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SeñorSloth's Perpetual Wardrobe of Dankness


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Hey man i was looking over your thread and must say well done you get final yields count for your grow i am a long way to any final yield more or less just firing up


Senior Member
thanks guys!

drfever no, i don't really have any final yields because i don't have a full harvest, everything's perpetual so i have a monthly yield that amounts to half of my overall yield.

i don't really weigh it though usually... i mean occasionally i'll weigh a few plants...just too see what my average is...my last run was only 24 plants, and i picked the biggest 6 plants ahead of harvest, so even if i had weighed it i wouldn't know what my actual number is, i mean 24 plants multiplied by a 5 gram average plant is about a quarter pound, but my average was a bit higher than that, because my plants were taller, maybe 6-7 gram average...between .5 and .75 grams per watt i think...i mean i can guess but i smoke way more pot than i am comfortable admitting, and it's really hard to judge how much, so my guess wouldn't be too accurate...right now this little garden is paying all my bills and keeping my head happy so it's definitely pulling well over a 1000 bucks a month worth of product...prices here though are really high and my c99 blows the local street pot out of the water...completely... it's so good my only problem is distributing it fairly amongst my friends, because there is always demand for 4x more than i can grow...

my last harvest was less than 2 weeks ago, and that was all gone last week, literally within a day of it being dry. right now i'm smoking the one little skunk i left in my cab for an extra week, im trying to summon up some will power and quit smoking for a few weeks but i will probably end up picking at least an ounce early again, to pay bills if nothing else. my hope is to take that ounce or two from my outdoor however so that i can get an accurate final yeild on this half of cab, because next months harvest is surely going to be 15% bigger just based on the few additional plants squeezed in and the fact that i have no runts at all next run and this run i have 3 or 4...

so if all goes well i'll be able to get actual yeild numbers this run...and real ones, i swear half the people on here spend so much time hyping their grows that come harvest they need to double their actual numbers just to avoid shame...you see kids with four 1 pint jars loosely packed with fluffy weed, claiming it's 7 ounces, as if none of us had ever put weed in a jar before...even taking the pic on a scale is easy to fake cause you can throw a big lead fishing weight on there and then cover it with pot for the pic...but if you know something about larger amounts you can judge whether people's grams per watt are legitimate or farces...


Senior Member
well i went out and checked the girls outside today, we had crazy wind last night and i was worried about them, i was right to be worried, probably a 2 ounce c99 plant was killed beyond repair and 4 out of the 6 remaining plants were laying horizontal...

i made some hemp cord out of the dead ones stem and used it to tie the smaller plants all together, so they hold each other up, and for the big one in the pic i got a Y shaped stick and used it to prop it up more vertically, as it's starting to really tip over from the weight of the huge buds, should be about 3 zips from that one, not bad considering i've only checked on them twice and did almost no work at all, in two weeks i should have no problem getting between 4-6 ounces from my outdoor and hopefully around the same indoors.

i just smoked a bowl of a branch that had died a few days ago, the weed dried in the sun and was the color of swaag, but lots of sugar still, i am very ripped...i'm really surprised...i have other pot to smoke but i don't think i'll need it tonight... same exact pot but grown under the sun and it's much more potent...it's a little disappointing almost...i'm probably going to keep a lot of my outdoor as personal if in the end it really does turn out to be that much stronger and not just placebo...

my indoor buds have started to noticeably plump the past few days, so hopefully at this time next week i'll have a thick field of dense buds.

the first two pics are some of the nearby hemp fields, in full bud, and the last 2 are of my big c99 mom that i brought out this spring. as you can see it's right on schedule with the left side of my indoor...they will both be ready october 9th...


