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Sensi Seeds Black Domina


Hi indicrazy! they look great!
My eyes are on this strain for a long time, I'm looking for the "bomb" too, the knock out feeling. so ill wait to read you smoke report.

What do you have to say about the "W Russian"? was it a knock out?

good luck! ill be watching!


Hi indicrazy! they look great!
My eyes are on this strain for a long time, I'm looking for the "bomb" too, the knock out feeling. so ill wait to read you smoke report.

What do you have to say about the "W Russian"? was it a knock out?

good luck! ill be watching!

I actually didn't try the last white russian I grew out recently, it was for someone else so I didn't touch any of it.

They grew awesome and smelled fantastic though.

White russian I've had in the past was really potent and stoney, but not a knock out. The knock out strains are so hard to find now, I wish I'd have kept some of the really old stuff from the late 80's-early 90's. Man, I had a couple knock-outs back then that would sure be nice now that I'm older and have major sleep difficulties...

Lots of couchlock stuff around, and stuff that stones you stupid, but the stuff that literally knocks you unconscious for a few hours is my holy grail at this point, totally... Come on, Black D! Don't let me down! I needs me some sleepin' time!


*Stoned User*
Nice looking grow! Grew out some BD a year ago and she turned out great. Only wish that I had vegged her longer. Crystally, dense nuggets all over with a strong high to boot. :canabis:


Thank you very much for that!

I can certainly believe that it would be covered in crystals too, the stinky female phenotype with the sticky stems is already covering the new flowering leaves with frosty trichs. The other hasn't started yet. It's always satisfying to see some nice trich development in the first 2 weeks of flowering though, I'm happy with that as well. Great plants so far.


Here are some quick photos from week 3 of flower, got some nice frost going already:

Note that the orange hairs are from successful pollination, not ripeness, heh heh, in case you've never made seeds before... Not too many orange hairs, so I didn't over-do it. I'll only need a few hundred seeds, not thousands.


Holy smokes niluola, sweet picture there, it's like a tasty green fluffy wall of black D, mmmmm yeah...

How was the effect off those? Do they paralyze you and knock you out for the night? Is there much difference in effect between phenotypes?

Thanks, that was the best growing experience I've ever had. Very easy, stress-free plants. Yes, there were quite big differences in phenotypes regarding looks, resin production and effect. We did extensive lst (4 weeks veg) and still the girls ended up HUGE (average 1,3g per watt). The best of the smoke was a complete knock-out type, the milder a decent tranquilizer. Good medicine fo sho!

Looking at your latest photos makes me miss 'em so much...:)


Okay, here are some quick shots from around week 4 in flower now.

I'm letting them go for at least 8 weeks, or whenever they start looking nasty, 10 weeks would be ideal. I want these to be as knockout-nasty as possible...

The resin of both has a nice syrupy sweet lemon pine chemical kind of smell. The frosty lanky one is the more chemical smell, and the other which is thicker and leafy has the sweeter smell, but has less overtones, more is going on in the lanky plant as far as terpenes go.

Growth wise, I'm just watering them, feeding every other watering with a tablespoon or two of miracle grow, the plants are very healthy - set and forget plants, just how I like 'em!


Nice looking grow man , i always wanted to grow some black domina and actualy split a pack with a friend...he grew his out and got some shitty phenos...my landlord through my half out:( :(...epic fail on my part
you should have some killer narcotic smoke!


Nice looking grow man , i always wanted to grow some black domina and actualy split a pack with a friend...he grew his out and got some shitty phenos...my landlord through my half out:( :(...epic fail on my part
you should have some killer narcotic smoke!

OUCH, sorry about that man, what a disaster!

