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Sergeant's got a brand new cab


Crotchety Cabaholic
Day 26 Flower

Day 26 Flower

Attn. Fellow Whores:

The following pictures are intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.






love machine
ICMag Donor
looking awesome there, sgt!
those are some beautiful roots, and the tops arent quite far behind
we all could imagine how green your thumbs must be
and how this gal is just loving and thriving for life under your wonderful guidances.

thank you for sharing :):)


Those roots are sick SS :smoky: and the above water line stuff looks damn fine also man!

I think you're going to have a heavier harvest this time. Your plants look very healthy in your pics and that very slight tip burn at this point tells me that you should severely cut the N out of the feeding regimen. I know you're hydro and you're using different nutes but this should give you an idea what I mean...

For example, at this point in the grow I would switch from 7-5-5 mix of GH micro/bloom and cal/mag over to 4-8-4 mix of Tiger Bloom and cal/mag then a week or 2 after I would cut out the cal mag and bring it to 2-8-4 (depending on the bloom time of the strain)....

Then when most people flush for a few weeks I like to give them 1 tbsp/gal doses of Big Bloom...It's all organic and helps with taste and any deficiencies the plant may have in those last few weeks instead of starving them.

IMHO your plants have enough N stored in their leaves to take them to harvest and I would adjust your nutes to phase it out soon.

Hope this makes sense and helps in some way



Crotchety Cabaholic
Thanks DB and Chomp.

Hey Chomp,
I sent you a PM about some nute ideas. Lemme know what U think.

Last time was far from perfection, but for a first try at hydro, I'll take it and use it as a learning experience. The 32 gram dry weight was dissapointing, but the smoke is still quite good.
Onward and upward!
Looking forward to some new genetics ;)
Looking great Sgt!! I had to slam the crap-top shut when the wife rolled out of bed this morning, couldn't let her see me looking at all them ROOTs!! Lmao. I believe you will be much happier with your results this go around! Great job!!


Crotchety Cabaholic
Day 34

Day 34

Just chugging away.
If the EC gets close to 0.9 she gets all bitchy, even at week 5.
Sheesh, what a drama queen.



Later :wave:


Active member
you must spread............yada yada.

awesome work man looks like another more plentiful round of the citral! whats your guess on yield this time around 2 zips perhaps?


Crotchety Cabaholic
I'm hoping close to 2. Probably closer to 1.5.

Thanks Disco.
I'm playing with the aperature priority mode now trying to get better depth of field compared to the shots above. I want all the buds in focus.


weed fiend
I'm hoping close to 2. Probably closer to 1.5.

Thanks Disco.
I'm playing with the aperature priority mode now trying to get better depth of field compared to the shots above. I want all the buds in focus.

You're welcome. I was just about to mention you appear to have near 3D going on there. Great pics.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Hey cheesebuds and Glaus. :wave:

Thanks for stopping by.
She definately looks better than last time. I've got my fingers crossed for the remaining 24 days.