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Seniors Dealing With Thugs & Vandals

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you need think how you want the next undisclosed period of time in your life to be. can you deal with the stress of being arrested for shootin them ( maybe you could get them on your property then blast em ) or maybe the legal route. like i said all depends on wether you can deal with the aftermath. if i was and older gentleman in a country where self defence will stand up in court id kill em if they have me fearing for anything. be it life or property. if you have a nice stack in the bank get a lawyer to deal with the matter. a female one at that a woman who knows the law can fuck someones shit up. or find a big fat gay guy who will go and do the diry for a couple oz of weed or something......... anyway boss, think about what your gonna do and i wish you the best


1 gas can...

Add a match...

On a Tuesday morning.

Then go back to bed - feign interest when the firemen show.

You're welcome...

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy


Yeah I'm dealing with a similar situation with a property that I had a operation in. The place was great for several years until recently, long story short I tracked them from the foot prints in the snow a couple times; happened more than once, grrr... I was trying to get a positive ID on the the thief before I came to conclusions; fortunately during the fucking day time one of my retired neighbors seen the little bastard in my back yard and chased him off. They ID'd the kid(he is freaking 17 and been in juvy) and get this lives straight across the street, so basically he was watching when I was and wasn't there. The kid lives with his grandparents so I don't really want to fire bomb his house, innocent folks shouldn't be involved. So eventually he is going to have an accident, probably 6-12 months from now. I imagine he'll have a hell of a time walking when he gets older due to the two broken legs. Seriously what is wrong with the youths of today? "Tho' shalt not steal from thy neighbor" does this shit ring a bell? The total loss that my family and I took was over $10,000, I want to end to fuckers life but, my wife has talked me down; thank God for her!

So, You need to either find a thug, do it yourself, or simply move. Hope you find tranquility in your life soon! I'm feeling ya, good luck, peace
Lotta John Wayne's 'round here.
Think first...then think some more. Bullets are pretty hard to take back. If you haven't lived with having killed someone, I think it's best that you not be so quick to advocate someone else doing it.

Bars, alarms and cameras are relatively cheap. The cost of monitoring is usually offset by savings on your home owners' insurance and the basic installs are usually free. BFD's are good, and two well trained dogs are better than one. A Mastif is big enough to eat any mistakes, but they're like cleaning up after a Clydesdale. Even a little Jack Russel makes a great alarm dog, and the little fuckers think they're Pit Bulls anyway.

Another idea that may sound a little crazy, but it works real well, is to start a Block Watch. There is strength to be had in numbers, and it can be started without necessarily targeting your problem outright. There are COP (Citizen On Patrol) programs where they give communities grants to buy gas, magnetic signs, radios and light bars for their cars. The idea isn't outright interdiction, just to be extra eyes and ears, but a car toting "C.O.P." on the sides with a flashing light on the roof and sitting out front isn't gonna bring a lot of customers his way. If they do happen by, you'd be surprised how freaked out even a really sick junkie gets when people are following their car through the neighborhood, talikin' on the radio and writing down their license plate number. They may need to get well real bad, but chances are after a couple of encounters like that, they'll start lookin' elsewhere when they're illin'.

If there's a community association, join it. Maybe start a COP (Citizens on Patrol). The cops think they're a PITA, which makes it that much more appealing from my perspective, but they work like a charm. Best of all, what better way to see your grow from outside and keep tabs on what's happening in your own neighborhood. Makes it a whole lot harder for LEO to surveil your house unnoticed.

If you feel a gun is warranted, do your homework first. Join the NRA, it can avail resources if the shit hits the legal fan. Research gun friendly lawyers and their records...before you need one. Know the law, particularly regarding deadly force. Look at recent cases and make sure you understand how to represent what they mean by 'fearing for your life' and 'imminent threat'.

