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sell to dispensaries in california


Active member
And what happens when you get Powder Mildew and Spider Mites?

you must prevent those by treating your plants with the right things.

maybe bomb ur basement/grow befor you begin. spray clones with eagle20 for mildewww and even floramite for mites if ur that worried.

note both those products are to be used in VEG ONLY .......^^^^^^

ive only had problems from outside clones coming in....

using preventatives is the best way to be sure you wont encounter these issues.... pceee


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ya...i cannot imagine not being able to make money off herb in cali, if you know what your doing...there may not be a whole lotta room for more of these 'caring medical dispensary operators and owners'...but if your needs are less then tens of thousands of dollars a month, you will be fine IMO...if you are dedicated enough to get into ucsd...you got a chance...
one thing ive learned living in a med state. aslong as you product is grown how weed should be. theere will always be market for it..

for instance. here in CO they HAVE TONS OF GARBAGE floating around from ppl who dont kno what there doing. buttt. if you grow that tru fire. u will have no probs selling it.

i can sell my weed to a club everyday if i wanted. cause good herb is in demand.

good luck

Same thing here in Cali, been that way for a while now!

To the OP- If you are confident in your abilities and are not being delusional I think you can do it. Just understand that you probably won't be making the money you think you will. You will also not be seeing the prices you see in Texas..... Good luck either way


Autos are for pussies!
lmao! I looove how people basically try to tell you not to come to THEIR state. These mofos don't own the state! You're free to travel where ever you please, just remember there's stiff competition.


^^^Nowhere is it stiffer than in California. Here, the # price of the best bud in the world is probably less than 75% of what decent indoor goes for in your home state.

And don't get caught up in all this "legal" talk. Selling to dispensaries as an independent, non-affiliated grower is not legal. Not at all. It's a practice that lurks in a legal grey area - it's necessary, and happens all the time, but is in no way sanctioned or protected by our mmj statutes. Just look at what happened to Krunch - he was the owner/operator of a licensed collective but didn't have his shit together, got popped in transit, and in the best case scenario, will have to suffer through a legal nightmare and eat the substantial resultant legal fees.

I'm a real medical patient, and I can tell you that under the current paradigm, I certainly don't feel "free." I'm grateful to have the tiny bit of personal protection I have, but anything commercial isn't even close to "legal." If the cops decide to knock down my door because they'd like to take a shot at seizing my assets via "forfeiture," I am guilty until proven innocent under the current laws, not the other way around as so many of you like to believe. Prop 215 gives me a legal defense in court, but my life would be turned upside down during the process, and without spending tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and having all my ducks in a line compliance-wise, there would be no guarantee of safety.

Now, my grow is 1200w and it supplies another legitimate patient beside myself, and the above legal description would only be something to worry about if I decided to go big enough to get on leo's radar. But the kind of grow that would be necessary to put you through grad school would definitely get the notoriously over-zealous SoCal piggies pitchin' a tent at the thought of raining on your parade.

Even if you beat the charges, that drug-related arrest would be on your record for the long haul. What kind of impact do you think that would have on your job prospects after graduation? The scrutiny that comes along with applying for jobs requiring graduate degrees isn't something to underestimate.

Nevertheless, as others have said, if you're a 99th percentile grower (hell, even a 95th percentile grower) you'll have no problem getting a reasonable return from dispensaries, shady as most of them may be business-wise. It would be wise not to entertain any delusions of grandeur though - there are a lot of people out here who have been at it for decades and hold proprietary genetics exponentially better than anything you've ever seen in Texas.


and the state is now planning to tax us poor fux even harder, no matter what the politicians say

if prop 19 passes, the fed will cut the welfare money they send to cali to subsidize the roads, schools, and the politickers paychex

what will happen if the free money goes away? do you think the politicians will too, just because they cut their pay spiffs?

tax our ass more is all that will happen, and its already a bitch here

come on out and see if all you are looking for is the experience, but please make sure you have a backup plan, and don't blow all your savings trying to become a baller in a place where ballin is on its way out


Freedom Fighter
and the state is now planning to tax us poor fux even harder, no matter what the politicians say

if prop 19 passes, the fed will cut the welfare money they send to cali to subsidize the roads, schools, and the politickers paychex

what will happen if the free money goes away? do you think the politicians will too, just because they cut their pay spiffs?

tax our ass more is all that will happen, and its already a bitch here

The Feds ain't going to cut shit-- Please show me where there is legitimate talk about this-- More fear-mongering--
So a $50 (If that is what it ends up being) tax is worse than the $300 it cost for a ticket for that ounce?? ($100+Court Cost+losing the Oz)
I could go on...but it has all been said so much, I am getting tired of saying it--


I am for prop 19 passing kmk, but I'm still expecting the lashback. That is why I have to wear a bucket on the road. When nestea said the freeway funds would be cut for not passing the lid law, it went into effect that year.

I have personally seen the bench hand down $300 judgement on first time offenders in San Berdoo, so it is more than 3 bills when you count the cost of the lost sack.

Freedom isn't free. If it was, nobody would want it.


Freedom Fighter
I am for prop 19 passing kmk, but I'm still expecting the lashback. That is why I have to wear a bucket on the road. When nestea said the freeway funds would be cut for not passing the lid law, it went into effect that year.

