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sensi's super skunk


i would like to hear opinions and experiences on sensi's super skunk. not the pre-2000 version but what is available from sensi seeds today. i have several going now and can attest to the fact that they are "stinkers" compared to other strains i've grown.

easy cuttings?



New member
I ran it a couple years ago and the yield was not that good, potency was ok, Flavor was not there, I did not clone so not sure on that. The smell was sweet like candy on the pheno\'s I had. Good luck to ya!


Indie said:
I ran it a couple years ago and the yield was not that good, potency was ok, Flavor was not there, I did not clone so not sure on that. The smell was sweet like candy on the pheno\'s I had. Good luck to ya!

thanks, Indie.
this makes me think of an old saying: "be careful what you ask 'cause you might get an honest answer"...heheahahaa!!!!

by the way folks, i did do a search for "super skunk" and was sent to threads and posts about every kind of skunk you can think of with little information regarding SUPER SKUNK particularly. wouldn't want you not to reply thinking i was being lazy... :rasta: thanks...


Um er uh, I ran a pack of a Sensi super skunk last year and it was excellent.Real tight buds , mostly medium hieght phenos with some being rather exceptional, though some were slighly prone to mold it was more of an environmental problem on my end.Quite a great deal of the fantastic weed you see here came from those super skunks.I would recomend it if you want to find an ass kicking skunk cutting, or find some HTC Skunk IBL.Obviuosly we all have different experieces and tastes, but I'm a picky weed snob and I thought rather well of it.Hope you find what you're lookin' for.Have a :joint: day. Chaco.


thank you, Lilly456....that's exactly what i'm looking for: "an ass kicking skunk cutting". the ones i have in veg at the moment have a rank, stinking odor that i haven't smelled before. sensi's description is right-on so far because when you brush against these ladies the room fills with that dank aroma. Indie said his had a sweet smell. no way these could be described as smelling sweet. i'm after potency, as we all are, but i'm desperate to find something that has a good flavor too. seems like all the flavor has been bred out of many strains today.


^^^Thats what I was talkin' about, and besides being pretty I didn't have any sweet smelling plants out of 9 fems all were skunky, a few more rank than others and the strength was generally up in the 8-9 zone maybe better with better selection of individuals.I compare the strength of all new plants against my Rez chem DD and OE from Ace and toke for toke, you could find a good one that is comprable.I had so many varieties at the time I sort of bypassed cutting and labeling them and just outright smoked 'em and was wishing I had saved the good ones.Sorry for the ramble but I've been smoking that DD and sipping 3 fingers of cognac so :nono: I know growers in my area of Mass that grow their SS exclusively.Enjoy the fruits of your labor, Chaco. :joint: :joint: :joint:
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