For the less avid gunner interested only in home defense, the 12 gauge pump shotgun is tough to beat. One shot stopper that you don't need to be a marksman with to be effective. Make sure that everybody in the house learns everything that you learn. Practice...a lot, and then practice some more regularly. Off hand, one hand, on your back, on your side, in the dark, clearing a stoppage, different types and strengths of loads, etc. Practice how to use it as a weapon even after the last round is spent. Although I'd suggest keeping it on safe and in battery for home defense where there are no kids around, there's nothing as terrifying as the "SLACK SLACK" of a pump gun putting a round in the chamber. If nothing else the alarm sign and NRA sticker may be enough to dissuade the baddies from fuckin' with you. Add in the dogs and some obvious cameras and you very quickly become the least attractive target on the block. Even with all of that, I find that skinning a deer hanging in my open garage also tends to send something of a message.

If you find that you like guns and shooting, even my 110 lb. wifee finds the .40 S&W Glock comfortable to shoot accurately. For home defense I might suggest a lighter caliber like a 9mm, but with a hyper velocity pre-fragmented man stopper bullet like the ++P Mag Safes. Even in 9mm they enter like a roll of quarters and exit the size of a man's head. If you only wanna have to shoot something once with a hand gun, they are tough to beat. Expensive as shit, especially to train with, but invaluable. Most any rifle caliber is actually more dangerous to your family and neighbors than they're probably worth. With a thirty round mag and a few missed shots all of the sudden you're the bad guy killin' neighbors 'cuz of the down range hazard. On second thought, just stick with the pump.

Maybe buy a compound bow and practice shreddin' some foam targets in the back yard with broad heads where the neighbors can get an eye full of your dedication to the blood sports. Hell, maybe jus get a cross bow. They're scary as shit lookin.

Then there's the "I'm fuck nuts crazier than you" approach. Start buyin' live chickens for dinner and make a good show of rippin' their heads off or practice hunting them in the back yard with a big ole Rambo knife or machete. If they live right next door, maybe join the National Association Of Necrophiliacs and mistakenly put your neighbor's address down as the place to have your quarterly magazine mailed. Start a daily work out in the yard with your samurai sword. Practice on some human sized straw dummies. Pay a young person to rip their clothes all to shit, scratch themselves up a bit, maybe smear some shit on themselves and run up to the neighbors door one night that they're up late. Have her beat and scream at the door till they open it and then just yell "oh fuck...they're after me" as she runs down off of the porch and up the street just as you walk out your door calling her name.

Take up taxidermy. A stripped bears paw looks enough like a human part to even fuck the local LEO's up for a while. Maybe drop one in your driveway one night where they'll see it the next day. Set out your trash just as the trash truck pulls up and take care to put a bag of large cabbages in the back yourself. Looks even better if you dribble some animal blood out'a the bag all of the way from the basement door to the curb. Then there's the added theater of having to scrub and hose off the blood stains on the walk. Let some blood dry on a pile of sheets in the general form of a body, then wash them in cold water and hang the still stained sheets out on the line (it's something from back in the dark ages before everybody became addicted to electricity).

Once the weather's warm, run next door one day with a picture of a 12' Reticulated Python. Act all distressed and out'a breath while ya show him the picture and ask if they've seen him. While your at it...borrow a friends little dog for a week or two before and make sure the neighbor sees it. Then while your asking about the snake you could ask about the little dog Toto too. Tell'em you were always afraid that it might get a taste for fresh meat or something...let them lie awake in fear all night.

Buy a Harley and put a set of drag pipes with no baffles on it. You don't have to ride it, just sit in the garage and rev the fuck out of it whenever you think they're sleeping. Buy an old beater lawn push mower, take the guts out'a the muffler and cut the grass five days a week startin' as early in the morning as you can see. Do the same with a two stroke weed whacker. Those can be some noisy little fuckers too. If you have city water and the meters are accessible out front, walk your dog late at night and pop open their meter. There's a special wrench you can get or just a pair of vise grips will turn their water off, and it only takes a few seconds. Maybe they have older gas appliances. What would happen if somebody turned their gas off at 2 A.M. and back on again at 4, after all of the residual gas had burned out and the pilots are all out? Not advocating, just thinkin' out loud...