I have personally seen the bench hand down $300 judgement on first time offenders in San Berdoo, so it is more than 3 bills when you count the cost of the lost sack.

Freedom isn't free. If it was, nobody would want it.

My bad for misunderstanding-- I get caught up in the heat of the moment sometimes--
I thought you were anti-tax...period--
Fuck helmet laws!! I agree with you on that one-- Quit fining us or mandating that we have no "Personal" choices left!!
Don't even get me started on "Right to Die"!! (Speaking of Elderly or Terminal People)

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
lmao! I looove how people basically try to tell you not to come to THEIR state. These mofos don't own the state! You're free to travel where ever you please, just remember there's stiff competition.

Maybe its good advice for the question posed?
from what you read and reality is fucking huge.......

what's organic hydro to a dispensary? does not mean a fucking thing. they will lowball the shit out of you, most likely will offer 1/4-1/2 what your asking. if you dont like it, get out of here, they will say. they buy from there people's, they dont care about you.....

Truth hurts. I most definitely do not suggest relying on a single-bedroom or domestic office grow to pay the bills. Ain't gonna happen, especially in San Diego.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
if you have good meds you can do it no problem, i would however focus on locating patients needing meds versus the clubs.

why get donations from a club at $30 an 8th when you can either give a patient that same donation amount or raise it even to club prices or a bit under.

patient to patient is far better especially if the club gets raided, shutdown or looked into further.

there are more than enough places to locate donors for your meds, those who are bitching about it being too packed out here simply aren't trying hard enough OR were so used to how it used to be but not ready to adapt to the current market.

you got to either keep up or get out of the way

as far as a single room grow, it is possible to get decent donations from that size but remember as well. just because you have a med card doesn't mean you can run around letting everyone know and security would STILL be job #1.

people get shit jacked out here all the time, one dude in my city shot and killed someone while they were trying to steal his plants. his problem was they were leaving SO no immediate danger, he is fucked in my book BUT we will see how that plays out.

many landlords are not cool with med growing either, if you are renting just remember the 6 month or 1 year walk throughs, fixing the a/c, checking the water heater and a whole mess of other b.s. to invade your privacy.

think of what you will do during those times, simply keep the door locked, is it the one with the main power panel which might be needed to be looked at during some off chance that they need to shut off the power for "some reason".

anything could come up and be prepared for it because just like texas you still have to watch your ass out here

eviction possibilities - good luck trying to fight the "med rights" case on that one

rippers - many patients are too open with who they talk with about their grow and most people have friend and many are more than happy to take your shit.

I say go for it, thats the great part about this country. Its up to you whether you win or lose at this game.
I see your point, medmaker, but that in itself carries its own risk as well. Didn't we recently have a member busted at gunpoint by an LEO faking to be a med patient? Those were only clones too.

Just need to create a private, low-key network of patients. That takes some time and getting to know or find the right folks. We can't just put up a sign advertising our services, of course. Building a customer base can be difficult.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I see your point, medmaker, but that in itself carries its own risk as well. Didn't we recently have a member busted at gunpoint by an LEO faking to be a med patient? Those were only clones too.

Just need to create a private, low-key network of patients. That takes some time and getting to know or find the right folks. We can't just put up a sign advertising our services, of course. Building a customer base can be difficult.

of course that happens, I was more or less speaking more on the ability to find a group of people who you find cool and expand from there. It really isn't that difficult to locate a mess of patients unless you are a hermit then odds are clubs are the best bet.

if that cop faked being a patient then someone didn't check the recommendation to see if it was valid and match it with the id then correct?

Classic Seeds

you know if your doing good in texas colorado is a lot closer and not as hooked up as california is you would find it hard to make a go of just being a grower every body and their cousin are all ready there trying to cash in you have to have a good job to cover the rent and exspenses between harvests plus its not easy geting a high price anymore to much supply and not enuff market good luck what ever you do a dream is a nice thing to have but it does not allways match the reality of the situation
if that cop faked being a patient then someone didn't check the recommendation to see if it was valid and match it with the id then correct?

It was an expired rec. Double-face-palm moment. I really feel for that guy...

Well, I'm no hermit and finding a solid base admittedly took awhile. The majority of the different circles of friends and groups I'm in just don't use marijuana. Hell, most flat-out refuse to touch it. The folks who actually smoke do not have a rec. I had to branch out substantially without revealing that I grow. And even then, there weren't a lot of cardholders out there.

For a newcomer in town, building this base can be tough if you are not in the "right crowd". Even tougher if you have pressing money concerns (ie bills, tuition) as a grad student. If you meet the right group of folks, then it's definitely cake. Gotta get lucky I suppose. (And I'm just plain unlucky)


Move to a different state, face less competition, but deal in shadier, illegal situations, with serious potential prison consequences. Or, accept a massive cost of living, and the fact that you are essentially opening up a fast food joint between Wendy's and McDonalds.


Active member

Aliken marijuana growing and selling in California to owning a retail store or better yet being a vaccum cleaner or car salesperson. Everyone is doing it, there are those that make 10k a year and those that make half a million a year or much more. Get paid what you are worth over here.

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