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Senior Member
well today i took a few clones from my c99 mom, they were sticking up too high and almost touching the light, i decided, im finally just going to make a few more moms, and probably get rid of the original, so that i have enough clones each month without resorting to skunk, and use less space, i'm taking clones october 1'st, then i'm getting rid of my skunk mom, a buddy of mine will flower it out...the original c99 mom will go outside next spring...

im hoping to get some new strains started up next month so i can start the pain in the ass process of finding moms and possibly a dad...

anyway the left side is at week 6 today and the right side is at week two...i'm going to defoliate tomorow on the right side a little, things are getting really thick. i'll probably rotate both my beds as well to get light to all sides of my buds.

well it's a little early to be official but my buds are right on track with previous yeilds per plant, despite almost doubling the amount of plants, so yeild should be very good this round and even better next round.

this round would have been even better but my maxi bloom got moist like a month ago and i had to dry and repowder it, when i did i didn't realize the volume changed a huge amount. ive been giving my plants one scoop per gallon of maxi bloom, but by weight i should have been giving it nearly 3 scoops to get a full 7 grams of powder...it explains several things i've been wondering about. basically it didn't hurt the grow much cause that particular bed of soil is almost new and the other beds have been recycled, so this bed already had a lot of nitrogen in it, plus ive been doubling up on the kool bloom so they have lots of pk, almost too much, but not enough magnesium, showing a little deficient...

so yesterday i used the RIGHT amount of maxi, less koolbloom, and a pinch of bath salt...they should regain a tiny bit of color but starting next watering they get nothing but plain water and ph down. now that i know i can worry about getting the right side perkier and realize that it's probably too late for the left side, and it didn't hurt them much, i think this next batch would have been really bad had i not figured this out because they are growing in recycled, depleted soil. maybe i'll even get a little beefier bud growth next round...


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Senior Member
well i can tell you guys are just dying for an update...LOL! so i thought i would just mention, i harvested my outdoor garden and have spent the past 2 days trimming non stop...i'm about halfway done...it's annoying...because next Tuesday i'll have another 4-6 ounces of indoor too trim, then i am spending the weekend helping a friend trim his outdoor...i have a feeling i'm gonna need a new pair of fiscars by the end of this...

it's been taking up too much of my time to post pics, takes about 20 minutes to upload 5 pics...i'm tethering internet from my smartphone to my computer so it's not that fast...just fast enough to watch netflix...frankly it's hard to even force myself to keep feeding my ladies right now, i'm exausted, but luckily i finally switched from maxibloom lucas to floromicrobloom lucas, so now i dont' have to waste half an hour a day trying to shake power into dissolving, knowing full well at least 25% will never ever dissolve... i'm pretty mad at maxi bloom, because it changed volume so dramatically i was only feeding at 1/3 strength maximum and my girls are showing it a little, needless to say this rounds flush is probably going to be a little more stringent than i prefer.

anyways i took pics of the harvest and i'll probably take a few pics of my indoor tonight, so that when i finally do get around to updating i'll have the pictures ready to go. also tomorrow i take clones for the next round and i'm switching my mother plants to blumats, so i'll try to get that on here as well. harvest is just 9 days away, and this round my girls are extra frosty, because of the maxibloom issue they are already starting to flush pretty hard, i like to lose about half my leaves durring flush, i am not a huge fan of overly flushed buds, ever since i overflushed my aliendog pheno...buds were golden by harvest no leaves at all, i was worried it was starting to dry while still alive...the weed was smooth but lacked in terps compared to its usual stink...

this round i'm getting more frost, and more stink than ever before, i'm assuming it's the lower temps, but my c99 is taking on a very sharp fuelish smell...it's like a can of Tahitian treat with a few drops of paint thinner and a few drops of gasoline mixed in...i'm pretty excited this round, because i actually get to keep a little for myself thanks to my big outdoor harvest...

by the way it's only been 2.5 days but i'm at 7.5 ounces from my outdoor, i'm finally done trimming the main buds...from my experience they lose about half the weight within 36-48 hours of clipping...so i'm conservatively guessing based on how dry they are already that i'll end up around 4 to 5 ounces...not bad for like 2 hours work this summer...definitely motivates me to put out about 10-20 times as many plants next year, i'm thinking 150 or 200 clones spread in groups of 10....if even half of them come out as well as this year ill be looking at several pounds...