Read Sun Tzu, learn everything you can about your enemy. Discover what they fear and then find ways to make that a part of their everyday life. Most States have a "Judiciary" website where you can pull up criminal records and public information. Between that and land records you can develop plenty of vulnerabilities. If they were sentenced and on parole or probation, contact the appropriate dept. and make sure that their P.O. knows what the home life is like. Check to see if they have their car properly insured and tagged. If not contact the authorities and have it towed. Once you get your cameras installed to watch your shit, yank their tags and drop'em in the river, then report the abandoned vehicle. at the very least they get to spend a whole day of fun at the DMV. If they try stealin' yours, ya got'em on camera.

Access the internet from a public computer (library, school, etc.) and list their house for sale or rent on Craig's List and anywhere else that you can. Register them for every kind of sales call you can imagine from grave sites to time shares, lawn care to aluminum siding. Nuthin' like telemarketers and door bangs to kill the buzz. While your at it sign the same sex cons up in the National Man Boy Love Association and get some kiddy porn stuffed in their mail box. They'll probably keep it and then it's just a drop of a dime to put the Feds and locals on 'em.

Once you get their personal information, leasee or mortgagee info, etc. contact the utility company during the warmer months (they aren't as apt to do it during the heating season) and schedule a disconnect...maybe phone and cable too. Imagine the mess created by something as simple as a garden hose being dropped in a cellar way with a blocked drain or basement window and allowed to run all day or night? Of course if the moisture isn't cleaned up properly there's always the problem of mold. Even Ted Nugent ended up just abandoning a house of his where the mold got so bad they couldn't deal with it.

If you need some advanced harassment techniques PM me, 'cuz it's not stuff that I wanna put out there for general consumption. Just remember, there's more than one way to skin a cat...do they have cats?

Lastly, much as I love Clint and his movies, the end of 'Gran Torino' has him getting shot to death. 'Nuf said about trying to imitate cinema in life.


A few years ago some nare-do-wells moved in next door. A younger couple. I saw them shooting-up drugs in the back yard while they were moving in.

I promptly picked a few oranges from my tree & went to welcome the new neighbors. I introduced myself as a retired narcotic police officer, & let them know that many of my friends & still police officers would be spending lots of time at my house & if they had any suspicion of druggie neighbors to just report it to us, we are always on the watch, & I had a 'hobby' of running license plates.
They moved the next month!

Yeah I'm dealing with a similar situation with a property that I had a operation in. The place was great for several years until recently, long story short I tracked them from the foot prints in the snow a couple times; happened more than once, grrr... I was trying to get a positive ID on the the thief before I came to conclusions; fortunately during the fucking day time one of my retired neighbors seen the little bastard in my back yard and chased him off. They ID'd the kid(he is freaking 17 and been in juvy) and get this lives straight across the street, so basically he was watching when I was and wasn't there. The kid lives with his grandparents so I don't really want to fire bomb his house, innocent folks shouldn't be involved. So eventually he is going to have an accident, probably 6-12 months from now. I imagine he'll have a hell of a time walking when he gets older due to the two broken legs. Seriously what is wrong with the youths of today? "Tho' shalt not steal from thy neighbor" does this shit ring a bell? The total loss that my family and I took was over $10,000, I want to end to fuckers life but, my wife has talked me down; thank God for her!

So, You need to either find a thug, do it yourself, or simply move. Hope you find tranquility in your life soon! I'm feeling ya, good luck, peace

Rowdy, I'm not suggesting that you actually do any of this 'cuz it's quite against the law, but just think for a moment what kind of impression it might make on an impressionable young man.

Let's just say for shits and giggles that he somehow finds himself restrained with a ball gag in his pie hole, hands tied behind his back with H.D. zip ties (one around each wrist, one connecting the two, and another around both as insurance). And lets say that he's in the basement of an old board up in town and his arms are pulled behind him around the center column of the house. Maybe his legs somehow got staked out spread eagle style and tied to a couple of anchors drilled into the concrete floor. Just for the hell of it let's say that another big zip tie has him and the pole joined at the neck, and after his drawers got cut off somebody slathered his balls with rotten hamburger and peanut butter.

