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Selling back to clubs?


I'd love to see what they offer for $70/3.5g if they are only paying $3gs.... they are either buying in EXTREME bulk (25eLBows + at a time) or its all outdoor/greenhouse goods brought down from the triangle. or really crappy indoor.

sounds a lot like highway 420 pharmacy off of the 5... nice place to avoid.

There stuff was really good indoor, he was just trying to hustle me. Obviously with the questions I was asking I had never vended to clubs. Theres no way they pay 3 g's for that stuff, more like mid 4's atleast probably higher. And the part about each plant getting a buch of pounds was the most ignorant statement I have ever heard. I wasn't sure if he really believed that or if that was part of his hustling strategy.

actually alot of is it greenhouse. most people just cant tell the diff......

You're so foqin right. I seldom get club flowers but when I do its rarely that sticky like good indoor, especially pre-98. Alot of places offer greenhouse as their top shelf.

I just got a couple of cuts at GAM so I picked up some pre-98 just for kicks. I couldn't tell it was greenhouse by looking at it but as soon as I got home and touched it I knew right away. Smoked it, yup its greenhouse.

I just falsely assumed that since its in their highest price bracket its indoor.
Same exact thing happened to me at NNCC, pre 98 too. I'm a fool for being curious enough to buy their flowers. Never again.

Ironically the only club that I know of that ONLY carries indoor high grade meds is the place with the hustling fat owner who thinks each plant yeilds pounds (mind you I only went there 4 times and havnt been in one year). He kind of reminded me of Tom Cruise's character in Tropic Thunder. BTW its called the Natural Way LA. Sic stuff but a foqin RIP.

But I can't hate on GAM for their cuts. I got Flo in a rapid rooter, suppolsedly from dj shorts own mother. They're pretty much out of RW cube cuts.
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ICMag Donor
Glasshouse grown weed can be just as medicinal valuable as HPS erb when its grown well. Within extensive commercial gardens however (indoor or outdoor) quality is usually lost.



Glasshouse grown weed can be just as medicinal valuable as HPS erb when its grown well. Within extensive commercial gardens however (indoor or outdoor) quality is usually lost.


I know you're correct but for me indoor is, when done right, just better than greenhouse or outdoor. And the clubs typically pay less for greenhouse and outdoor so they should charge less.


ICMag Donor
Cool. I understand that,, indoor weed does cost more to produce after all :yes: For the purpose of making bubblehash however ,,there's little reason why all plants couldn't/shouldn't be grown outdoors.peace peace peace


ICMag Donor
Eddy Lep had 32,000+ plants,, all destined for the medi. community,, Jah bless him :canabis:


Just Call me Urkle!!
Funny how some of the best hash in the world comes from plants grown outside.... Indoor is lovely but I've yet to see a bud that tasted better than the outdoor Romulan I smoked with a longtime grower in the triangle on his property. The nugs were so frosted and sticky and the taste was incredible!!! When done right mother nature wins IMO but don't get me wrong indoor is the shit and it's all I grow I just think people have a bad taste in their mouth about outdoor dank cuz they never really got some real deal good out's


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
I'm sending NiteTiger and PurrPullKush K+ for that discussion a few pages back. What a great example of a civilized discussion where both parties disagree but maintain respect. I've seen too many good threads go down because people cant see that at the end of the day we are all on the same side.

K+ boys.


eh there was some dj cuts going around, but i GAM is shady... esp. when they try to push there shitty hash on you...
I know someone who met DJ when he was in the club where these cuts were originally handed out. They're out there for sure. Seems the only keeper out of the bunch was Flo and Vanilla Luna was a somewhat distant second. DJ himself, through IC, said he's released em. 'That' club still offers em and know a few peeps I'd trust that are holding legit cuts also from early after the initial release. Only thing I'm interested in is Flo...and will have it in about 2 weeks...heh heh.


Registered Med User
Who knows of a good club in the bay where someone could take some pretty good outdoor in and walk out with at least 2500/lb? My folks got some Godbud, TNR, and Safari mix. If u know a spot pm me if u dont feal comfortable post'n in the thread.


Active member
Get Mo unfortunately you're up north where outdoor pot is probably everyyyywhere (notice I say unfortunately...heh)

I know here in So Cal dispensaries will pay up to 3 for a really good outdoor lb.
Goodluck on the search, im sure there is someone.. plus longer its curing the better it will get :)


GreySkull is right about the pricing on the outdoor. If you say "the dudes stuff is pretty good but it aint no purple fire or nothin, Horizon is the only spot Ive really checked out." That tells me he is going to have a hard time getting rid of it and should just sell it for what he can get. Most clubs are very strict about what they pay top dollar for. Any little thing will knock down the price a lot. Even if it is some OG, purp, or another top strain. In my experience if you are trying to work the clubs you better grow the best and do a damn good job, or you're going to get shit for your hard work. Best of luck to your buddy.


New member
Yeah I would say you could get up to three in S Cal if it is good quality...a couple of months ago it was down to $2500 because of the flood of outdoor...

In OC prices are back up...PM me if you want a couple of places in OC that will buy...


I've always wondered about the legality of selling to the clubs. Even if the transaction were legal under California state law, wouldn't there still be restrictions on how much weight you can have? And I doubt that each transaction between the clubs and growers/middle-men is less than 2lbs...

In my opinion, selling to the clubs seems like a legal grey area. Can anyone clear things up?


Active member
As far as im concerned you can accept money for your hardwork and any money you spent on growing the pot.

Basically, thats all it is, grey area..but hey i dont mind too much
I'm curious as to what clubs in the Bay Area pay for Lbs. of quality (Purple strains and non-Purple) MMJ. Anyone have any information or can shed some light on the subject?


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