now i just have to clip out all the fluffier buds...all the early plants are only good for hash, because they started budding early, they got completely pollinated by the nearby hemp...only the late bloomers were spared, because they didn't start budding till the hemp males were mostly dead, and when a high yielding skunk gets pollinated right away, it becomes a super low yielding, seedy fluffy mess, much like the hemp that caused the trouble, i really don't want to trim them cause i got a ton of it and being all fluffy it's 3 times as hard to trim...however it could easily yield a LOT of quiso hash so i gotta do it...

right now i dry sift all of my leaves to make what i call "dirty kief" i sift and sift till the sift turns green, i know it lowers the quality cause that green is leaf but the point is to get as much from the leaves as possible, as it is i only get about half the resin by weight by dry sifting...then i make quiso hash with the leftover sifted leaves, and take the "dirty kief" and pack it all in a steel turkey baster to make butane hash with...the idea being to not have to use 12 bottles to run half the leaf through the bho tube...by kiefing all the leaf i get half the trichs to fit in one tube, so i don't need more than a bottle or two, i make the quiso cause it's bomb too and i refuse to throw away the shake when a 3 minute alcohol wash will double my yeild of hash.
ive been doing a ton of research on hexane and alchemy and just making the purest extracts...i would like to switch to oil completely and give up smoking (oil vaporizes before it burns), but i only get 7 grams of sugar leaf from a quarter pound of indoor c99...it's very high bud to leaf...so i can't really get much hash unless i find a more leafy strain, which i don't want to do for obvious reason...


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Senior Member
well here finally goes an update, i'm sitting around eating breakfast, drinking coffee and checking the ol' internet for the goings on...decided to get two birds stoned at once by loading some pics up finally...

anyways i loaded the outdoor, pre harvest pics to the post above it...i decided it was way too long to not have pictures...i know i picked them too early but that was deliberate...the actual harvest date is the friday after the next, early mid october, my buddy has about 3 pounds worth in his back yard among his corn patch...from the same clones that made my 6 ounces, but of course his are enormous and because he was able to water and care for them everyday...i generously volunteered to help him trim for free...maybe i'll insist i keep the scissor hash, but needless to say i'm regretting it now cause 12 hours of trimming is really not worth it unless your getting a couple hundred bucks out of the deal...not to mention he got the clones from me for free, all kinds of free growing advice, and i'll be helping him dry sift and make bho and quiso the weekend after that so that fucker better know how lucky he is...lol

anyways the buds are at day 3-4 drying now into paper bags, i'm hoping it will be dry enough to get rid of tomorrow afternoon, but i'm probably looking like wednesday is gonna be the day...i don't bother to cure my buds because they are out the door the 5 days after they come off the plant, and demand is literally 4X what i can grow so it just doesn't make good fiscal sense...if i can ever afford to keep a jar for myself it gets cured...

im insanely nervous about even having this outdoor stuff in my place, but i wasn't about to dry it in my buddies garage, 12 miles away where i cant trim it or keep an eye on it...the problem is outdoor plants ALWAYS get pests, it's just part of nature, all plants outside get thrips and mites, just not very many, the cold temps, preditors, sun, wind, and rain make it hard for them to ever infest a plant, besides there are so many plants out there i imagine they don't bother to gang up on one plant, they just spread out over the billions of plants in the forest. Thrips and mites are not the only problem, there are little leaf hoppers, spiders, little teany beatle looking bugs, and moth grubs, i have pulled about a dozen of them out of my buds already, still alive, but quickly turning orange and dying...i just imagine all of these bugs forming a parade, right into my grow cab...i had to keep them in the same room, so my carbon filter would take care of the smell, but i put it on the opposite side of the room...i'm very careful about infestations, i have NEVER had one in all my years, sure i have had a few thrips or fungus gnats here or there but nothing a little Diatomacious Earth wont handle...actually i did have spidermites once, a long time ago, growing skunk #1 freebies in a girlfriends garage...back in the late 90's...they totally killed them all and i didn't figure out what it was till they were all dead as doornails...but i wasn't much of a grower back then so i don't really count it...i have...protocols now...that prevent a lot of my early mistakes...