Imagine the impression that a video of this might have if the rats didn't necessarily eat ALL of his man toy, and he actually lived to see it another day? I'm thinkin' that all it would take to keep the little cretin in line would be to mail a DVD of the epoch to him every couple of months just to let him know that somebody still thinks about him...often. Ya see that's all these kids today really need...is some body that cares enough to keep them in their thoughts. If he does step out again I'm sure his friends would all get a kick out'a watchin' a net video of him shitting all over himself and crying for momma as the rats nibbled on his nugs.
We'll call it "Scared Limp", in deference to the old Scared Straight program that the little wannabe's all laugh at.

That's the beauty of fucking someone with Psyops...because physical wounds heal...

Most thugs and thieves have a difficult time processing the reality of an existence where they are neither the biggest, the baddest, nor the craziest. The best way to make that even more effective is to add the element of the unknown. The little urban gangsta's might think their true badasses, and maybe some of them absolutely are, but I have yet to meet the bad little fucker who doesn't feel more than a bit too human when it is suggested that his grandma or mother will pay the piper for his misdeeds. There's also something about being taken down by a complete stranger and ending up in some stage of undress that makes a lasting impression, just ask an Iraqi.

Maybe little Johnny just needs a little water boarding lovin'.
Do these people own or rent the house they live in? If they rent, contact the landlord.

Better yet, have your attorney (or any attorney) contact the landlord. Might cost a bit, couple hundred or so, for a letter and phone call.

Nobody wants to be sued and contacting the landlord, especially via attorney, could motivate said landlord to evict or at least not renew the lease.

Just another idea on how to deal in a non-violent way (coming from someone looking down the barrel at being an old lady herself).


New member
Moving is the best option, with the least consequences. Youngsters now a days have no ethics or morals. But if you wanna get down instead of lay down, kill them by self defense and if your in Cali, you'll only do 5 year, and get out early for good behavior. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Active member
Having lived in the south my entire life, this just sounds like every neighbor I've ever had :laughing:


I like ALL the suggestions cosmik and doublejj. I get all jacked up on adrenaline just thinking about the bastard (takes big hit, exhale... ahh better). The thing is at first I believe the fuck just broke in to steal a TV or something and happened to walk into a harvest drying. I'm a one man operation and I run a two week progressive harvest so i wasn't in a situation to run. I had atleast 3 rotations that were netted and NOT moving. I stayed over there for the better part of the holiday months trying to shore up security and get ready to move. Needless to say he was watching closely and hit me a couple times during the fucking day whilst I was running around organizing the move. He wouldn't steal anything other than the plants that were close and he'd hit it fast and get out quick. So as I play games with this little shit, worrying about if he's told anyone else, what happens if he gets busted by the cops and runs his mouth, etc. I finally get all the rotations moved and I have some extra grow equipment laying around, I bought a bunch of stuff from a failed grow, and the little fuck starts taking that crap so I figure he's got someone talked into growing. I'm going to lay low and recon some information before I start my assault. Damn, they'll have no idea what hit em!


Do these people own or rent the house they live in? If they rent, contact the landlord.

Better yet, have your attorney (or any attorney) contact the landlord. Might cost a bit, couple hundred or so, for a letter and phone call.

Nobody wants to be sued and contacting the landlord, especially via attorney, could motivate said landlord to evict or at least not renew the lease.

Just another idea on how to deal in a non-violent way (coming from someone looking down the barrel at being an old lady herself).

Landlord is a great idea if they rent. In our state the landlord can be held responsible for actions caused by their tenant or guests. Send them a certified letter that show's they recieved it outlining all the actions taking place, as well as the legal responsibilities of the landlord concerning their tenants actions if applicable in your jurisdiction. Also file a copy with your City Manager/Supervisor as well.
Keep a log of all calls/e-mails/letters sent. The date/time/person talked to/focus of the conversation/etc. You'll need these to show that you have pursued things if this goes to court.
Another thing is CODE ENFORCEMENT.......If their property is not up to code that can cause a lot of BS for them especially if the house is condemned as a result.
Or if your in the DC area call channel 7 news and get 7 On Your Side involved. That's the last thing the local governments want to see coming into City Hall's around here.
Thanks for the Feedback

Thanks for the Feedback

Thanks to all who responded. We really needed to vent, and appreciate the feedback.

