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled. The cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear. Men began to feed on men. On the roads it was a white line nightmare. Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive.

I can't wait.......


New member
Does this mean I don't have to worry about bigfoot anymore?

Only the uneducated think the world is coming to an end, people who can't read, hate books and love food stamp day so they can sell 'em for 50 cents on the dollar

.I'm investing in Dodge Viper V-10 motors, I already have one in a pickup truck, makes me feel like I have it all!!
Big foot was never a threat?

So educated people just drive around unsustainable dodges with V-10 Motors to starbucks just before the 9-5 daily desk job grind everyday, with absolutely no worry about say a debt ceiling or the government who controls almost every aspect of your life??
HAHAHAHa investing in V-10 motors?!?!?!:laughing:
ok so when the theoretical shit hits the fan, where are you going to get gas? Sorry man but thats a BAD investment, dont get me wrong im sure its real nice driving exquisite shit.
How about investing in something like a seed stock? No not just cannabis seeds but all types of seeds
Or maybe a gun?
Some ammo?
Some land with chicken, cows, pigs, horses and shit???
Whatever i guess "uneducated people" like myself worry about where my next meal will come when shit blows up


Crotchety Cabaholic
Golds at $1,819 up $25.
The dow is down 400.
Europe (minus Germany) is a financial mess.

All is well. No need to look behind the curtain, Dorothy.


Active member
Yeah these guys who prepare for everything huh?

Well I've been to hell already, been shot, stabbed, robbed, and raped by the cheerleader squad, been to jail, and walked 5 miles without much of a pulse, my right side pulverized and the side of my head peeled off and tucked down inside my collar, so I figure I've prepared for the collapse about all I can stand.

Defend yourself? That's a complete laugh right there. How the hell does somebody defend themselves against the United States Military? How does one prepare for the National Guard when they come to round up all the dissidents?

And don't shit yourself either... We, in the cannabis culture, are far more at risk of losing everything we own and ever cared about from the DEA and government forces. We even made it easy for em to locate most of us, when we went and got our green cards and got "legal", now the government has lists with tens of thousands of our names on them.

i am not on any list. great post


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
i am not on any list. great post

I am.

And anybody who ever got caught in high school with a joint is on a list. Been arrested for weed? Got your green card? Frequent marijuana websites? Ordered seeds from a vendor that never arrived? Been served a warrant regarding weed? You're on the list.