i included a few pics of some new grow toys, got the flora micro and bloom, to replace my maxibloom, which i now hate with a passion...i mean it's slowly been developing...imagine shaking a jar for half an hour straight, almost every day, for 2 years to try to dissolve maxibloom power into hot water...thats like 600 jars, 300 hours, or 12 days of shaking jars day and night! it just got really really really old...other people don't report as much trouble dissolving it as me but i have never talked to a single person who could actually get it to dissolve completely so i think its just really cheep garbage that happens to be the perfect ratio of nutrients for pot so it got hyped up on this website but it's just cheep crap that wont dissolve... good riddance!

this flora junk instantly turns my water nice and purple and doesn't need to be mixed barely at all, i also got some blumats, just on a whim, they were 5 bucks each at the register-impulse item area so i just grabbed some for my moms to see if i like them, i know these are the smaller, less reliable models but they should do the trick for 3 small mother plants.

and the final pic is a little of my "dirty kief" next to some of my regular kief... pretty dramatic difference eh? i smoked all the yellow kief last night, and i'm making more dirty kief today, as soon as i can afford it i'll be making quiso and bto


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Senior Member
and finally, here are some pics of my indoor, tomorrow the left side will be at 7 weeks, one week from harvest, and the right side is at 3 weeks, and just finishing stretch...they look kinda unkempt and tousled because i had just rooted through them for an hour trimming off the 3 bottom nodes...i'll straighten the canopy tonight if they haven't fixed themselves on their own.

because of my trimming duties i have been neglecting my indoor a bit, the right side needed the bottom 3 nodes trimmed badly, basically the 3 nodes that were originally on my little clones, they only make popcorn, and getting rid of them makes it easier to fit my watering wand down the rows so that i can water my beds.

i am sort of debating doing a side by side with this one, defoliate half of it and leave the other half alone, to prove to me, and all the people on that defoliating thread that it does help...but i just don't want to run the risk of not defoliating half of it, and having that half come out completely fluffy and low yielding...honestly i don't think there will be much of a difference in yield or potency, but i do this for a living, and i would hate to lose half of that for an experiment...

anyways i must now finish my coffee, go smoke a joint, and take 45 clones...meh i'm so lazy but i'm a day late on them already, then i gotta premix the nutes for when the lights come on in the flowering cab, trim all the outdoor popcorn buds up for hash(like 2 zips!)and start dry sifting all the dry leaf i have, plus i gotta make time to sneak 3 big white castle bags full of dried veg leafs out and dump them in separate garbage cans at local parks where they will quickly be covered in trash and never noticed...also a backpack filled with the last few months of stems, and the outdoor stems, those i just scatter into brush in the woods, nobody can tell the difference between a stick from a pot plant and the nearby dead itchweed and milkweed stems...big day...by the end of the day if i get all my bud dry sifted and my clones taken i'll be a happy dude, then all i gotta do is make quiso and bto tomorrow or Wednesday...eventually i'm gonna order a gallon of hexane and try to do some real extractions but for now im concentrating on getting some new strains and updating my watering system...the plan is to spend the winter redesigning the cab down to the inch, so come spring i'll have it perfect.

i found this website, made by some really smart dudes who are also members on here, i really recommend people take a look! especially if you are into science and chemistry, these guys have been researching ways to purify weed and inventing machines to acoustically remove kief and how to make almost pure oils, then chemically change them into other oils, removing and separating terps, decaroxilizations, tissue cultures, JUST TONS of really really cool info about pot, done by chemists and experts...you don't have to weed through 100 pages of dumb teenage posers spouting stoner myths to get one page of good info, it's all well researched, tested over and over, and completely explained and proven...i feel like this website and others like it is what this community lacks...solid concrete science, in the black market myths and tall tails prevail over truth and science overwhelmingly...almost nobody knows anything concrete about pot...because there is not any money in doing what skunkpharm is doing, sure there is money in doing it for big pharma, but to post everything you discover online for everybody to see? with clear instructions on how to replicate it? NOBODY is doing that and i have a ton of respect for these guys, plus EVERY artical is just soooooo interesting!




