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semi snitched on


Weedman Herb

Police do not take false allegations lightly (even from hot psycho girls) ... so making up shit like the meth lab is out ... stick to the truth and stuff that won't land you in jail or get you sued for slander/defamation ...


ICMag Donor
I'd be worried about her going to the Law. Cops love to suckle up to young girls, especially if they are pretty.

If it were me, I'd get anything illegal out of the apt until this blew over....


Geez, JohnnyATL. Bitches are crazy! (except me).

I never forget someone that fucks me over Ever.

Me either, Bobandy, me either.

Classyathome - You are utterly hilarious.

Anywho, I have an idea that will REALLY piss this girl off. This is something that happened to my friend last summer:

We were all swimming at a secluded quarry. Two young and rather annoying men asked my friend for a beer. There was only one left, so of course she said no. The guys were persistent and rude, so my drunken friend told them to go eat shit. An hour later, in the dark, we made the long trek through the woods and back to my friend's car. She went to open her car door and she said, "Ew, there's something wet under here (sniffs fingers) it's shit!" Lol, she got her towel and cleaned the shit off her door handle with the rest of the water in her water bottle. Just as she gave a sigh of relief that the shit was gone and the experience over with, she got in her car, turned on the headlights and...

There was the BIGGEST pile of shit I have ever seen splattered across the windshield!! I mean runny, diarrhea shit- and HEAPS of it. It was definitely more than one person's! Being drunk and retarded, my stupid friend decided to put her windshield wipers on full blast!! At this point I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe, all while puking my brains out because of the nasty smell. She wasted her whole beach blanket wiping the 10 lbs. of shit off of her windshield. I am a bad friend because I did not help. I literally could not move I was laughing so hard. Whenever that day is remembered, my friend swears it was not funny and that I was an ass for not helping. Oh well.

Talk about a shitty time. :moon:


Yea like others said talk to your aparment people and let them know the story... If you have no traffic and nobody else has complained about you and your rent is always paid on time I doubt they will break your balls... Be careful from now on tho with whatever you do that's illegal... No more high rides for awile haha.. Just let this shit blow over... They will probabily end up back together haha... I had an ex-girlfriend shoot me once... We got back together within a few days... Some relationships are like that.


Active member
talked to the apt complex, and they said that they dont even follow up on stuff like that.

told them the story, and they told us to go to the court house and get a warrent for her arrest for harrasment.

So thats been done and the court date is set with arrest warrent issued. hahah fuck that slut.

also her boyfriend is taking her to court for slader and defamation of character


Active member
the fucked up thing is all i have is some pieces and about a qtr of tree so its not like i have hella shit here.

Im not worried about the police they know shes insane, and it shows because they issued a warant.


the fucked up thing is all i have is some pieces and about a qtr of tree so its not like i have hella shit here.

Im not worried about the police they know shes insane, and it shows because they issued a warant.

As long as you ignore 3/4 of the advice given about fucking up cars etc, you'll have nothigng to worry about police wise