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Seriously, Shut The F*(k Up Already...

This is not directed at anyone specific, and not anyone here, but I chat on a few different forums, and there's always a handful of people up in arms over the economy, spreading their doomsday prophecies, trying to incite widespread panic.

We get it, you are burying all your gold bars, buying your 5 gallon sealed tubs of rice, moving to farms in the middle of no where, and surrounding yourself with millions of .223 rounds...go have a fucking blast!

The truth is, Americans are the most resilient people on earth. I have about $110k in stocks, and if it plummets, it will suck, but I'm not on the corner with a sign. This is really affecting the super super super wealthy, who can lose 8-9 figures of their wealth in a day. We have millions of neighborhoods, storefronts, the internet, etc, and they are not just going to dissapear. People will always find ways to provide services and goods, cash may be "devalued" but it simply isn't going to affect the masses. You'll still be able to buy everything you need, watch TV, go to the park, do whatever the fuck you want to do.

Look at a lot of the people on this site. We are tree-hugging-hustlers. We'll always find a way to get what we want, and the worst thing that will come out of this is smaller government, smaller budgets for police departments (more freedom for us), and you might have to be a little more vigilant in your daily life.

I hate when these extremist tin-foil hat nut jobs try to spread hysteria, when there is no need. Holla at me when an astroid is about to slam into earth.


Bent Member
The american you speak of use to exist when they all called them selves american.

But african american, mexican americans, asain americans and white americans will one day rip each others throats out.
. I have about $110k in stocks, and if it plummets, it will suck, but I'm not on the corner with a sign. This is really affecting the super super super wealthy

Lucky for you then that you're only wealthy and not super super super wealthy. 110k in stocks plus who knows what in bank + real estate puts you far above average in the US. Unemployment is still around 10%, and that doesn't count the people that have stopped looking or who are underemployed. Life already sucks for many, and the current political + economic landscape doesn't look like it's going to get better anytime soon.

Here's an easy solution for your terrible problem: if you don't like reading those kinds of posts, then stop reading those kinds of threads.


Pass me those chinese-made walmart rose-colored glasses when your done....this 24/7 tin-foil hat is making my hair line recede....the high-tide of history is rolling in....

Zen Master

so what happens when banks fail in LA or NY? ever heard of a run on the banks? yeah thats never happened before :rolleyes:

you ever heard of a lil place called Rome?

heres some numbers on prices since 2010... ONE YEAR.

The reality since Ben Bernanke announced his QE2 policy in August 2010 is:
  • Unleaded gas prices are up 45%.
  • Heating oil prices are up 46%.
  • Corn prices are up 71%.
  • Soybean prices are up 26%.
  • Rice prices are up 13%.
  • Pork prices are up 31%.
  • Beef prices are up 25%.
  • Coffee prices are up 38%.
  • Sugar prices are up 48%.
  • Cotton prices are up 13%.
  • Gold prices are up 42%.
  • Silver prices are up 115%.
  • Copper prices are up 23%.
has your 110k in stocks appreciated anywhere near that? my guess is absofuckinglutely not. So a year ago your portfolio was "worth" a lot more than it is now, its not worthless now, but it IS worth a whole hell of a lot 'less'.

so when (not if) your portfolio tanks in the meltup, you gonna go pull some magic dust from the air to pay for food/rent/basic staples? or would you go out and take it from your neighbor? My money is on your neighbor pillaging your shit till theres nothing left to take.


In the grand scale of things an economic crash is nothing to worry about compared to earthquake, floods, droughts, pandemics, super volcano ect. ect.

It's the natural disasters you gotta watch prepare for, especially with 2012 just a few months away :hide::peek:

Me, I'll just turn to cannibalism and hunt slow moving fat people with my dogs for the first few months while my crops are growing.


shut the fuck up Donny

I suggeset not going into the "short term trades" thread lol. Will just get you more angry. Even when the market has a great day they come up with some excuse as to why it happened.

One dude in there doesn't even keep any cash in the bank because he's convinced the banks are going to fail overnight and steal everyone's money.

It's pretty amusing.
Simlpy Sour is the man trying to pacify us by telling us everything is gonna be fine. Wake up and Rise UP! Babylon will always tell you things will be alright and to continue with everyday life, Do Not Believe! Prepare and Be Aware!


Me, I'll just turn to cannibalism and hunt slow moving fat people with my dogs for the first few months while my crops are growing.[/quote]

:laughing: You just have to lead them less.


i wouldnt eat fat people

big chance they are eating a lot of crap


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I dont have millions of rounds... yet. But im getting there. LOL. :moon: :shooty:

Dont worry though, Simply. The .gov will be there to help you when you need them to make sure your tv still works and you can walk in the park.:biglaugh:


i wouldnt eat fat people

big chance they are eating a lot of crap

Ah it will only be short term and in a survival situation easy to get food high in fat for energy is better than spending all your energy hunting fit people who can fight back.....

For the first few months you'll need all your energy for plowing fields, planting crops and building shelters.



Does this mean I don't have to worry about bigfoot anymore? I mean, we'll be alright even if he comes after us?...People have been shouting doomsday since campfires were invented, I know things do look pretty crummy and I've seen my real estate crumble in price unless it's very high end.My feeling is that not much will happen and we'll all just suck it up and live with Jimmy Carter until the collectives come for our hard goods.Welcome to the Brave New World or did it turn out more like 1984? Now there's a debate for ya'!!:)Only the uneducated think the world is coming to an end, people who can't read, hate books and love food stamp day so they can sell 'em for 50 cents on the dollar.Soo many people on this site are obviously very well self-educated, they wanted to learn, not go to school for the sole purpose of finding a good job.I'm investing in Dodge Viper V-10 motors, I already have one in a pickup truck, makes me feel like I have it all!!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I ain't scared at all... I don't use banks because I've been fucked 1 too many times.

BUT I ain't gonna start stocking up on food and supplies though. I figure that if or when the market does it's dive and people freak out and start eating fat people; I'll just go slap the snot out of some candy ass sissy who stocked up good and I'll move in and take his ole lady and supplies and stuff. Then I'll just move in my growing gear and lock the hatch until somebody meaner than I comes and slaps the snot outta me and takes my weed.
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I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
My point is that "shit happens"...

I'll do what I have to do in order to fend for my family, but there are always others out there who are more desperate or just plain mean who will threaten what you have.

Make the best of today cause it can all change in a matter of seconds.