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Senior Member
well here is an update, 6 days left till harvest, you can see the leaves are yellowing up, and if they had any fan leaves left they would have yellowed and fallen off days ago, the color difference is hard to see in the pics, but thanks to my flora micro and flora bloom my 3 week old girls are back to the nice dark green color that i prefer for early to mid budding...

it's obvious to me now that my plants are the same average size as they have always been, despite packing in twice as many this round. 85% of the plants should reach 5 grams or more, and the ones that didn't reach the goal failed to do so because they were stunted clones, and never caught up to the rest, it had nothing to do with the environment, just the vitality of the individual clone...very small clones with partially wooden stems don't usually take off but i detest my skunk so much that i would use stunted c99 clones over fat healthy skunk clones, hurting my yeild, at this point im not smoking much of the finished product so i'm just biting the bullet and throwing in skunks instead of using small clones, by spring i should have several new mom's of new strains so this wont be an issue...anyways, the better i do at cloning the better chances of me not getting any runts like that, they end up 6 inches tall in the end and yielding 2-3 grams...


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Senior Member
well harvest is now 4 days away, the left side being on day 52...I'll have pictures of them up later, the cold temps have been doing crazy things to them...I've been letting them get really cold at night, like 55 degrees...and it's only been about 75 during the light period. The buds seem extra tight this round and the gasoline stink is getting stronger, almost half gas half fruit punch at this point...it's really wild, the other pheno's, of which a friend still has several alive outdoors to be harvested next weekend, don't have this smell at all...and this mom has never made clones that smell like anything but fruit punch. furthermore, i don't recall ever reading anybody describing these sorts of smells, the gas smell almost seems garlicy at times...

anyways i put blumats in my moms, not the tropf kind just the cheepo version but they seem to be working really well, the moms are responding to the new nutes very well, they are growing faster than i can handle them and i plan to take 3 new c99 moms, and get rid of both the skunk and the c99 i have, so that i can get all my clones from 3 identical smaller moms rather than most from one mom and a few from a completely different mom i don't even like...also i plan to go through a bunch of seeds soon and find more moms, when that comes I'll need the room, and if i get 3-4 more moms of other strains I'll likely go down to one c99...haven't decided how I'm going to run 4 strains in this cab...i guess it comes down too nutes, if they have wildly varying nutrient needs i can't put them in the same bed so it will have to be a month by month thing but more than likely it wont be any trouble to have 3 strains all needing the same basic dose i give every strain and I'll be able to run a dozen of each strain at once...we will have to see how they all grow in relation to each other and my sog style...it's just a pipe dream though till i nut up and send in the money...really wish i could just use a card...

does anybody know anything about these kind of blumats? their is tons of info on the tropf's but nothing at all about the regular small ones, i know partially because they don't work as well but i feel it's more to get used to the idea before i convert the flowering cab to tropf's. the think that I'm wondering about them is the website said they determine the moistness of the soil based on the height of the water the the jug that my tubes are in...but that's basically all they said, nothing about how to manipulate the height to get the right moistness I'm looking for...and I'm wondering, how well can these things work, if the water level needs to be kept the same to keep the pots the same I'll need to constantly be topping it off, so I'm not really saving myself a ton of labor...right now i have one mom down in a hole and the other up in the cab to see if it gets a lot moister being down lower than the other one...but i don't know if i really do have to top the jug off every day to keep the moisture right i don't see the point, it would be easier to just water by hand every 3 days like i normally do...

anyways clones are looking good, I've been finding that i get faster and more full roots if i just leave them humid the whole time and don't try to "harden them off" by pulling them out a little at a time and exposing them to dry air...sure they droop a little more after transplant but they perk up in a couple hours and are better off because they have much more roots than had i hardened them off, because the plugs stay at the optimum moisture longer...i watered them today, and i may have to do it again Sunday, but they should hopefully be ready to roll by Tuesday when i harvest. i got a few yellowed leaves this time, unlike last round which was pristine...this happened because of my crappy maxibloom mistake...giving the mom's 1/3 strength nutes for a month by accident really took their toll on them...so the clones were a little deficient to start with but they seem to be doing fine...the moms are exploding under their new flora micro/bloom regimen...

anyways i'll have pics of the ladies up later tonight, the light doesn't turn on for another 2 and a half hours so till then i hope you enjoy these boring pictures of vegging plants and clones...


