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Sensi Star 4 bucket recirculating DWC SCROG


Heres my setup

600w digital
400w digital
4 Sensi Star cuts from the local MMJ dispensary
36 gal res
4 5 gal buckets
1 jimmy rigged recirculating system

I have a 900gal per hour air pump going to an air stone in each bucket and a bigger stone in the res. i have a screen i made with chicken wire and framed with 1x2's i will be putting over the plants. I took a pic so u could see my veg box. so the plants in the next run will start out a bit bigger.

This is my first scrog so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Very nice!! What size water pump are using? how did you make the connections from the PVC to the buckets? Looks very clean and easy. :rasta:


thanks for the comments. Bones- the hose is connected to the bucket but it just dumps into the pipe. the hole in the pipe is about a quater inch bigger than the tubing , but the tubing goes into the pipe more than an inch. i think the water pump is around 100gph. but im not sure it is just an ould pump i had laying around.

the plant in the back left of the picture got really droopy and wasnt growing at all so today i replaced it with a hindu kushxskunk clone. im trying to rig a res chiller out of a water cooler. ill post some more pics and an update this weekend.




I tore apart an old water cooler and rigged up a rez chiller. i just got it running about an hour ago its dropped the temp from 88 to 82F. still aways to go but its working. im hopong the temperature ajuster on it will work so i dont have to buy a controller.

they seem to be growing pretty good i topped them right befor i put them in so they're getting wider than taller.

my res is at 800ppm of flora nova grow and hpefully below 80F

I'll be putting the screen over the plants tonight i'll try to post a pic. if anyone has advice about the screen id love to here it. like how high over the plants to put it. and how full should it be befor i switch to 12/12 with this strain?



Ya those suckers will blow up man!

GOod job man! Should be really good +++


Active member
Holy shit 82-88F. How are the roots looking?

Better fill up that screen pretty good, the 'Star doesn't like to stretch much.


yeah bro c-town is right on i run sensi star too and she dontstretch much at all.i top mine once or let them grow natural and they get some pretty nice sized colas yo.ur prolly gonna do pretty ok if you veg them longer.peace man-Y-




thanks for the good comments i hope to live up to them and put on a good show for u guys. thanks for the advise about the strain ctown and Y, but i dont think i will have time to fill the screen up very much due to my stash running low :badday: . also i dont know what the roots look like now but i will definately post pics when i harvest.

well i was away for the weekend but all is well. they are very green and healthy. i topped all of them last week so they are bushy as hell. i put the screen over the plants. maybe a little too high but we'll see how it goes.

my res thermometer says 75 but it feels cooler. its a floating aquarium thermo so im wondering if it being partly out of the water is effecting its accuracy.

i bumped the ppm to 1200 and took some pics, here ya go.



Those are some nice looking plants, also love the setup wish I had though about using on central drain pipe instead of individual ones. Looks good, good luck.




Well two of the plants are touching the canopy. one sensi star and the hindu kush x skunk. both the plants that are touching are in the back while the two up front are growing a little slower. i think it is partly because the were easier to get to when i topped them so i probably topped them more than the two in the back. they were way bushier. i pulled some leaves off the two front plants. i pulled leaves that were covering new growth and a bunch from the center that were getting little to no light. i am going to change to 12/12 lighting this weekend. here's a pic of the canopy

i noticed some discolored leaves the end of last week. i think it was because my PH was way too low. i changed the water last sat. and the PH is just under 6 now. here's a pic of one of the leaves. all the plants had a few like this. if anyone thinks it was caused by something other than low PH please let me know.

Thanks for tuning in.

OG savatage

My suggestion would be to ditch that chicken wire and put some screws around that frame. Then string it with some twine. When you're ready to harvest it's easier to snip each string and pull it free. Here's mine:

Gotta do it before those beauties of yours get entwined into that wire tho...


OG - thats a good idea. i think ill finish with the chicken wire this time cause theres not much room in there, and im afraid ill hurt the plants if i try changing things now. but i think ill try it next time. thanks for the advise.

One Love

I was going to suggest using something other than chicken wire also. The holes on the chicken wire are really small and make it hard to pull the branches back out to re-train/re-even out the canopy.
However, i like your setup and i'm very sure you will be fine. Good luck! and I will try to stay up with this one, as I'd like to do a sensi star run sometime soon.


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