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Sergeant's got a brand new cab


Crotchety Cabaholic
Thank you Claude,
How do you like that LED? Is it for veg only or are you flowering under one as well?

Day 6 since the flip.
My screen is filling in nicely. I'm not getting a lot of secondary growth yet, but I did some bending of taller tops to promote some. Fingers crossed. I've got 10 good, solid tips right now with about 5 more smaller ones. Keeping everything even is a chore. I cant leave her alone more than a day or two at a time, or shit's growing where I dont want it to. The pipe cleaners are the best.

She's been drinking about a quart a day, so I've been topping up every 2-3 days. Next res change I'll bump the EC to 1.2 or 1.3. Not seeing any signs of nute burn or lockout, atm.

Figured I'd make my 420th post one with pics. Thanks for looking.




I'm gonna do some clean up of the lower growth next res change.


Active member
Still looking beautiful! watch the leaves carefully after increasing the nutrients as they are looking pretty dark green already. i don't think a point or two will matter much but its defiantly getting close to the perfect amount IMVHO. otherwise sick dude. give it another week and the branching will pick up fast. the growth snowballs fast with the dro!


Looks really good Sgt! I especially like your use of pipe cleaners :). Plant looks super healthy and happy! Here's to a solid harvest. Stay safe!

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Sgt Stedenko,

I love the LED. It has good penetration and I need to keep it at least 10" from the plants or they do not get enough stretch. It will be for veg and flowering (any day now, I hope)


Crotchety Cabaholic


I tie this bitch down one day, she back in the lights the next. Filling in nicely, though. Getting almost 1" of growth a day on the bigger tips. Must be the Tigerblood in my res.

I think this is day 10 since the flip. We're packing on pistils, now.

I'm off to smoke some bath salts and cook meth with Charlie. :whee::yay::smoke out:
Have a great weekend. :D


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Very nice:dance013:You have much green in your thumbs sir:tiphat:
I've cooked meth with Charlie...he hogs it all...I'll take the bath salts anytime:jump:lol..
Have a great weekend Sgt.!!
i like the grow you got goin, its lookin good. seeing people scrog their plants makes me want to try it instead of lst'ing. i can picture those big buds growing on your plants. been lurking ur thread to see if i wanna try hydro or just stick to soil . thanks and keep the informative posts coming


Active member
I heard the way charlie parties is epic, maybe not as epic as the citral growin here. keep her happy the dro is giving everything its got


Crotchety Cabaholic
Nice to see you here.
I both scrog and LST. I think they complement each other very well.
As soon as they poke their heads up about 2-3" above the screen, they get laid down on the trellis and tied to the screen with pipe cleaners. It's like a mini bondage chamber in there.
I might have to break out some studded leathers and a choker ball.


Well-known member
It looks like u have grown a nice scrog so far. u know if its female yet?
what strain is it?

u have good weekend too.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Hey cheesebuds,
That's a Nirvana Citral female, taken as a flowering clone.

Thanks brother. I hope the stretch slows down in the next 2 weeks. I've about run out of room on the screen to tie down. I pulled all the tips down to the screen today and I'm hoping I can just let her go unmollested from here.

I might get some pistil pics up later.


Refilled the res and bumped EC to 1.2 yesterday. Showing slight signs of tip burn on the new growth today. Dropped the res to 1.1 and hoping for the best.



Active member
still looking good sarge.

The tip burn isn't that bad. so long as you dialed back and give them some time, i think you just found the upper limit of the citrals nutrient intake with little damage to your harvest. good going. growing the same strain over time gives you an advantage in hydro knowing this. the haze does not like anything over 1000ppm.... even creeping near 1050 on a .5 scale will cause her to exhibit exactly what your seeing. the citral must just be a light sipper. if my chart is right that is 600ppm on my meter. thats low but the haze with out calcium is at 680, then cal mag brings it to 820 or so. its definitely in range.

cant wait to see where it goes from here. Hows them r:bump:Tz lookin??????