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Senior Member
Well i went all out today with the pics, took almost 60, tried a few different flash settings and lighting sources. I guess i was inspired by the new level of dankness these girls are reaching...that gasoline smell i have been getting has now started to lean toward a garlic and burnt rubber smell...it's quite odd, very reminiscent of chemdog...basically what i would imagine a c99XchemD hybrid would smell like...but i know this is just c99...anyways i got tons of decent pics so i am gonna be uploading for over an hour...

the girls are responding awesome to the new nutrients...i'm hoping to get slightly fatter girls next round because this round they were only getting 1/3 strength due to maxibloom sucking hard...also i am doing a side by side to see how effective defoliation really is...i am running the whole next round without defoliating, not comparing it to this round though because this round has several runts, 3 i think that are barely 2 grams if they are a bowl...but the round after my next round should be very similar to this next one so i'll defoliate that one and compare numbers, plant by plant...i decided to do it because i have been so busy drying and getting rid of my outdoor harvest that i had no energy to do any pruning...but alas i am now back to zero grams of smokable pot in my place, and less than a gram of super awesome qwiso...so i'll probably be getting back to work on my veg cab, and making new moms and what not...making up for a little neglect.


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Senior Member
here are a few more shots, day 52 , 4 days from harvest, I'm at about 10% to 15% amber trichs, and about 70% red hairs, not counting the fox tails...the extra dankness is mainly due to the 17 jars of double rainbows i captured and added to the soil...


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Senior Member
well just a quick little update...didn't even bother to turn off the light for the pics, so they look meh, but they get my point across i think...

i may have to start eating crows and my hat and all that about defoliation...i have been a staunch supporter of it for a long time but im getting such full bud growth from the natural bed it's almost hard to deny that they are as big or bigger than the defoliated version...just as many nodes if not more and the buds from each node are pretty big for week 4...there is a chance they will end up top heavy but if they yield as well as they look like they will i will have a hard time defoliating ever again, even to do a second defoliated grow to prove it doesn't yield as much...although if they are fluffy at the bottom i guess it would confirm my first hypothesis and my supposed experience, if my impressions on said gains weren't merely placebo...i gotta say their progress so far has got me doubting what i thought were gains in the past from defoliation...looking back on page 2 it's pretty obvious that these are actually much heavier already, although that could be due to last round getting really messed up nutes...i mean not messed up enough to really show in the plants but i know they weren't as perfect as i like them to be...and i don't start giving them koolbloom till tomorrow or the next day...it's such a stressor for me because one side of me wants to test everything to pinpoint the causes of all my yield gains, but the other half just wants to repeat everything...because by testing it invariably you will only see those gains in half the grow, so less yeild...i don't know if i'll have the nuts to defoliate again if things keep going as well as they are...

anyway the girls are getting purple now, it's starting in the lower buds, it's sorta making the buds look a little pink, it's very nice, but i can't seem to catch it on camera yet, lets hope Tuesday(harvest day) i'll have better luck when they are darker...


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well just a quick little update...didn't even bother to turn off the light for the pics, so they look meh, but they get my point across i think...

i may have to start eating crows and my hat and all that about defoliation...i have been a staunch supporter of it for a long time but im getting such full bud growth from the natural bed it's almost hard to deny that they are as big or bigger than the defoliated version...just as many nodes if not more and the buds from each node are pretty big for week 4...there is a chance they will end up top heavy but if they yield as well as they look like they will i will have a hard time defoliating ever again, even to do a second defoliated grow to prove it doesn't yield as much...although if they are fluffy at the bottom i guess it would confirm my first hypothesis and my supposed experience, if my impressions on said gains weren't merely placebo...i gotta say their progress so far has got me doubting what i thought were gains in the past from defoliation...

anyway the girls are getting purple now, it's starting in the lower buds, it's sorta making the buds look a little pink, it's very nice, but i can't seem to catch it on camera yet, lets hope Tuesday(harvest day) i'll have better luck when they are darker...