One option mentioned is already underway: moving.
It's only a block & a half away, but should make a huge difference. Can't move yet since the new place still needs significant work. Once we're gone, we'll rent out this house and kiss those morons goodbye for good.

We've contacted landlords in the past to remove crackhead neighbors, and it worked fine, at least for us. Not so good for the landlord. Her boyfriend kicked in the door after they moved, stuffed-up all the overflows, and turned on the taps. Ceilings collapsed, the wood floors buckled, and it flooded the basement. ( It could have been worse. Sometimes they pour Quickcrete down the drains. )

In this case, we don't have that option because they own the property, and there's no mortgage. We tried buying them out, via a 3rd party attorney, but there was no response. Even worse, before she died, grandma made her daughter promise not to sell it. Unless the Feds crack down and institute civil forfeiture, they'll stay put.

We'll try to coordinate the police with the city building department so the next time there's a call at the house, the electric and plumbing will be inspected. That could really screw them up.

Motion controlled cameras are being researched, and we'll probably need several to cover the property. Should have done that years ago, but then again, technology has improved quite a bit.

The cops are on our side at this point, and we like it that way. Any overt, extra-legal, actions could change the equation. We'd much rather keep our response simple, effective, and untraceable.

That promo clip for "The Whites of West Virginia" was absolutely hilarious! As bad as these neighbors are, they pale in comparison.

The idea of having some heavies pay them a visit is one that's been considered, but "good help is hard to find", and there might be children there. One of them has 3 kids by 3 different girls, and a new one just arrived. There's no way to tell whether they're visiting or not. Better to let that option slide given the possible negative fallout.

Since there are no regulations in this state prohibiting or regulating it, we plan to obtain & carry some very nasty pepper spray.

We're trying to track down the license plates for one of the uncles cars. The worst of them only stays there on & off, and he's probably responsible for the most recent vandalism. Leaving a couple roofing nails leaning into the front & back of one tire could work. No matter which way they pull out, one will be driven in. Nothing like a slow leak every two weeks to frustrate the SOB.

We'll stay in touch, and report any further developments.

Thanks again.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'd be afraid to come home myself if I owned a dog that looked like that, and the dog would damn well know it too.......

if anybody really thinks that moving out is the answer then consider this.

you're going to get less for your property as it'll be obvious you're moving out of a bad neighborhood (remember! you haven't done a THING to change it from deteriorating) so you'll get less than real value for something you've worked a lifetime for.

you're definitely going to spend more to buy a crib in a nicer neighborhood, can you suddenly afford MORE @ this time of your life old timer?

you've given up w/out a fight once so I'm wondering how many more times can/will you cave in in the coming years?

don't feel comfortable handling a gun, DON'T buy one as it will only get you hurt or killed. buy two guard dogs and allow them near nobody other than family, only walk one at a time & every scumbag will know that @ least one of them is in your crib at all times. Get your dog close enough to said scumbags to scent them and then tell your dog(s) "WATCH HIM ~ WATCH HIM!!!" aggressively making your dog hate their scent & letting said scumbags know that the dogs are keyed up for attacking them instantly if they trespass.

Do this routine every chance you get and at the entrance of their home every day and make those fuckers move.......


buy two guard dogs and allow them near nobody other than family, only walk one at a time & every scumbag will know that @ least one of them is in your crib at all times. Get your dog close enough to said scumbags to scent them and then tell your dog(s) "WATCH HIM ~ WATCH HIM!!!" aggressively making your dog hate their scent & letting said scumbags know that the dogs are keyed up for attacking them instantly if they trespass.

Do this routine every chance you get and at the entrance of their home every day and make those fuckers move.......
Nothing like a couple of MEAN ass family friendly dogs watching over your home scaring the crap out of most people but these PRICKS sound like the type's that wouldn't think anything about poisoning your family pets.
Good Luck


Ala "Grand Torino"?

Ala "Grand Torino"?

and that's exactly how to develop a bad neighborhood, move out & leave it to the bad guys.......


Ala "Grand Torino"? IMHO, that was not such a happy ending. :ying:

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