Narcotic is exactly what I'm shooting for, two hits and then it's head in the pillows - lights out time... (fingers crossed)

If not, I've got a pack of dutchgrowns luiG13 to run after this. After those, and combing through some f2's, I should definitely be able to find what I'm looking for if none of these first runs hit the spot... It's such a crap shoot to get a good pheno with 10 seeds, especially with these 4-ways. I picked a father that most matched the mother I liked the most so I can get a little stabilization with my seeds from this run. Hunting for extreme potency and raunchy stink with these genetics shouldn't be too much work...


Thanks for the bump!

Sorry I didn't notice it for another 5 days though, heh...

Here are a couple more pics, I am not sure what they are at time wise now, I just watch the trichs at this point and let the plant decide. I think they are 6 1/2 - 7 weeks or so at this point...

In some quick small bud test smokes, this one is pretty normal, fairly potent, and hashy-peppery tasting. Has that kinda buzzy high that you get from an indica that is wayyy early, much like a sativa really. I actually don't care for it at all, and will give this one away when I'm done.

This one is awesome. Early buds are HEAVY indica, which I find unusual, typically even heavy indicas are kinda buzzy in the head when taken super early, not this one though... HEavy body sedation, and also seems to have really potent vasodilation effects.

After I smoke the samples, my hands and feet start to get warm, very similar to taking vicodin or percocet - you get a warm body flush. It's nice... Probably the easiest weed on the body I've ever smoked, it's very reminiscent of popping two vicodin and a xanax, but not quite as gloriously relaxing as that little mix can be, but in the ball park. I'm also getting zero heart rate increase from this one, in fact it might even be slightly slowing the heart rate, whereas the other phenotype really triggers some tachycardia, getting it up around 100bpm when my typical resting heart rate is around 60-65. I don't like that effect at all, that agitated jacked-up buzz, blech...

I might even re-veg this one and keep a clone, and I've never done that before... It's the herbal equivalent of climbing into a hot tub after a long day of work.. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... We'll see how it changes as it'll need another 2 weeks for a nice solid finish I think. Hopefully more knockout power will kick in, but I'm already quite happy with the potent relaxation effect...
That bottom pic is real nice, I don't think that top pic is going to be ready on time. Not one browning pistil, looks like she could go ten weeks. I've never heard of black domina to be one of those buds that doesn't get red/brown hairs at the end. Thanks for posting this journal, I haven't seen one for Black Domina. Really sells the strain, I had a cross from B. Domina but only one from seed and it was lame.


Growing a BD x Goo outdoors this year I am very excited about. Anyone have outdoor experience with the BD?


That bottom pic is real nice, I don't think that top pic is going to be ready on time. Not one browning pistil, looks like she could go ten weeks. I've never heard of black domina to be one of those buds that doesn't get red/brown hairs at the end. Thanks for posting this journal, I haven't seen one for Black Domina. Really sells the strain, I had a cross from B. Domina but only one from seed and it was lame.

Totally man! That leafy one is looking like it'll need 70-80+ days, and isn't really impressing me. Somewhere around 7 weeks now and it is just now frosting up, trichs are mostly clear. I'm just going to pass it on to a friend of mine, he likes the buzzy stuff. The other one though, I'm really liking it so far.. Great early smoke test, looks good, smells good, great old school hash/pepper taste, and trichs are already mostly cloudy at this point, no amber yet but should be a relatively fast finisher. That warm body flushing is worth the price of admission alone! Awesome bedtime/relaxation weed.

Tough strain though, so many phenos you should probably run at least 2 packs to make it more likely you get a good one. It explains why there seems to be sort of a love hate relationship with black dom, people really love it or consider it to be hyped junk from the few reviews I've found on the site. It was hard to find any grow info on it, or an idea of how many phenotypes there were so I did this grow journal.

I think it was worth it to buy them at this point as that 2nd pheno is shaping up to be better than the old slyder seeds I've been running as my fav indica for a few years now. It was the only pheno like that in the pack though, so I don't know how common it is, the leafy phenotype was the more common one, then factor in the mutants, and this might really be a russian roulette strain to get the good plant.

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