Keep us osted if they mature a little slower when defoliated.
Ive seen the slowed veg growth, but I havent run a strain more than once, so I can only go by other grows with those strains on how they develop in flower.
IMHO defoliation slowed down maturation by atleast a week or two from other grows Ive seen.
What I do notice is my plants yield about twice what the other grows Ive seen and talked with others about with the same strain with comparative veg times.


Senior Member
Keep us osted if they mature a little slower when defoliated.
Ive seen the slowed veg growth, but I havent run a strain more than once, so I can only go by other grows with those strains on how they develop in flower.
IMHO defoliation slowed down maturation by atleast a week or two from other grows Ive seen.
What I do notice is my plants yield about twice what the other grows Ive seen and talked with others about with the same strain with comparative veg times.
well i don't believe in defoliating while they are vegging, although i don't veg so it doesn't become an issue to me either way...i like to wait till stretch is done, and the roots are for the most part done growing...i would assume that they veg slower because of the stress and the fact that they have less leaves than they intended...less leaves, less roots, less growth...and from what I'm seeing now maybe less yield too...it goes against what i believed but it's hard to deny the stark difference in the pictures...

i haven't noticed a lengthening in flowering, but again i don't defoliate till after stretch so mine have a lot less defoliation, plus i try to only take off a leaf or two a week(my lil' plants only have about 12 fan leaves each), so that i run out of fan leaves right at harvest...although this last round that I'm harvesting Tuesday got most of it's leaves taken off around week 5 i think...i was paranoid, again for apparently no reason, that the bottom buds wouldn't see any growth if i didn't do something quick, 18 plants per foot makes for some very dense growth!

also i'm devouring a huge amount of info on sour bubble, it was my intention to order bog's medly pack next week but the more i read about the sour bubble the more i want to try it...it would mean a lot less mom's to test and deal with wich i like a lot...although i'm not sure it will work as well as a stretchier plant in my setup...it has huge fat leaves compared to my princess and almost no stretch...it will probably grow more like my skunk...it only ends up about 12 inches tall...but is dense enough to still yield 5 grams...if they end up too short i guess i can just leave them in the clone tray for a few more days to veg a little...i think i have just convinced myself to stick with just sourbubble for my next strain, lol frankly i don't see how it will be hard to yield at least as much per plant as my pretty low yielding c99...but with this system i can still hopefully hit the gram per watt mark with even the lowest yielding plants...less yield=more plants per square foot...i doubt i could get more than 24 big fat ak47 clones in that bed but princess Cindy is more slender and more of them fit comfortably in a room...overall yield should be similar, as long as buds are shoulder to shoulder i think i can get most low yield strains to yield very well overall, and i could probably get higher yielding strains to yield amazing...although there aren't many high yielding strains that ripen in 8 weeks...thats another experiment only time will tell with this setup, although i know im not the only person to run sogs in beds of dirt this tight so somebody surely knows the answers im slowly trying to figure out myself...


well i don't believe in defoliating while they are vegging, although i don't veg so it doesn't become an issue to me either way...i like to wait till stretch is done, and the roots are for the most part done growing...i would assume that they veg slower because of the stress and the fact that they have less leaves than they intended...less leaves, less roots, less growth...and from what I'm seeing now maybe less yield too...it goes against what i believed but it's hard to deny the stark difference in the pictures...

i haven't noticed a lengthening in flowering, but again i don't defoliate till after stretch so mine have a lot less defoliation, plus i try to only take off a leaf or two a week(plants only have about 12 fan leaves each), so that i run out of fan leaves right at harvest...although this last round that im harvesting Tuesday got most of it's leaves taken off around week 5 i think...i was paranoid, again for apparently no reason, that the bottom buds wouldn't see any growth if i didn't do something quick, 18 plants per foot makes for some very dense growth!

The biggest part of defoliation is to change the structure of your plants, so I wouldnt doubt if you yielded less your way...
Im more curious as to find out if they ripen at the same time and everything though.

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